Chapter 116

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 116

Leaving the Imperial Palace and heading back to the Academy, I recalled the conversation I had with the Crown Prince.

“Lasker asked for me?”

“Yes. They specifically named you.”

“...What if they’re just trying to get revenge? What if they send assassins to—”

I wasn’t joking. I was genuinely worried.

But the Crown Prince, my brother-in-law! He just looked at me like I was talking nonsense.

“Don’t be ridiculous. Do you really think Lasker would do that, Karl?”

“Well, I know they’re obsessed with honor. But you never know.”Alll latest novels at

“You never know. But if that were to come to light, it would shatter the pillars of chivalry and honor that Lasker stands on. It would give the Empire a reason to swallow them whole. But you never know, indeed.”


I briefly considered telling my sister about it. If it weren’t for his last comment, I definitely would have.

“And besides, Karl, my dear brother-in-law. Even if assassins did come, I have a feeling you’d just say, ‘What’s this now?’ and take them down in one hit. Am I wrong?”

He was right. Honestly, I thought so too.

I survived against elves. I’m faster and stealthier than any human expert. I’ve survived three years fighting those guys, I wouldn’t be taken down by some assassins.

Unless I was some drunkard from a story about three warring nations in the Central Plains, sleeping off a hangover.

And I don’t even drink, so it’s even less likely.

“Be honest, Karl. You’re secretly excited, aren’t you?”

“Your Highness? Why would you say that—”

“Why? Don’t you know you’re smiling right now?”

I unconsciously touched my lips.

And there it was. I was smiling.

I was smiling at the fact that Lasker had requested my presence in the delegation.

I was smiling even though it meant interrupting my enjoyable life at the Academy!

“Anyone can see you’re thinking this is a chance to face them again.”

The Crown Prince, proving that family traits are inescapable, burst into laughter.

Not long ago, my father was having so much fun that my mother had to personally summon him back.

Now, it’s me who’s itching to spar with Lasker’s knights again.

He added that he couldn’t even imagine how envious his father-in-law would be if he heard the news.

“Anyway, what will you do? I’m not asking for an immediate decision. But I can’t give you much time to think about it. The delegation’s departure is imminent.”

“I thought delegations were announced in advance before they left.”

“Normally, yes. But there are always circumstances. Lasker seems to have rushed their king’s coronation, and since they’re the ones who made the first move, we can’t really complain if we do the same.”


Affairs of state are indeed complex, yet at times, they can be surprisingly simple and even petty.

“I see. I thought the Empire might refuse. So that’s not the case.”

It seems they thought refusing would tarnish the honor of both the Empire and the Medal recipient. They must have seen the request as a new challenge.

‘This is certainly not an extension of the previous friendly match.’

At least, that’s how Imir saw it. She requested the presence of the Imperial Medal of Honor recipient, the heir to the County of Friedrich, Karl Adelheit, for entirely different reasons.

But it seems the kingdom’s knights saw it differently.

“Forgive us, Your Majesty. This time, the results will be different!”

“No... that’s not what I meant...”

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty. We won’t cross the line.”

“That’s right, Your Majesty. We simply wish to engage in an honorable duel once more!”

Twenty years ago, a man brought crushing defeat to Lasker.

He was known by many ominous names, such as the Knight Crusher and the Kingdom’s Nightmare. He was an unstoppable force.

Karl Adelheit is the son of that very man. And the kingdom’s knights lost to him too. Overwhelmingly at that.

It seemed the knights had misunderstood her intentions, believing they must redeem the kingdom’s honor.

Of course, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It would be foolish to invite the most honored figure in the Empire and try to defeat him. It could be seen as an insult to the Empire, turning the coronation into a declaration of war. Lasker wouldn’t last long against the Empire’s full force.

Then why did Imir summon Karl? Why, despite the circumstances, did she insist on his presence, leading her subjects to misunderstand?


She thought of her half-sister, studying alone in a faraway land.

Although they weren’t particularly close, their relationship was better than that of most half-siblings.

There were even times when she wished Lefia was her full sister.

And so, she sent her away. She ordered her to study abroad, which was no different from exile.

If Lefia had stayed any longer, she might have been swept up in the political strife and her struggle for survival would be in vain.

Imir wanted her to be free, at least a little, and that’s how she expressed it.

The problem was, she never imagined they would go so far as to blind her, to commit such a heinous act within the Empire’s borders.

Power is a terrifying thing. Political strife is so cruel that it makes you lose sight of everything else.

Imir pressed her temples, as if the mere thought of it gave her a headache.

Because of that incident, Lefia could never return to her homeland.

Not even if Imir became Queen, not even if her children became heirs. Lefia had already become a rallying point for dissidents, and whether she accepted or rejected that role, there was nothing that could be done.

No, she could return. But her return would not have a happy ending. So, it was better for Lefia not to come back.

Fortunately, her half-sister seemed to understand her intentions.

“I wish to renounce my title as Princess.”

She declared her desire to stay in the Empire.

That would clear up all the misunderstandings and suspicions surrounding her. But the future was still a problem.

She was still of royal blood, even without the title of princess.

Could she live alone? How would the Empire treat her now that she was nothing?

That was the part Imir wanted to ask a favor for. From a certain man, who was coming from afar.

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]