Chapter 584 Prison Bomb

Name:I'll Surpass The MC Author:
Chapter 584 Prison Bomb

Advanced Gold Grade Pranic Beast—Zinger Prince!

Primary Nature—Prison Bomb!

This was a power derived from the Clumped Finger's Primary Nature of Imprison. Imprison worked by accumulating a layer of minerals on the target body to transform them into a sculpture.

Prison Bomb's functions were even simpler. Biome Bombs at the Gold Grade were capable of creating a terrain. A Prison Bomb did exactly that.

It built a terrain around the target, trapping them in the centre of the Prison Bomb. The material could be whatever the Zinger Prince wanted and could be condensed to counter the characteristics of the target.

Also, the Prison Bomb functioned in such a way that the moment the captive target resisted and struggled to break free, the Prison Bomb would absorb their Prana and Lifespan to reinforce the terrain layering them.

Eventually, the target becomes completely imprisoned in the centre, unable to break free. A Prison Bomb was just a modified Biome Bomb. Hence, the activation requirements were the same.

A Prison Bomb was a frustrating ability to face, since even if one could break free from it, they'd be too exhausted to continue fighting. Besides, while they were fighting to break free, the Zinger Prince could casually condense another Prison Bomb and hurl it at them.

"I'll name you Kenka," Inala infused a sea of information into the latter through a Tangible Piezo Slip, "You'll exist to capture any targets necessary for the Quip Clan's development and will also act as a counter to future invasions. Depending on the situation, you'll be joining hands with the other Gold Grade Quip Clansmen for our objectives."

The Zinger Prince was named Kenka Echo, and became the second strongest Quip Clansman, right behind the Royal Zinger. Until the Zinger Representative came to be, he was the one who will be managing the Quip Clan's affairs.

With that, the three pinnacle Gold Grade cultivators of the Quip Clan became full-fledged Clansmen. They could now head into the wilds to carve their own territories.

Of course, Inala had no plans to send them out until they obtained their Secondary Nature. Only then would their powers not be compromised in the case Brangara chances upon them and consumes them.

Wittral observed Inala's exchange with the three Gold Grade Quip Clansmen, 'Beginner Gold, Intermediate Gold, and Advanced Gold. There are three terrifying Gold Grade variants.'

He then stared at himself, 'When I become a Quip Clansman, I'll become the fourth variant and the strongest of them all.'

"How long do I need to wait?" Wittral asked Inala, expectant of when he could become the Zinger Representative.

Many months had passed since Wittral decided to traverse alongside Inala on his path as the Royal Zinger. In these months, Inala had shared a lot of his plans with Wittral, keeping the latter up to speed with everything.

From the direction he wanted to develop the Quip Clan, plans to increase their population, locations where he could form settlements, the culture of the Quip Clan, etc. Inala told everything to Wittral and made plans according to the latter's input.

By now, despite being an Empyrean Snapper, Wittral subconsciously began to consider himself part of the Quip Clan. Upon seeing the Quip Clansmen use Mystic Royal Art, he felt jealous, 'I should have been the first one to use them.' Updated from n0velb(i)n.c(o)/m

Boul Brimgan was a diplomatic individual. He began to sell water to neighbouring Pranic Beast territories at a decently affordable rate. The price was through a barter system of resources, especially those produced in the Pranic Beast bodies.

Similar to the Red-Draft River, any river body in Sumatra Continent was home to the most terrifying of Pranic Beasts. Millingers were just one of the terrifying creatures in the Red-

Draft River.

Similarly, the river found by the Brimgan Empire was also dangerous enough. It was why other Pranic Beasts from the drought-filled regions couldn't approach the river. Doing so was suicide, since they'd be attacked by the Pranic Beasts native to the river.

Only the Brimgan Empire dared to approach the river, having the strength and means to do so. To ensure the success of this operation, Boul Brimgan sent Harla Brimgan to the scene.

The moment this powerhouse arrived at the river, the native Pranic Beasts were fiercely suppressed. After all, her strength now was vastly superior to what she possessed at the Second Major Disaster.

Thanks to the cultivation technique of Mystic Kinesis Art that Boul Brimgan gave her, with the Golden Giant's aid, Harla Brimgan obtained her Secondary Nature, able to now transform her Spirit Weapons into a Minor Treasure too.

That gave her more than enough power to freely contest against Gold Grade Pranic Beasts in their homes.

Even while operating in the vicinity of the Dralh Sea, Inala was still able to obtain information related to Harla Brimgan. Many Pranic Beasts at the Silver Grade were discussing this issue after all.

The two Biome Bombs landed on the thin layer of water as its six legs—the remaining two were used to hold each other as one—paddled in a flurry, carrying it forth on the water at a decent speed.

Abyss Ring was a heavily contested place, as that was the only habitable place in the Dralh Sea. So, all the natives were engaged in a bloody battle there, all whilst being swarmed by the Phells.


As the Biome Bombs rowed across the water, followed by whistling sounds, thousands of Bludders raced past them, invading the Dralh Sea once again. When the Dralh Sea dried up, the natives there focused all their power to keep themselves alive.

This created a perfect chance for the Bludders to experience a grand feast. And they have been at it ever since the Second Major Disaster. As a result, the population of Bludders went out of control, causing them to spill out onto all the neighbouring regions.

'There are at least twenty times their numbers now as compared to the previous time I was at the Dralh Sea.' Inala thought and changed directions, not because of the Bludders, but to avoid the Empyrean Snappers that were returning to their homes from the Brimgan Empire.

Unlike in their hurried pace before, achieved by rapidly consuming their Spirit Pools, the Empyrean Snappers were returning at a cruise speed. Hence, even after so many months, they hadn't returned to the Abyss Ring yet.

Currently, they too were being targeted by the Bludders. Inala avoided them to ensure Wittral didn't come in contact with them. until Wittral became the Zinger Representative, Inala had no intentions to allow a reunion between the two.

Hence, before Wittral could even sense the Cooter Clan's activities, Inala changed directions and plunged into the water, taking advantage of the refractive index of water to ensure nothing beyond a certain range outside could be perceived from within the water.

Using the Bludders as an excuse, the Biome Bombs continued to move underwater, making a beeline to the Abyss Fall.