Chapter 707 New Blola!

Name:I'll Surpass The MC Author:
707 New Blola!

Forest of Enrinos!

At a cave deep underneath, in the location the Mammoth Clan had been hiding for years after the Second Major Disaster, the screams of a man echoed nonstop.

The entire place was vacant except for this boy, who was sprawled on the floor. Root tendrils jutted out of his body and dug into the soil, absorbing nutrients before wilting a few seconds later. The process repeated in a loop, with his screams accompanying them every single time.

"Argh! Aaarghhh! You...damn...get recked!" Blola screamed as he fainted for the hundredth time on the same day.

"Hah...haah! Shit!" He gasped in exhaustion upon arriving at his mind space, which was a void way vaster than every other living being on Sumatra.

The void was divided into two parts, with four-tenths of it being under his control while the remaining was under the Transcendent Eater's control.

Data clusters hovered across the place, numbering a terrifying amount. But a good majority of them remained in the region controlled by the Transcendent Eater, including all the information about the Mystic Paths.

Below them were corpses of Blola, numbering in the millions, grotesquely pierced by root tendrils. The tendrils grew out of one of the corpse's mouth, flowering from his eyes, using his blood as nutrients to grow.

Every time they fought, the loser's trap was pulled into the region controlled by the winner.

On Blola's side was an even bigger pile, filled with the Transcendent Eater corpses. The carnivorous flowers were beaten badly, with the rows of teeth within plucked out.

'I'm almost there!' Blola thought the moment he entered the mind space, grabbing a data cluster and transforming it into an axe. He picked some of the teeth from a defeated carnivorous mouth and added them to the axe, arming himself with an array of weapons.

Followed by a grunt, he charged into the territory of the Transcendent Eater and began battling against a gigantic entity growing there, beginning to hack its countless branches.


Followed by a resounding roar, his figure was sent flying into his territory, ending up breaking his focus. "Argh!"

He regained consciousness and screamed in pain, feeling a searching headache as root tendrils grew out of his body, controlled by the Transcendent Eater. He hurriedly circulated his Prana and gathered his bearings, regaining control over himself as the root tendrils dissipated.

"Fucking bastard, this is my body. I'm the one in control!" He growled and pierced his roots into the ground, regenerating his expended Prana, following which he entered his mind space once again, resuming the battle.

He was currently at the 4-Life Stage and was fighting to unlock his fifth body. As long as he succeeds, he'd gain the true capabilities of his nerfed Transcendent Eater form, becoming able to revive entities other than the Mystic Paths.

Only one body stayed in the dome while the remaining three were with Gannala. He had to stay here for only at the blessed land did he have enough nutrients to constantly generate Prana for various uses.

So, once the Mammoth Clan left, he began to use it as his training ground. The battles in his mindspace were brutal, resulting in his death numerous times. And every time he died, he lost a portion of his territory.

And conversely, his every victory increased his territory. Steadily, even though he died multiple times, Blola's territory was increasing, as the territory he gained upon each death of the Transcendent Eater was multiple times greater than what he lost upon every death.

[It's time!]

Hovering in the Sandy-Grey Void, with its roots dug into the grey sand and using it as nutrients was Sumatra's Transcendent Eater. The majority of its body was bruised, having been fighting against Transcendents from other Continents.

Its primary focus was on its fight against Blola, observing that the number of Blola's corpses in the mind space under its control had reached the desired number.

"Ha...haha!" The newly formed body of Blola laughed upon recovering from the pain, getting up slowly as it ensured to widen the distance further. It stared at the old Blola and commented, "You were wondering who I was?"

"Idiot, can't you see?"

"Are you the Transcendent Eater?" Blola frowned and became ready to fight.


"Fuck, no!" The newly formed body of Blola waved its hand and retreated further away in alarm, "The Transcendent Eater was involved in the process, but I'm still you."

"If you were me, why do you behave so differently from me?" Blola frowned, the pain he faced moments before was fresh in his mind. Had they been similar, he wouldn't have experienced the pain.

"Well, our character is different." The newly formed body of Blola shrugged, "I only possess a selective number of your characteristic traits. So, though we are the same individual, the influences shaping our minds are different. So, we cannot remain a stack."

'I should kill this bastard!' Blola grunted and assumed his Transcendent Eater form, having regained control of his Spirit Container the moment the newly formed body jumped away from the stack.

"Dude, calm down!" The newly formed body of Blola shouted and began to run away, ensuring to maintain at least two hundred metres of distance between the two. Its arms turned into stalks and expanded in length while the hands turned into a pair of carnivorous mouths and latched onto the walls of the dome.

Followed by a grunt, the stalks sent the newly formed body of Blola hurling up into the mouth of the dome.

"Come back, bastard!" Blola shouted and expanded his Transcendent Eater body further in an effort to capture the escaping body, but the newly formed body was well aware of his abilities and avoided promptly, ensuring the Spirit Weapon range of the two never interacted.

"Farewell, sucker." The newly formed figure of Blola flung itself through a long tunnel and reached the forest on the surface. Multiple Comets targeted it promptly after, but it endured the damage and relied upon its regeneration to rush out of the living area of the Enrans.

Soon, it flew into the forest where only the Enrinos lived, taking a breather there to make a full recovery, following which it left the forest. Only then did it sigh in relief upon seeing that Blola wasn't chasing after it anymore, "Thank goodness."

"It would have been troublesome if he continued to chase after me. He's at the 4-Life Stage while I'm only at the 1-Life Stage." It muttered and focused on its mindspace. The Transcendent Eater wasn't there, meaning that it could reach the 10-Life Stage whenever it wanted.

However, that wouldn't happen as long as Blola was alive. He was currently at the 4-Life Stage while the Transcendent Eater in his mindspace held control over the remaining five Stages.

'I'll wait for my time and gather strength until then.' It thought and began to move. It wasn't lying when it said that it was another Blola. The only difference was that its memories, character, and disposition were shaped by Sumatra's Transcendent Eater from the data it extracted out of all of Blola's corpses accumulated over the years in the mind space.

Those corpses contained his memories, experiences, and character disposition until the moment of death, so all the corpses were a bit different from each other, depending on when they died. Out of them, only the traits necessary for one purpose were extracted, which was to prepare for the upcoming Continental War.

That was this body's sole purpose. So, until the Fourth Major Disaster, it'll make preparations and then try to kill the 9-Life Stage Blola, if he was alive by then. Or even in the case of failure, it planned to transfer all its accumulations to the 9-Life Stage Blola, so that he would be ready for the Continental War.

"Ha...haha!" It let out a chuckle upon staring at its arsenal of data. Unlike Blola, it had full access, since the Transcendent Eater had given it. But the Transcendent Eater hadn't given it access to the Mystic Paths that were alive, only records of the past from dead Mystic Paths.

"This is more than enough!" It exclaimed in excitement, for the Transcendent Eater's power was one of revival. And the moment it obtains the data of someone, it'll never be erased from its arsenal, which allowed this body to become capable of reviving two, extremely powerful existences.

Moments before he was sacrificed into the Major Treasure of Arsenal, the Mammoth Clansman—Virala!

Moments before he came in contact with the Major Treasure of Attribute, the Mammoth Clansman male and Cooter Clansman female—Inala!

'I cannot revive them until their actual selves are dead, but this is a solid backup following that.' Letting out a grin, the newly formed body of Blola began to walk in the direction of the Brimgan Empire, intending to seek refuge there until the time was right to reveal itself.

Was a bit tired after work yesterday, so the chapter has been delayed by 12 hours. Sorry about that. Anvelope