Chapter 129 - Chapter 129: Chapter 98: Besieged? The True Strength of Aristocratic Young Masters!

Chapter 129: Chapter 98: Besieged? The True Strength of Aristocratic Young Masters!

Translator: 549690339

Zheng Cheng’s pupils constricted from a distance.

This cave troll… actually managed to vanquish the soul beast formed by the Fishman BOSS, solely by its own strength!

Aren’t soul beasts immune to physical attacks because they’re made of soul?

How did this…

Zheng Cheng instinctively turned to ask Song Chaoyu, “What happened to the soul beast of the Fishman BOSS?”

As a succubus, Song Chaoyu could monitor the current status of each soul beast.

Like how their soul energy is faring, when it dissipates, or to command them to do her bidding.

After meditating, Song Chaoyu quickly responded, “It was merely shattered, its soul energy dissipating by about a fifth…”


Her voice barely trailed off when the cave troll, fresh from vanquishing the soul beast of the Fishman BOSS, bellowed out an enraged roar.

Gripping a stone pillar in both hands, it violently swung towards Bai Jingqi, who was leading the charge!


The earth quaked dramatically. Bai Jingqi deftly evaded the attack through a mighty leap.

However, his leap sent him into the midst of the half-beast horde, separating him from the front line formed with Qin Zheng.

Over a dozen half-beasts pounced towards him with furious roars, surrounding him. Their weapons thrashed towards his head.

Bai Jingqi’s face hardened. He took a deep breath. The bloody, killing aura that initially gathered around him instantly condensed around him.

It wrapped around the goose wing blade in his hand, making it gleam sharply.

“Bloody Rampage!”

He roared out, chopping with his goose wing blade with all his might.

Eight streams of blood-red killing aura that had been condensed into blade energy immediately erupted upon those half-beasts, killing them all.

Simultaneously taking advantage of this opportunity, he surged forward. Blood fog surrounded him, making him look like a humanoid beast!

“Die !”


His blade shimmered, rapidly closing in on the stone pillar swung by the cave troll.

The goose wing blade in his hand, as he neared the cave troll, swiftly cut a crescent moon in the air!

“Crescent Break!”


A saber aura crosscut, a bloody saber light instantly slashing diagonally from a lower angle, tracing a sharp arc in mid-air, before immediately beheading the cave troll!

Everyone saw the moment when the cave troll’s head was removed with a single stroke.

Fear filled the eyes of the ordinary half-beasts.

A cave troll!

Among their tribe, one cave troll is equivalent to over ten half-beasts.

Unexpectedly, the human in front of them killed it with one stroke!

His power rivaled that of the elite warriors in the Beastman Empire!

Upon the boulder, Star Sand’s pupils also contracted whilst her complexion turned even gloomier.

“Kill! Kill him for me!”

“Whoever can kill these two, I will accompany them personally for three days!”

“Huff, huff…”

As her words fell, the breathing of the ten or so half-beast warriors who had always been protecting her instantly sped up.

Leaving two people to protect Star Sand, half of them charged towards Bai Jingqi!

The other half charged towards Qin Zheng!

Once these two were killed, they wouldn’t have to worry about the few remaining humans.

On the other side.

Following the onslaught by Zheng Cheng, Qin Zheng, Bai Jingqi, and others, Tie Ax, who was killing the python soul beast and seizing the Heart of the Earth across the river, quickly responded.

He whipped his head back to look in the direction of Star Sand. His eyes immediately filled with bloodlust, like a madman.

“Go back!”

“Go back quickly!”

“Retreat! Withdraw!”

Following his command, the hundreds of half-beasts he led instantly turned back to run to the riverbank and started rowing the boat towards the other shore.

The group of half-beasts that had initially hurried off to chase after Cai Shen also frantically made their way back.

“Star Sand! Wait for me!”

“I hope to God nothing happens to you!”

At the forefront of the boat, Tie Ax’s eyes were full of urgency.

“Quick! Row quickly!”

“Hurry up everyone!”

“This damn group of humans!”

Upon the boulder, Star Sand’s eyes were filled with murderous intent.

“Lady Star Sand.”

The follower next to her suddenly spoke, “Please move further from the battlefield, these human warriors are as courageous as our half-beast warriors. If something happens to you…”

“Wait a moment!”

Star Sand coldly replied, suddenly pulling out a grayish-white bone-like flute from her waist, putting it to her mouth to start playing.

The battlefield began to echo with the melodious and bold notes of the flute.

The fighting Li Zhen’s complexion dramatically changed, and he screamed out loud, “War song!”

“That cleric is about to release a war song, quick stop her!”

As his voice fell, Qin Zheng, who had not been held back by any strong warriors, rapidly pulled away from the half-beasts entangling him.

Suddenly, he got down on all fours and like a cheetah, rushed towards Star Sand on the boulder at an extremely fast speed.

On the other hand, Bai Jingqi was bound by more than a dozen half-beast warriors and couldn’t afford to be distracted.

If it were one or two half-beast warriors, he was confident he could take them.

But with a dozen half-beast warriors who specialized in cooperation, he was barely able to hold his ground.


The figure of Qin Zheng was again obstructed by two half-beast warriors.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Zheng swung his body, reaching out with both hands to tear apart the chest of a half-beast warrior.

However, this half-beast warrior also managed to delay Qin Zheng with his life.

A ball of blood-red halo violently burst from the flute in Star Sand’s mouth.

It transformed into smaller rings of light, falling on the surrounding half-beasts.

Berserk War Song!

At least ten half-beast warriors were affected by the Berserk War Song. A berserk halo appeared under their feet.

Under the influence of the Berserk War Song, their attacks became sharper, their speed faster, and their sense of pain was temporarily suppressed.

Now, they were like maddened wild dogs, launching frenzied attacks on Bai Jingqi, Qin Zheng, and Zheng Cheng.

The soul beasts roaming the battlefield were also targeted by their violent assaults.

“Roar !”

A roaring sound suddenly rang out again from the battlefield, and the Fishman Boss Soul Beast, which had just been defeated by the cave troll, regenerated itself.

Its body had become smaller, and its soul power had decreased significantly.

But it was still the most powerful soul beast on the scene!

It charged into the group attacking Bai Jingqi, instantly sending two half-beastman warriors flying, who were screaming as they collapsed to the ground.

Nearly simultaneous, Song Chaoyu gathered the seven python soul beasts hovering around the battlefield, and rushed towards Star Sand.

Any half-beastman in the way was scattered by their assault.

Elsewhere, the inferiors demons summoned by Li Zhen were also showing their power.

The steel fork in its hand stabbed several half-beastmen to death one after another, and it was planning to feast.

But under Li Zhen’s command, it left the feast and charged at the half-beastman priest on the rock holding a steel fork.

On the rock, another green halo exploded.

Agility Halo!

Under the boost of the Agility Halo, the attack speed of these half-beastmen increased by at least one third!

With the enhancement of two augmentation halos, this group of half-beastmen erupted with far more power than usual, and firmly blocked Bai Jingqi, Qin Zheng and others.

Although the battle line kept advancing inward, the progress was slow.

Star Sand heaved a sigh and said, “Damn it, if I hadn’t used the scroll for the Sluggish Halo that the teacher gave me last time, none of these humans would have been able leave here!”

“And Big Wind Song!”

“That damn old man, why wouldn’t he teach me Big Wind Song, an attack war song that even a lower-tier priest could learn?”

“If I knew how to use Big Wind Song, these humans would have been slaughtered by me a long time ago!”

“Lord Star Sand!”

The follower at her side spoke again: “You should step back a little, this group of humans is about to break through.”


Qin Zheng’s figure broke through the blockade of the half-beastman warriors again.

He was running and fighting on all fours and at an extreme speed.

Plus the effect of Dragon Might, the effects of the Berserk War Song on the half-beastman warriors surrounding him was greatly reduced.

He was within a distance of less than fifty meters from Star Sand!

“Break through?”

Star Sand sneered: “How is that possible! Even if they break through, I have a way to kill them!”

“But, I need to prepare in advance.”

Her robust green finger gently stroked the bronze badge on her chest. A one-eyed giant wolf, its body covered in white fur and even more formidable in size, suddenly appeared in front of her amidst a flash of light.

“Gale Demon Wolf! A four-star magical beast, adept at wind magic and close combat. This was a pet monster that the tribe captured for me, but only after twenty-plus tribesmen lost their lives.”

Star Sand stroked the fur of the Gale Demon Wolf, murderous intent flaring in her eyes.

“Gale! Go and kill that half-human, half-beast man first.”

“He is the strongest among this group of humans. As long as we kill him, this group of humans will inevitably collapse!”

“Roar !”

The Gale Demon Wolf gave a howl and with just a light leap, it had charged tens of meters forward.

With another leap, it blocked Qin Zheng’s path.

It mercilessly swiped its sharp claws at Qin Zheng.

After issuing the command to the Gale Demon Wolf, Star Sand retreated slowly under the escort of two followers.

Although beastmen priests can enter the battlefield, they cannot participate in battle themselves.

Their most effective form of attack is to amplify and reinforce their tribesmen, using the power of their tribesmen, followers, and pet monsters to rip their enemies apart!

“Magical beast? A pet monster of the priest!”

Qin Zheng’s eyes brightened.

Normally, the pet monster would be the last resort for a beastman priest.

In other words, once this pet monster is killed, this beastman priest is a dead man for sure.

He suddenly propped himself up on his hands and feet and in an instant, leaped into the air, evading the wolf’s claw strike.

At the same time, he reached out and grabbed, causing the wild flames encircling him to surge up towards the Gale Demon Wolf, completely engulfing it.


The Gale Demon Wolf gave a furious roar, a gust of wind exploded from its body, forcing back all the flames.

But Qin Zheng, in the midst of these flames, advanced instead of retreating.

Amid the sea of star fires, Qin Zheng’s claws were protruded and turned pitch black.

Two phantom dragon claws suddenly appeared around his hands.

“Dragon’s Claw!”


“Crack !”

In the explosion of flame, Qin Zheng’s claws directly grabbed onto the Gale Demon Wolf’s head.

Skulls shattered, flesh and blood splattered.

Qin Zheng had clawed out two huge wounds on the Gale Demon Wolf’s head.


“Roar !”

The excruciating pain in its head made the Gale Demon Wolf howl, but it further stirred its ferocity.

With its fangs and claws, it frantically began to attack Qin Zheng.

In the center of the formation, Zheng Cheng’s eyes fluttered.

“Is this the power of the Dragon Vein Bearer?”

“Balanced four-dimensional attributes, adept at close combat and gifted spells, with no weaknesses.”

“Even when facing a powerful magical beast, it could contend with it single-handedly!”

At his side, Song Chaoyu looked at Star Sand, who was slowly disappearing into the distance, and quickly said, “Zheng Cheng! That beastman priest is running away!”

“Make a move quickly!”

“Want to run?”

Zheng Cheng sneered: “This little distance is enough.”

“Zhixue, stop her first.”


Yao Zhixue calmly responded, raising her staff and Xue’er circling around her also raised her hands.

The next second, a snowstorm descended from the sky!

“Whoosh !!!”