I told my roommates about the deal I had with Zhong Yuan. After they heard, Lil’ Second summed things up, “In other words, you have a sugar daddy?”


I scratched my head helplessly. “Please. How could you say I have a sugar daddy? This is obviously the relationship between a creditor and debtor, a boss and his employee, the oppressor and the oppressed… It’s a tragedy…”

Before I could finish, Miss Fourth interrupted. “Not only is he your sugar daddy, you two have some unwritten rules?”

I was speechless.

These people just want to see the world burn! I pleaded to Boss for help, for the beautiful, noble, and kind Boss to speak up for me…

Boss rubbed the new layer of hair growing from my head. With a smile, she said, “Blockhead, you should hold a set of lectures. On how to pick up a quality, handsome guy.”

I wanted to cry but there were no tears. I knocked her hand away. “I will when I get together with Lu Zijian!”

At the mention of Lu Zijian, Lil’ Second stirred. She slammed her hand on her desk and wailed, “My poor Top Lu, what a bitter fate you have…”

Miss Fourth frowned. “Why are you crying? The kid’s not dead.”

Lil’ Second replied, “If he did die, you’d be the one crying, right?”

Miss Fourth raised her leg and kicked Lil’ Second’s chair.

I looked at the chaos before me and then quietly climbed into bed. Forget it. A rumor stops at a wise man anyway. They can think whatever they want. I just have to last 15 more months. Mhm!

Or maybe one day, I’ll accidentally end up with a boyfriend like Lu Zijian, and… Haha hahaha…

When I thought of that, I couldn’t help laughing foolishly as I went to bed.

I fully experienced the employer-employee relationship between Zhong Yuan and myself by the time school started. It really left me speechless. This was the fate of the oppressed.

Because of Zhong Yuan’s morning practice, I had to wake up half an hour earlier than normal. I was very upset about that point, but of course I only grumbled about it to myself. There was nothing else that I could do.

Zhong Yuan, the freak, dragged me out to go running in the mornings. I couldn’t even pull my eyes open that early. But it wasn’t only that. He even wore a super eye-catching white training suit; it was whiter than Snow White. And well, I guess he did count as good looking, so we naturally drew a lot of attention. Or rather, he drew a lot of attention. I was simply a background prop, and a wretched one at that.

And just so you know, I hate running. A lot…

I tried to appeal, “Zhong Yuan, can I make a request to not run?”

Zhong Yuan was jogging, his complexion and breathing even. He asked me, “For what reason?”

I came up with a very dignified response that most people wouldn’t refuse. “My calves will get thick.”

Zhong Yuan shot down my request without even feigning concern. “That’s OK, I don’t mind.”

I thought his words sounded weird, and after thinking them over, I finally realized what he was saying. “What right do you have to mind or not mind?!” I couldn’t believe that there was an employer who would dislike that his employee had thick calves. What a picky boss that would be!

Zhong Yuan stopped and looked at me. Displeased, he said, “I’d been thinking that I’d give you a raise if you did well, but here you are, on the first day, already singing a different tune.” Without waiting for a response, he turned away and continued running.

And just as if I had no backbone, I started running after him. “I’ll run! I don’t care if my calves get thick…!”

Zhong Yuan didn’t say anything.

Panting, I called out, “C-can you run slower…” This was the advantage of having long legs. I was definitely jealous…

Zhong Yuan remained silent, but his pace slowed a lot.

Touched, I turned to look at him, and I realized that his eyes were narrowed a bit and his lips were curved up, like he was smiling. The smile didn’t seem like his usual sinister smile, but rather refreshing. Refreshing, like the air at dawn.

That’s why they say that even bad guys can find a conscience. Zhong Yuan was an example of that.

Of course, even when bad guys find a conscience, they’re still bad guys.