Chapter 27 – Poor me

Zhong Yuan was having his breakfast in the yard. There was a huge phoenix tree in our yard. It was spring, and the tree was dense with small lavender flowers. The picture was quite charming. Under the tree, there was a small table, and a deceptively calm person was quietly eating breakfast at that table. Although I knew very well that Zhong Yuan was not a person to be described as calm and peaceful, I had to admit that at that moment, the scenery in front of me was quite eye catching

My blood rushed to my brain rendering me momentarily dumb founded. Slowly, I stepped forward and sat opposite Zhong Yuan. Looking at his calm demeanour, I didn’t know how I could ask him. So I asked him something generic instead – ‘ Where is my dad?”

“ He went out”, Zhong Yuan pushed the buns on the table towards me. Then, as if this was his home, he calmly instructed me “ Go wash your hands. Otherwise I wont let you touch the buns. If you want to have porridge instead, go get it yourself.”

I rolled my eyes. This was not his home, it was mine. But I wasn’t in the mood to care about such minutiae at that moment. So I gathered my courage and solemnly asked him, “ Zhong Yuan, did you bring me back yesterday?”

He replied calmly, “ Who did you think brought you back ? Zhang Xu brother? “ He enunciated the words ‘Zhang Xu brother ‘with emphasis.

I tolerated the dig and continued, “ So… were you the one who folded my clothes?”

Zhong Xuan nodded, “ Yes”

My heart tightened, “ But…”

“ You undressed yourself.” He looked up at me now and continued emotionlessly, “ I didn’t do anything but stack the clothes neatly by your bedside.”

Someone help me! I fisted my hands, desperately suppressing the rising annoyance in my heart and asked him the last question,” Did you see me?”

Zhong Yuan’s lips lifted at the corners in a smile, “ What do you mean?”

I looked at him resentfully. Surely, he understood what I meant

His smile grew deeper. He raised his eyebrows and replied, “ Yes I have. I will be responsible for you.”

I gnashed my teeth in anger, “ You.. rogue!”

Zhong Yuan continued calmly, “ Actually, it was you who really started all this. I just took you to your room and you started taking off your clothes. I wanted to turn around , but you held on to me. Fortunately, you were drunk, else, I would think you were a female rogue.”

I lowered my head in shame and my face reddened. Oh heavens! Why had I behaved so shamelessly?

Zhong Yuan was still not done. “ In the future, when you are upset, don’t drink. You have a very low tolerance. Fortunately, I am a gentleman. But if you were to encounter Zhang Xu, maybe you would have been successful.”

I was both ashamed and angry, and immediately retorted,” It was you who peeked at others, why are you the blaming me?”

“ Peeking?”He repeated the word in a low voice. His eyes swept across my chest. Then he smiled disdainfully and said, “ What is there to peek at ? Even I am better than you. Atleast the pectoral muscles in my chest are developed. What do you have?”

I was speechless. I was so upset by this observation.


So I locked myself in the room and took photos in front of the mirror. He was a horrible person! Why did he say I have nothing ? I was obviously the biggest in A cup. Zhong Yuan was deliberately trying to torment me and make me feel inferior.

No, I had to retaliate!

I wanted to but I had no idea how. Finally, I sent out text messages to the group. The message was , “ How do I make a boy feel inferior?”

After a while, Miss Fourth replied, “ Ask Li’l Second”

Then boss replied, “ Li’l second will give you the right answer.”

I waited for nearly half an hour with increasing uneasiness. Then finally li’l second replied to me. “ Laugh at the size of his d***.”

Great! I decided I would go with her suggestion.