Chapter 66

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 66

As soon as I heard the emperor’s words, I bowed my head almost reflexively and said, ‘I humbly ask that you please withdraw this honor that is beyond my merit.’

“I want to know why.”

The Emperor asked, responding to my request and I answered.

It’s not a trivial matter. It seems excessive to place myself, who is merely a junior compared to all other recipients of the honor, at the forefront.

They too are saviors of the empire, heroes for the empire. However, they are gradually being forgotten as time passes, so it is only fitting that they should be up front.

“You really have a great heart..”

However, from the Emperor’s perspective, it was all the more reason to bring Karl to the forefront.

“I understand your intentions. Putting juniors at the forefront may seem like saying to the past heroes, ‘Now you belong to the past.'”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“That’s precisely why you should be at the forefront even more, Karl Adelheit.”

Upon hearing this, I made a perplexed expression as if I didn’t know the reason.

“Time is a fearsome thing. The past is such a powerful thing. No matter how bright it is, it eventually becomes dull and fades as time passes and becomes the past. Even if you try to shine it again, try to make it clear again. Polish and polish. Even if you keep polishing, the stain of time cannot be removed, Karl Adelheit.”

The Emperor reflexively touched his wrinkled forehead.

“And so, there are times when we need to share our current brilliance to illuminate the glory of the past. Not by forcing the past, but by naturally recalling it through what we have now.”


“Surely, the past may have lost much of its shine. However, that sparkle hasn’t completely disappeared. It can still shine again, reflecting the light of the present.”

Only then I understood what the Emperor was saying. I realized why I was being promoted.

It was a request. To step forward and let the Empire once again remember the heroes of the past.

To not forget that there were those who bravely stepped forward and sacrificed for the empire.

“Do you understand my heart?”

In response to the Emperor’s question, I nodded my head vigorously and then spoke.

“I, Count Friedrich’s eldest son, Karl Adelheit. By Your Majesty’s command, I will do so. If I can help them shine again, I will do it a thousand times, ten thousand times.”

“Very well. Please do so.”

The Emperor looked at the young man kneeling before him. What a delightful figure he was.

* * *

I understood why I was called. It was to make a request, to seek permission.

The Emperor could have simply sent someone with the command “come.” But he didn’t.

Whether it’s the way it looks as a person asking for something, or the way it looks to a Medal of Honor recipient. Whatever it was, I was just grateful.

Anyway, as the conversation about the New Year’s ceremony came to an end, the Emperor casually changed the subject.

“I heard you were on the battlefield for almost three years. And now you’ve returned as a student to the academy.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. As a mere returning student, I am truly at a loss for the honor of becoming a recipient of the medal of honor.”

“You received what you rightfully deserve. There is no need to say more.”


“It’s dinner time... So perhaps the Count was planning to talk to Mr. Karl Adelheit today. That’s what I think.”

Listening to their conversation, it seems there was some discussion between my father and the Crown Prince. But what about? Why did they talk? I still don’t understand at all.


The Emperor touched his chin and then nodded slightly as if to say, ‘That could be.’

“Well, as a student, it may take some time. Count Friedrich must be having a bit of a headache. Still, it’s a really good thing for the county. A Count who has twice been awarded the Medal of Honor. Has this ever happened before, Crown Prince?”

“Not that I recall, Your Majesty.”

...What’s everyone talking about? What? No, what? A Count?

Why am I a Count? I’m just the eldest son of the Count, maintaining the family honor and ensuring no damage to our reputation. Later, I’ll just have to support my sister who will eventually become the Countess.

My questions were answered during the conversation with the Crown Prince after I withdrew from the Emperor’s presence.

“...What?! Are you saying your highness and my sister?”

“Shhh. Most people still don’t know.”

Shhh? How can this be kept a secret forever! He’s the Crown Prince for goodness’ sake!

Oh my, oh my. Is my sister... with the Crown Prince? The future Crown Princess? Even the future Empress?!

I’m shocked. I’m so fucking shocked that I don’t know what to say.

Are they taking my sister away? No way. What shocks me is not that my sister will be the Crown Princess, but even more so that she will become the Empress.

‘Crown Prince... Will you be able to handle it?’

My sister is a good person. It’s a bit exaggerated, causing some problems, but still good.

But on the other hand, there are certainly frightening aspects.

It’s not just scary, it’s downright terrifying. She inherited everything from our mother, including her fiery temperament.

I follow my sister well, of course, and she treats me well, but I know all too well what will happen if she ever becomes disappointed in me or gets angry.

“...Your Highness.”

So, mustering all my courage, I decided to ask, against all odds.

“Are you sure about this? My sister is undoubtedly a good person, but she’s... how should I put it? She might not be quite suited for a quiet Crown Princess or Empress.”

“Hahaha! How could I not know that? Karl, I know everything. And because I know, I fell in love with her even more.”

“Ah, yes. Is that so...”

What unique taste you have. You’ve fallen for that? Did you actually see it yourself?

Maybe you saw when she stabbed the shoulders of those Kanfras in the special ops interrogation room last time.


“Your Highness. If, hypothetically, my sister were to marry you and become the Crown Princess and then the Empress, what would happen to the title of Count Friedrich?”

“If there are no other heirs, the Crown Princess and then the Empress would hold that title. Such cases are not uncommon.”

The Crown Prince smiled as he took a sip of tea.

“But the present situation is different. There is a perfect heir to the title, a man of overwhelming prestige, of overwhelming honor, who is unlike no other noble in the Empire.”

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]