This was an unfinished translation in NU. It’s pretty easy to read with MTL…so I’m not sure if anyone is interested. If I get enough comments, I’ll  continue. Else it’s a one off..

Zhong Yuan was looking at me with a smile, his black eyes shining with an evil glint.My head exploded! This…how had this happened?

I slid out of Zhong Yuan’s arms and jumped out of bed. Then I stammered as I asked him, “Why are you,you….you here? What have you done to me?”

Zhong Yun calmly turned to his side. With one hand supporting  his head, his posture was like an enchanting mermaid. He looked at me and smiled a bit, “ Please look around to see whose room this is.”

I looked around and felt like fainting . This room was very similar to our room, but Zhong Yuan’s luggage in the corner  was a clear indication of whose room this was.

How did I manage to end up in the wrong room? Then I vaguely recalled going to the toilet early in the morning. I had entered the room after that half asleep, and had not checked who was lying on the bed. Did that mean that I had been sleeping in this room since then? Not only that, I had slept in the same bed as Zhong Yuan, and he in turn, was sharing his room with three other boys who must have seen me. Especially Lu Zijian….

Inside, I was crying now.

Zhong Yuan watched me for a while, then suddenly said, “ Hey, are you worried about Lu Zijian?”

I nodded, then felt embarrassed and shook my head.

Zhong Yuan smiled happily, “ Unfortunately for you, Lu Zijian has already seen you sleeping here.”

Zhong Yuan, that cad, who could only think of harming others gave rise to feelings of condemnation and contempt in my heart, “ So why didn’t you wake me up?”

Zhong Yuan replied, “ I called your name, but you refused to wake up. Not only that” , he looked at me slyly and smiled smugly, “ you even took the initiative to hug me.”

How could I behave so shamelessly! At that point, I really wished for a lightning bolt from the sky to strike and kill me at that instant.

All I remembered was that I had gone to the bathroom in the middle of the night and returned to my room. I could not recall anything after that. Although I did not always trust what Zhong Yuan said, I still felt a chill run through me when he said I hugged him. Please God, let that not be true….

I was just about to speak again when I heard some whispering outside. I walked to the door and pulled it open.

Three men and three women were huddled in front of the door, their expressions ranging from wretched to comical. The most unfortunate thing was that even Lu Zijian was among this group!

Realising that there were a lot of people in this gang of eavesdroppers, I didn’t dare confront them. Moreover, I was still worried that Zhong Yuan would tell them something ridiculous to embarrass me further . So I made a quick escape.

So this trip, which I had embarked on  with such great expectations, started with such a great morning!

After breakfast, the eight of us took two boats to row into Lake Baiyangdian. Our task today was to familiarise ourselves with the general ecological environment of the lake.

The boats were ordinary wooden boats rented from a nearby farm. Each had two oars, which were manually operated. We were divided into two groups. All of us except Lu Zijian were in one boat. The professionals were in another boat with Lu Zijian.

It was a sunny day and even though it was summer, there was a mild breeze. The azure sky and the beautiful blue lake made a scenery that engendered a sense of peace. The lake was quite wide and calm, and the breeze made tiny waves that bumped against the hull of the boat creating tiny bubbles, like naughty children. The rhythmic pull of the oars created a humming noise that was like a calming lullaby.

The scenery wasn’t really beautiful, but surprisingly pleasant, like a pretty girl from an ordinary family who was kind and refreshing.

I could not help but fall into a daze. I took off my sandals and dipped my bare feet in the water. The water was cool to the touch , and made me feel refreshed. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed this balm to my soul.

I heard a familiar click, and I knew that Zhong Yuan must be taking pictures again. This guy was really strange. He had a camera, but I always saw him using his mobile phone to take pictures. I opened my eyes to look at him but found him staring at the water with a strange fascination. Intrigued, I followed his line of sight, only to find it was directed towards my own pair of feet.

My feet were gently swaying in the water, the sunlight glinting over them. They were wet and shiny, my ankles were slender, the nails rounded and cute. I coughed a little. Embarrassed with the attention, I pulled up my feet to rest on the side of the boat. The gentles waves lapped over my feet.

Zhong Yuan’s evil gaze was still on my feet. I saw his throat move as he gulped slightly. That made me wonder if he was suffering from a heat stroke. Although there was a cool breeze, it was still quite hot. The power of the sun could not be underestimated and the ultraviolet rays could wreak havoc in a human. 

I gently poked his arm and asked, “ What happened to you?”

My poke seemed to have jolted him out of his daze. He turned and glanced at me. Then he turned away his face and looked into the distance.

But to my surprise, there was a slight pink flush on his cheeks. I blinked in disbelief. Suddenly, the world had turned into a better place. But then I realised  Zhong Yuan had a very thick skin. If he was blushing, it was probably because he was sick. Looked like this kid really was suffering from heatstroke, I told myself. I pulled out a bottle of fennel water from my backpack and held it out to him.”Drink this.”

Zhong Yuan didn’t even bother looking at my hand. He unscrewed the cap and took a swig from the bottle then frowned, “ What did you give me ? “ Something was really wrong with this kid. Had he lost his soul? He held the empty bottle for a while, then handed it back to me without thanking me. He looked at my face and then again at my feet. Irrationally, I pulled my feet closer. I was feeling awkward. I had no idea what he was thinking of, but his gaze was a bit strange and made me feel weird. I stood up. I really didn’t know why his emotions made me feel this way.

Realising that he seemed to be spellbound whenever he looked at my feet, I coughed, then mumbled awkwardly, “ My feet…are they pretty? Ha ha…” 

Actually, this wasn’t me. I was not  a narcissist. I may be quite ordinary looking, but as far as my feet were concerned, I had often heard people praise it. Although I would be the first person to say that it was quite useless to have pretty feet, but it was better than having nothing beautiful at all.

Zhong Yun shook his head, then smiled. The smile was so vivid and enchanting that I revised my opinion about his condition. He wasn’t ill but evil. He stared at my feet, then nodded slightly, “ They’re pretty good.”

The atmosphere was still awkward but my mood immediately improved. It wasn’t that easy to get Zhong Yuan to praise anything.

The his gaze cleared and all traces of illness vanished. Anyway, it’s not like the fennel water  would have saved him if he was really ill.

A long time later, when someone pushed me down on the bed and kissed my toes one by one, I realised that it wasn’t a completely useless gift to have pretty feet. I later learnt that some men get turned on by pretty feet. Because there was something in this world called a foot fetish. And Zhong Yuan suffered from a mild form of this disease.

miumiu – this story is just plain fluff. The MC is, in the manner of many CN, quite dumb. I found this novel alright till I came to that part where the ML’s POV is shared. That was so sweet that I immediately revised my ratings for this novel from a 3 to a 4.5….