Volume 2, 1: The Busy Patient Part 3—The Conflicted Friend

Name:Illusions, Lies, Truth Author:
Translator: lucathia (proofread by Trespasserby & Arcedemius)

The moment he walked into the ward, Lu Yang raised an eyebrow and pointed his right hand at the corner with two of his fingers held together. Slay, which was drifting beside him, abruptly shot out, piercing straight at the bloodstained shadow in the corner. A single strike was all it took to sever the shadow’s head. A head wrapped in messy hair fell to the ground, immediately turning into drifting ashes together with the body that had been kneeling there. Just like that, the shadow disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Ziya was stumped and asked in confusion, “Why did you wipe him out so suddenly?”

Lu Yang shrugged as he said, “That was an illusory familiar of the lowest caliber. It doesn’t have much awareness and is around the same as a cockroach. I normally don’t do anything about them because there are just too many. But you’re staying in this ward. I bet it’s uncomfortable looking at that kind of thing, right?”

Cockroach… Jiang Ziya was a little speechless. If the average person saw that kind of thing, it would at least warrant an entire ghost story. Yet, to my friend, it’s no different than a cockroach?

Lu Yang sat on the bed. His two hands had been rewrapped. Although he couldn’t avoid being nagged by the nurses, smiling in response couldn’t hurt.

“Remember to write my essay for me.” Taking his shoes off, Lu Yang lazily lay down on the bed.

“Fine!” Jiang Ziya hurriedly drew the curtains shut to prevent bothering the other people. Although the elder in the opposite bed had poor hearing, there was still the married couple next to them.

He had to do something like that even though he had one arm in a cast, while Lu Yang was leisurely reclining in bed. He even crossed one leg over the other. Just who is the patient here?!

After pulling the curtains shut, Jiang Ziya sat down, took out his notebook, and began writing the essay. He didn’t even bother to take out his dictionary. After all, if he wrote it too well, the teacher would figure it out, considering Lu Yang’s abilities.

“What do you think is going on with my brother-in-law?” Jiang Ziya asked worriedly as he wrote.

“He’s probably a practitioner, too.”

Jiang Ziya glanced at Slay, which was floating to the side, and asked doubtfully, “But he didn’t seem like he could see your sword.”

“It’s not strange if he can’t. Not all practitioners have that kind of ability.” Lu Yang gave Jiang Ziya a look and said, “It’s stranger to be able to see so clearly, to the point of knowing that Slay is an ancient Chinese sword.”

“You don’t need to remind me how strange I am!”

Lu Yang began smiling. “You’re only able to see, while the sword is mine! Just who is the stranger one?”

Jiang Ziya lifted his head and asked curiously, “Exactly what age were you when you started doing these things?”

“I can’t really say. I’d been tagging along with my parents since I was young. Even I don’t know what age I was when I started participating.” Lu Yang thought it over for a bit and surmised, “Probably around ten or so. A few years before I had Slay, I began offhandedly whacking a few weak illusory familiars.”

“Your parents also do this kind of thing?” Jiang Ziya was surprised. He had never heard Lu Yang talk about his family affairs before. His friend had never brought it up. However, Jiang Ziya had never thought that they would also be demon slayers. Is this a family business, after all?

“Come to think of it, where are your dad and mom? When I went over to your place last time, only your grandparents were there. No one mentioned your parents.”