[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 153

It’s rare for the Emperor to leave his residence. It’s similar to how the heart should remain in its safe place within the chest.

The sight of the Emperor, holding a medal in one hand and patting a subject’s shoulder with the other, was an act typically reserved for heroes returning triumphantly from war.

To add to that, even those events were usually held in the widest part of the city, after taking all measures to ensure that everyone in the world, everywhere, could witness the scene.

“I will not speak at length.”

In that sense, this scene taking place here, in the Imperial Academy’s plaza, was incredibly new and shocking to both the people of the empire and those from other nations.

The Emperor’s voice wasn’t particularly majestic or grand. However, it was precisely that calmness that made all the citizens of the empire gulp.

“Because the whole world already knows. Everyone is a witness.”

More than half of those gathered today were Academy students.

Normally, high-ranking nobles and officials of the empire would be seated, but this time was different.

This was possible because the Emperor himself had expressed his wish that ‘the masters of this place are them, so don’t needlessly take their seats away.’

And precisely because they were ‘students,’ new reactions emerged, different from before.

The previous reactions were more of vigilance and calculation than respect or reverence. That’s how nobles and imperial officials would typically react.

The Emperor had no intention of belittling or criticizing that.

However, this time, the people were different.

They were less tainted by the world and could be a little more pure.

The Emperor was more pleased to see them cheering and their eyes sparkling with the desire to become like him.

“I am merely bestowing the glory befitting a noble who has brought honor to the empire.”

As the Emperor finished speaking, the Chamberlain stood respectfully behind him. He held a large chest in his hands.

Everyone gathered here knew what was inside, thanks to the widespread rumors.

“Your sacrifices would be honored even by the First Emperor.”

The chest opened, revealing four distinct medals gleaming within.

Four honors for today, but only one person to bear their glory.

“Your honor will be remembered even at the end of the empire.”

As those standing beside him nodded, Karl, who had been waiting, carefully knelt before him.

He felt embarrassed to the point of madness, but as the Emperor had said, ‘Become an object of admiration for those students,’ he couldn’t deny that either.

The young souls who looked up to heroes and dreamed of becoming heroes themselves might one day become another hero.

“Karl Adelheit. Young Lord of the Friedrich County. Sharp sword of the empire, and loyal subject of the Imperial Family. Come forth and stand proudly before the glory that is rightfully yours.”

With the Emperor’s permission, Karl, who had been kneeling, slowly rose.

“In recognition of your contributions to the internal affairs of the empire, I bestow upon you this medal.”

First, the Highest Order of Merit, bearing the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was placed on Karl’s chest.

Another glorious light revealed itself beside the Medal of Honor, which was already shining brightly.

“Furthermore, in recognition of your positive influence on the future of the empire, I bestow upon you this medal.”

The Golden Crown Cultural Medal was placed next to it.

It was usually awarded to outstanding scholars or artists, but this time it was awarded for having an influence comparable to theirs.

“We plan to attach all the medals to Young Lord Karl Adelheit’s new military uniform and present it to you. A new uniform, even more impressive than the previous one, will be delivered soon, so you can look forward to it.”

“Ah, that...”

“Hahaha! I’ll receive your thanks later. It’s not comparable to the medals, but we did our best to prepare the uniform.”

I’m not exactly thrilled about it! You’re going to give me a new uniform weighed down with medals and then expect me to wear it to every official function, aren’t you?!

Just because it’s supposedly more comfortable than wearing the medals themselves!

I wanted to protest, saying they didn’t need to bother with the medals, that I could simply pin them on myself. But I couldn’t say that in front of the people who were working hard for me.

In the end, the best I could do was, ‘Thank you. Hahaha.’

“Young Lord Karl Adelheit.”

Just when I thought it was finally over, the Chamberlain approached me.

“His Majesty wishes to see you briefly before returning to the palace.”

“I’ll be right there. Lead the way.”

I thought he had said everything he wanted to me, but it seems he had more to convey personally.

Instinctively, I felt that this had something to do with the foreign dignitaries who had flocked to the Academy.

Just a while ago, he had put me at the forefront, showering me with all sorts of compliments, as if telling the Academy students and everyone else to look at me.

“You must also be aware.”

As I reached the Emperor, he got straight to the point, making me realize that an Emperor is indeed an Emperor.

“The Holy See, Hyzens, Lasker, and even Avileshti. They all came to the Academy with their own reasons.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Enjoy the festival.”


“Youth is a good thing, isn’t it?”

Listening up to this point, I could roughly grasp what the Emperor wanted.

– Foreign dignitaries are here, but the Holy See aside, the other three are a bit... troublesome, aren’t they?

– I’ve already boosted your reputation, and it’s the Academy festival, after all. Moreover, you’re still young, so acting boldly won’t be a big issue.

– Therefore, I permit you to act out to a degree that you deem appropriate.

That’s quite a difficult request, Your Majesty.

Something that can be tolerated under the name of a festival, yet simultaneously put pressure on the three places excluding the Holy See. That is too difficult.

I scratched my head for a moment before coming to a conclusion.

There’s only one thing I’m good at, after all.


I checked the greatsword at my waist.

[TL/N: Oh no...! ????????]

I received the blessings of two cardinals and the Pope, so it should have some magic resistance, right?

As for my clothes... well, it doesn’t matter if they get a little burnt. I’ve rolled around on the battlefield with my body on fire many times before.

[Flame Magic Demonstration! – Maximize the Splendor of the Festival!]

I’ll apologize to my magic research juniors in advance. Don’t blame me. The Emperor made me do this.

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]