[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 155

The highlight of the Academy’s Autumn festival was the massive magical fireworks display that took place every evening.

The colorful paints that decorated the dark sky like a canvas were so impressive that there was even a saying that if you weren’t amazed by it, you weren’t an Academy student.

Precisely because of that, because of its grand splendor, the magic was not easily prepared.

Only for this day, the members of the Academy’s magic department spent an entire month, even staying up nights, preparing and preparing again.

“...Excuse me?”

Therefore, it was only natural for the magic department students to be flustered by a sudden proposal.

“Um, Senior Karl. We think we misheard you, so could you please repeat that one more time...”

“It’s not difficult. That firework magic. Could you modify it and shoot it at me?”

[TL/N: This mf crazy asf]


Karl Adelheit.

The undisputed war hero of the empire.

Just a moment ago, the Emperor personally awarded him medals and officially declared, ‘There is no one more outstanding than this young man.’

Naturally, all the students of the Academy cheered his name.

The fact that he was a student like them, a kind of academic connection, further fueled their admiration.

There were many high-ranking officials in the empire who graduated from the Academy, but Karl was the best senior among them all.

Perhaps everyone would consider him the greatest graduate.

But that’s one thing, and this is another.

If someone could remain calm after hearing such nonsense, wouldn’t they be an inanimate object rather than a person?

‘Senior, have you lost your mind?’

These words lingered on the lips and in the minds of the magic department students.

Fortunately, they weren’t all that impatient, so there was no idiot who blurted those words out.

“Senior Karl, we’d like to hear the reason why you’re asking this.”

“It’s nothing much. I just want to try nullify some magic.”


They must think I’m crazy.

What kind of person casually says, ‘I’ll just nullify some magic,’ and acts like it’s no big deal?

“Um... Senior Karl, I’m really sorry, but—”

“Of course, this is entirely my decision and judgment, so I’ll take full responsibility. Your department won’t be involved in any trouble.”

“But still...”

“If you’re worried about the professors, that’s fine too. I’ll talk to them.”


“And I’ll be the first to help you get additional funding for your magic department research.”

“How can we help you, Senior?”

If other departments saw this scene, they might say, ‘You guys have no pride! You’re being swayed by money!’ But the magic department would proudly answer, ‘Yes!’

Magic is ultimately a form of money burning.

All the materials, time, and labor costs involved in research... it’s all money in the end. If someone offers to fund that, they’ll do anything.

Yes, that’s what the Emperor wanted to say. This wasn’t just bragging. It was a warning.

If anyone dared to cross the line and ignore this, it was a hint that the empire could do anything under the pretext of insulting the empire.

Those who had been trying to cling to Karl and pick up scraps, hoping to benefit from the miracle he had received from the Goddess, were now in a very difficult situation. This was especially true for Lasker and Hyzens.

As a result, the unofficial delegations from those two countries were struggling, the priests from the Holy See were wondering what was going on, and Avileshti, who had no particular thoughts, was also feeling tense.

“Esteemed guests.”

The devil’s whisper reached them.

“If it’s not too much trouble, there’s a good spectacle to see. Would you like to come with me?”

The tension in the air was palpable. Karl’s invitation offered a welcome distraction, and they readily agreed.

So the guests from each country moved to a place where Karl was holding a greatsword and staring straight ahead.

“What’s going on all of a sudden...?”

The mages from Avileshti were the first to notice the change.

As those sensitive to the flow of mana, they turned their heads, their eyes filled with curiosity.

Meanwhile, up ahead, the ‘Academy Magic Department’s Special Flame Magic,’ which had undergone some modifications, began to fly towards Karl.

“Whoa, whoa!”

“What’s happening?! Why is he just standing there...?”

Just as the mages and priests were about to stop him in surprise...


An ominous sound.

Sparks and mana scattered in all directions.

The guests, who had been murmuring, stared blankly at Karl.


Another spell flew in.

It wasn’t a massively destructive spell, but it still had enough power to kill.

One wrong move, and someone could be turned into a well-lit bonfire in an instant.


Karl sliced it in half with his greatsword as if he were cutting an apple.





As expected, as expected of the Blessed One. You are truly amazing! This was the sentiment of the priests from the Holy See.

What is this? Is it a warning? Are you telling us to hurry up and finish off the remaining Luzernes remnants? If we don’t finish them off quickly, will you cut us down too? The elves from Hyzens worried.

This is crazy. Baba Yaga seemed to be retiring, but the empire is showing us that there’s an even bigger monster. As expected, the Emperor is a terrifying figure! The knights from Lasker were shocked.

Is this the empire’s proclamation that the end of the age of magic is near? Not only guns and gunpowder, but now they can nullify magic with a single greatsword? The mages from Avileshti were also greatly shocked.

And finally, Selena and Lefia, who were watching the scene...

“That’s so cool!”

“It’s amazing!”

It seemed that they had developed a tolerance after experiencing so many strange things.

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]