Chapter 102

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 102

Could it be due to the intense childhood memories? Lefia still remembers that name vividly.

“Waaaah. Waaaah...”

“Princess, please don’t cry.”

Whenever Lefia fell while playing at her maternal family’s home, she would burst into tears, just like any other child.

Whether it was from pain, frustration, or simply seeking attention.

When she cried like that, her family would immediately come and comfort her. Then, she would either stop crying right away or continue to sob. Lefia’s reaction was usually one of the two.

Their reactions also varied accordingly. If she stopped, they would praise her, but if she continued, they would try various methods to soothe her.

“Princess, stop! If you don’t stop soon, a scary being will come!”


“A scary ghost will come. A scary being who will suddenly appear and snatch you away with an invisible hand! Your uncles and grandfather were almost taken by that being!”

To young Lefia, her uncles and grandfather were all strong knights. She had heard that everyone in her maternal family were brave heroes of Lasker.

But the thought of those knights being in danger was beyond her comprehension at the time.

As time passed and Lefia grew a little older, she decided to ask about something that had been on her mind.

“Uncle, what is this scary ghost?”

“A scary ghost, Your Highness.”

“Oh, come on, stop joking! What is it?”

“It’s a ghost, Your Highness! A truly terrifying being!”


No matter how much she begged and pleaded, her family seemed unwilling to tell her about this being. At first, she thought they were just teasing her.

However, as she grew older, Lefia realized that they weren’t simply joking.

They were genuinely afraid. Afraid, yet at the same time, filled with awe. That’s why they wouldn’t speak of the being carelessly.

Brave knights, renowned in Lasker. All because of one person.

Just what is this being? Lefia, filled with curiosity, decided to find out.

And soon after, she found a clue in the records of the war with the Empire that had taken place before she was even born.

“The war in which Grandfather and my uncles participated... The figures who were active in the Empire at that time... And, the lone noble of the Empire who defeated a Master and brutally crushed the Knights of Lasker...”

The records weren’t extensive. It was inevitable, as this was a record of defeat that Lasker wanted to hide and erase.

But it was still overwhelming. This noble of the Empire, like some divine hammer, had beaten down the Knights of Lasker.

Among the victims, naturally, were many of Lefia’s maternal relatives.

Only after reading this far did Lefia finally realize the identity of the person she had been searching for.

The being her family both feared and respected. A figure so powerful that he was almost considered a ghost. A strong individual whom even the knights, the best of the best, admired despite being enemies.

“Baba Yaga.”

[PR/N: Baba Yaga is a figure from Slavic folklore, the author appears to be using the term as a nickname for the “Monster of Friedrich”]

“Aha. I understand.”

With a slight smile, Lefia continued.

“It must have been like that back then. But... there’s that thing, you know. An overwhelmingly powerful enemy doesn’t just evoke anger or hostility, but rather awe. My homeland, Lasker, has that kind of thing. An outstanding knight is respected even if they belong to an enemy family.”

Hmm. I guess you could say my father was a knight... He rode horses and swung swords like one, but I don’t think he ever cared about honor or anything. He was more about practicality and efficiency.

“From what I heard from my maternal family, Baba Yaga, the noble who was part of the Friedrich County back then, was truly formidable. Without taking lives, they instilled an overwhelming fear, as if countless lives had been lost.”


“Now, both my maternal family and I think of them as similar to the many famous Knights of Lasker. We never imagined that they would be the father of Sir Karl Adelheit.”

I wonder if my father saw this coming and told me to look after her.

Honestly, I’d probably do the same if I were him. Someone who holds me in awe and respects me? That’s a rare find!

“And... well. I did originally ask others for help, but... since we’ve met now.”

Lefia suddenly bows her head in a respectful gesture, even bending at the waist.

Exiled or not, she’s still a princess of the Lasker Kingdom. Not even a distant relative, but a direct descendant. She embodies the pride of the royal family, yet she acts with such surprising humility.

“Thank you. For saving me. No matter the circumstances, no matter the reason. The kindness you showed me in that moment was truly warm. As a princess of the Lasker Kingdom, and as a person. I sincerely express my gratitude.”

“...It’s not a big deal, really. I just can’t turn a blind eye when someone’s in danger.”

“You’re a really good person, Sir Karl Adelheit.”

A good person, huh? Well... I’m not so sure about that. Maybe when I get to the afterlife, I’ll have to ask my comrades if I was truly a good person.

“Just call me Senior Karl, junior. As you said, the academy— Cough!”

* * *

Karl Adelheit Veterans Pension Foundation. Finally, all the sponsors for the foundation had been decided.

The quartet, after confirming the identities of all the sponsors, came to the same conclusion.

“With this much, we could probably start a small kingdom with just the pension fund.”

The Imperial family. Dukedoms. Several marquisates and counties. Numerous noble families. Even the Radiant Church had joined in. It was hard to believe this was just a pension foundation.

Let’s quickly share this good news with the main character! He’ll surely be overjoyed!

With that thought in mind, the four friends searched for Karl, but soon they sighed, ‘Oh no...’

“Who’s that woman again?”

“I’ve never seen her before.”

“Karl, my friend... No matter how popular you are, Selena is your one and only!”

“Let’s go separate them quickly. If Selena sees this, we’ll definitely get caught in the crossfire.”

The four of them nodded and swiftly ran to grab Karl by the scruff of his neck.

“As you said, the academy— Cough!”

“Senior Karl?!”

“Gotcha! We’re borrowing this guy for a bit!”

“Just a heads up, this guy is taken!”

Our friend, not only collecting medals but also women! Haha! Lucky guy, hahaha!

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]