I'll Be The Matriarch In This Life
Romance Author:SweetAily0
UpdateTime:2021-10-15 14:10
Welcome! This is the continuation of the Light Novel "I"ll be the Matriarch in this Life" ("In this Life, I"ll be the Lord"). If you already read the other chapters from Chapters 1-200 then you"re on the right path! more>>[Remainder: ALWAYS read the announcements so you won"t come and fight me later. TT.TT Thank you!)Hello Fellow Readers!Welcome! This is the continuation of the Light Novel "I"ll be the Matriarch in this Life" ("In this Life, I"ll be the Lord"). If you already read the other chapters from Chapters 1-200 then you"re on the right path!Like any of you, among the many Manhwa I have read, this is one of my favorites! That"s why I asked (and credits to) mtlspoilme if I can help on porting the proofread last chapters. I"m so glad that they agreed to it! I, myself, find it hard to read the raws that was provided on the link, although I am grateful, but I decided to help them a little and also for me to fully grasp the last plot of revenge planned by one and only, Florentia Lombardi, oh and her (our)baby, Perez Durelli.I hope you enjoy the story!Don"t fight! Just read, comment (if you"re hype!) and enjoy! back<<
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