Chapter 11

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – ChiSync]

Chapter: 11

The Medal of Honor recipient is a returning student at the academy! Not even a graduate, but still an enrolled student!

After the award ceremony, the academy staff were in a state of excitement.

To think that such a prestigious medal recipient is here, how wonderful it is.

And to have such determination for learning, not just staying in the military but returning to school!

In such a situation, if the professors weren’t moved, it would be odd indeed.

“If he received such an honor, it would have been even better if he had stayed in the military and received better treatment.”

“That’s true. It seems his determination for learning is exceptional.”

“Truly a commendable student. We should work harder too! Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, let’s work harder to quench that thirst for knowledge, even if it means teaching more!”

Though the excitement was flowing in a rather peculiar direction.

“If we give him more assignments, he’ll gladly accept, won’t he? Hahaha!”

“How about suggesting graduate school to him? He can delve deeper into academics!”

“Oh, that’s a good idea. I bet Karl would be willing!”

If Karl overheard this conversation, he might have immediately rushed to the barracks to confiscate a gun.

Then he would’ve rained bullets down on them, saying ‘This is Avada Kedabra!’

* * *

One benefit of the Medal of Honor: the right to respect from anyone in the empire regardless of status.

Second benefit of the Medal of Honor: receiving invitations to any imperial events and being able to attend.

Third benefit of the Medal of Honor: being able to request support from the palace’s mage corps when magic is needed.

There are many other benefits, but let’s save listing them for another opportunity.

But wait, is there also a benefit of the Medal of Honor called ‘priority candidate for graduate school recruitment’?

“Karl, my boy. I have a way to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. Have you heard of graduate school?”

“This is truly a beneficial system. It’s a great opportunity to learn more alongside our professors and plan your future together—”

The dragon within me roared. What are these crazy professors saying now?

What Graduate school? Now that I’m out of the military, they want to tie me down to graduate school?

Are they just itching for a taste of bullets?!

The unexpected outcome truly befuddles the mind.

“To think that I, who received a Medal of Honor upon enlisting, would be a graduate student at the academy?”

This sounds like a title straight out of a novel that I wouldn’t even bother reading if I were dead or alive.

Enlisting once, shedding blood twice, and now ending up with a degree in graduate school.

The younger students used to eagerly gather around, asking, ‘Please tell us war stories!’

Now, that’s somewhat alleviated. But just when I thought I could let my guard down, now it’s the professors who are acting strange.

“Why? What’s wrong with being a graduate student? Try it once and then talk.”

“Senior Marcus. It’s not right to say such harsh words carelessly.”

“...Hey. I’m also a graduate student.”

“In that case, senior, you lack even conscience. Dragging juniors to hell just because you’re in hell yourself. Did you perhaps wrap your conscience in the soup you had for lunch earlier?”NEew stories at

The time of patience and hardship was enough in the military. At least enlisting was my decision.

But being a graduate student was never even a thought! Even if there were grievances, I’d never do it again!


A serious question that has been arising lately. Is this place really an academy, or is it a military base?

Why do I hear ‘Sergeant’ more often than “Senior Karl” or “Karl Oppa,” let alone ‘Student Karl’?

“Yes. Who is it?”

“Ranshtak! (Imperial Army salute.) I am Lieutenant Catfish. I’m from the Ministry of War.”

“Ah, yes. Lieutenant Catfish, nice to meet you. But you don’t have a beard.”

“Huh? Oh, yes. I’m still in my twenties. Haha!”

Hmm. If this were my past life, I would have cracked a dad joke. But it doesn’t seem to fly here.

“So why are you here again? I thought I’d already received the Medal of Honor, and was done with the military. Did you come to return the Medal of Honor?”

“W-Why would I do that?! The Medal of Honor is awarded to those who perform the most honorable and brave actions! It undergoes rigorous scrutiny and selection, so there’s absolutely no reason to return it! Doing so would disgrace the Imperial Army!”

Lieutenant Catfish. You’ve only been a lieutenant for a short time, right? Weren’t you just a corporal until a month ago?

It was just a joke, but it’s a bit much to take it seriously.

“Calm down, calm down. It was a joke. I know I’m a former soldier.”

“Ah, yes! I apologize. I didn’t mean to disrespect Sergeant Karl Adelheit.”

“No. Just. Stop taking it so seriously. Why did you come?”

Upon hearing this, Lieutenant Catfish suddenly became serious.

“Actually, the Personnel Administration Director has requested a meeting.”

“The Personnel Administration... Director?”

Personnel administration... It’s literally managing personnel matters. Why are they suddenly looking for me when I’m not even in the combat field?

“If I were to ask what’s going on, Lieutenant, you wouldn’t know exactly either, right?”

“Ahaha. Yes, I only received the order to fetch you.”

“I see.”

“Ah, but it might be of some help. From what I’ve heard, the Personnel Administration Director is tearing their hair out wondering why these random guys suddenly applied for enlistment...”

Huh? Enlistment? Surely it couldn’t be that commoners are enlisting.

Then what’s going on? Are there idiots like me, who made such a choice amidst the Blue Bloods?

And not just one, but several? The Director must be going through a lot.

“It seems similar to my case.”

“Yes. But the situation is quite different now, so the Director sighed deeply, thinking it might be best to discharge those four.”

“I see. Four of them....”

...Huh. Wait a minute.



“By any chance, those damn bastards... I mean, those four. Were they all tall and slightly too good-looking to the point of being annoying?”

“Uh... judging by the female officers blushing, that seems to be correct.”

I grabbed my head. Shit.

I momentarily forgot. The Four Heavenly Kings! No wonder it’s been too quiet!

There’s no reason to accept noble youths as soldiers when the war is over.

And since it wasn’t kept secret like me, their families would have found out immediately.

It seems their panicked families are asking for those guys to be exempted.

...Come to think of it, did my father just laugh and say, ‘Who will stop a man’s determination?!’ when he heard that his son had foolishly enlisted as a soldier?

Father! Why didn’t you just grab me and break my leg that day?!

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – ChiSync]