Volume 3, 3: Existence’s Bane, Part 2—Brothers

Name:Illusions, Lies, Truth Author:
Translator: lucathia (proofread by Taffygirl13 & Trespasserby)


After a huge yawn, Yu Shu lazily walked to the living room and lay on the sofa, waiting for breakfast… Or is it lunch? Whatever!

House Keeper walked out of the kitchen and asked with a faint smile, “You have woken up quite early today. I am just about to make lunch! May I ask if there is anything in particular you wish to eat?”

Yu Shu looked at her eldest son, who was truly captivating with such a handsome face. Plus he had a good figure to boot. Getting to see such a hottie first thing in the morning was such a blessing to her eyes!


House Keeper blinked and said with a smile, “I am afraid that I do not yet have that kind of ‘function.’”

…He actually understood me! Last time, didn’t he respond with, “I am sorry. The material I am made of is hard resin. Your teeth might fall out from the attempt”?

Yu Shu was practically shocked awake. She jumped right up from the sofa and asked, “Have you seen Jiang Ziya lately?”

House Keeper stilled but could only say, “Yes.”

Yu Shu felt she was on the verge of coughing up blood. She snapped, “You went against my orders and purposely sought him out?”

House Keeper explained frantically, “It was not so. I was merely bringing over freshly baked bread to the neighbors. Jiang Ziya does not have classes around that time, so he is usually still asleep. I do not know why he woke up so early that day. When I opened the door, I happened across him.”


“And?” House Keeper asked in confusion.

“How’d you meet him all the other times?”

House Keeper quickly answered, “I only saw him that one time.”

Yu Shu narrowed her eyes dangerously and said in suspicion, “Swear that you aren’t lying to me.”

Unexpectedly, House Keeper immediately swore, “I swear that I am definitely not lying to you. Ever since Mistress gave the command, I have only seen him once.”

Yu Shu only half believed him. If he had only seen Jiang Ziya once, he couldn’t have changed so much. If Jiang Ziya possessed strength of that magnitude, then why was he even attending university? He should just create spirits and conquer the world!

“Then, what in the world made you change so much?”

House Keeper opened his mouth, but then he shut it again.

You don’t want to say it, but you don’t want to lie either, huh? Yu Shu gave a cold snort. At least you didn’t lie to my face. You still have some conscience.

“Spit it out! Or are you trying to betray me, your master?”

House Keeper frowned. He could only bite down on his teeth and clench his fists in order not to reveal everything.

Seeing that, Yu Shu was stunned. He can actually disobey me in my home? Perhaps it had to do with how she wasn’t forcing the issue, but as her illusory familiar, being able to resist to this point was already no easy feat.

All of a sudden, she felt conflicted. It’s like my child has finally grown up… But gods, my kid is only a year old!

“Why are you forcing him?” Hold Keeper walked out from the box in the corner. He said, displeased, “I can tell you.”

“Hold Keeper!” House Keeper cried out in alarm, “You must not say it!”

Yu Shu looked toward House Keeper, her heart growing cold. She hadn’t thought that it would be House Keeper who would be unwilling to say it. She had thought that House Keeper and she were closer!

“Why keep it under wraps? It’s not like we can disobey our master. I’ll say, why are you so guarded against Jiang Ziya?” Hold Keeper mocked, “Don’t you feel that the ‘mother’ is way scarier?”

The mother? Yu Shu froze.

“Jiang Yu!”