Our love story

In fact, Zhang Xu and I were indeed childhood friends. We had a good relationship in school. Even though there was no deep love, with the onset of puberty, it was quite natural to have ‘revolutionary’ feelings. With the surge of hormones in puberty, Brother Zhang suddenly started looking very pleasing to the eyes. Now when I think about it, at that time , I was more interested in the idea of falling in love than the actual thing.

Later, things started going south, At the beginning, no one suspected a thing since it was normal for us to be together. However his mother was one weakness that Zhang Xu had. He valued and obeyed his mother even more than the teacher. When the two of us had a slight argument in school, even the teacher scolded us. That didn’t really bother him. But when his mother said the same things, the kid was completely scared. What could I, the little girl do ?

I decided to endure it. Everyone would be free after the college entrance exams .. this is what Brother Zhang had told me. When I heard this, my heart dropped. I thought this was an indication that he would confess his love for me after the exams. How romantic! Unfortunately, in the evening of the exams, I was still waiting for those words.

“ My mom won’t let me be with you, She said that our destinations in life are very different.”

This was a clean rejection. After a few days, my father heard some gossip in Zhang Sanye’s group. The message seemed to be that Zhang Xu’s mother suspected my grades were poor. She wanted her daughter in law to be from the same university as Zhang Xu, and I would not fit the bill.

To sum it all up, I wasn’t good enough for him

I was so upset that I went up to Zhang Xu and asked him if this was true. He stood silent for a long time before utterin one word – sorry.