[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]

Chapter 188

“It’s been a while, Sergeant Karl Adelheit. Ah, should I call you Young Lord now?”

“Call me whatever you’re comfortable with, Your Highness Miquella. Ah, I heard you were promoted to Lieutenant Colonel recently. Congratulations.”

“Congratulations? Hardly. It’s just a rank they gave me before I retired. I’m still a Major.”

Two years ago, this was Princess Miquella, who had awarded me my first Medal of Honor.

Now, she had become the Emperor’s younger sibling, the Imperial Princess, and had stepped back from all frontline duties.

The emperor I know would never doubt his own sister. He would have encouraged her to stay and serve the empire.

But as soon as the crown prince ascended the throne, Princess Miquella... Ah, this is awkward. From now on, I’ll just call her Lieutenant Colonel Miquella.

In any case, Lieutenant Colonel Miquella, like all direct descendants of the empire before her, chose to step back from all her activities to avoid causing any trouble in the political scene.

It was a strong statement of her intent to not leave even a spark that could ignite conflict.

“You must be disappointed.”

“Disappointed? Not at all. I’m relieved. Did the military ever go easy on me because I was a princess? They gave me even more work! Young Lord Karl, you know what I mean? It’s a blessing to be discharged early from the military. Honestly, I was terrified when His Majesty told me to stay longer.”


I doubt that. If it were the Lieutenant Colonel Miquella I know, she would have stayed in the military.

Considering she rose to the rank of Captain on her own merit, she’s more than capable.

“And I need to see my niece more. When she gets older, she’ll start to remember people’s faces, and I’d be pretty hurt if she looked at me and asked, ‘Who are you?’”

“The Crown Princess may be young, but she’s smarter than anyone, so I think your worries are unfounded.”

Indeed, our niece is already recognizing faces.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t babble exclusively to me.

In front of others, she either cries or just stares blankly.

It might be a blessing in disguise for Lieutenant Colonel Miquella to step down now.

If she starts visiting her niece diligently from now on, she might get to see her niece happily calling out ‘Auntie! Auntie!’ in the future!

“Compared to when you received the Medal of Honor, this is on a whole other level. It’s gotten so massive.”

“It was a bit smaller back then, wasn’t it?”

“Don’t get me wrong. It’s all relative, I’m not trying to downplay the Medal of Honor.”

“As if I would take it that way. It’s a joke, a joke.”

Suddenly, I remember the first time I met Lieutenant Colonel Miquella.

Let’s see, she was still a captain then, right?

And I had just returned from a leave of absence, still a bit dazed. A soldier who hadn’t quite shaken off the military life.

“Sergeant Karl Adelheit! It’s an honor to meet you! Your Highness!”

“Oh, um, yeah. Sure. Just don’t shout so loud.”

Pfft. Thinking back to that time, I can’t help but laugh.

What was I thinking? Why did I have to report my rank and name like that?

I don’t think I’ve ever been that enthusiastic, even with our platoon leader.

“What’s so funny?”

“Ah, I just remembered the first time I met you, Colonel. I was a bit stiff back then, wasn’t I?”

“Hmm... Ah, I remember. You were really nervous about receiving the Medal of Honor, weren’t you?”

To be honest, it wasn’t the Medal of Honor that made me nervous, it was the fact that the princess was coming.

What can I do? Meeting someone because the Emperor summoned them and meeting someone because the Princess summoned them feel completely different.

Even if I were like other nobles, I would have been more sensitive to the latter than the former.

Fortunately, now that the new Emperor has ascended the throne, there’s no problem at all.

We can sit here and chat like fellow Imperial soldiers, and no one will look at us strangely.

“Speaking of which, Your Excellency, I heard you’re heading south after your visit to the Holy See.”

“You’ve heard that much? Hmm. I’m starting to worry that our Emperor trusts Young Lord Karl too much! I didn’t realize he’d tell you everything!”

Your Excellency, didn’t you just say a moment ago that I’m a trustworthy subject?!

Even if it’s a joke, I’m a little bit hurt that you changed your words so quickly!

When I purposely put on a hurt expression, the former Emperor’s laughter grows louder.

Something I couldn’t even imagine when he was Emperor.

Seeing this side of him, I’m reminded that he’s no longer bound by the formalities of the throne.

“I must go. I must go and pray for the souls of the fallen heroes of the empire who haven’t been properly mourned.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“You stay in the capital and spend time with your niece. Why do you insist on coming along?”

“Wouldn’t you be lonely alone, Your Excellency? I think it’s only right that I accompany you.”

The former Emperor tells her to stay in the capital, but Lieutenant Colonel Miquella insists on going with him.

They were once bound by the formalities of Emperor and Princess, but now, released from those constraints, their interaction has the familiar warmth of a father and daughter. It’s a sight that warms my heart.

* * *

In the end, Lieutenant Colonel Miquella won.

It’s almost impossible for parents to win against their children.

Moreover, since he needed someone to accompany him on his journey, it was only natural that he would eventually accept.

“Young Lord Karl.”

After Lieutenant Colonel Miquella excused herself to prepare, the former Emperor called me.

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

“This might be sudden, but sometimes I get scared.”

“...Your Excellency?”

“Those who selflessly gave everything, even their lives, for this empire, for this imperial family... I can’t help but wonder if, in their final moments, they felt any regret. If they now harbor any resentment towards us from the afterlife. That thought terrifies me.”

Words he had never spoken to me before, during his reign as Emperor.

Perhaps the weight of his past decisions, the lives lost on those battlefields he could never visit as Emperor, now bore heavily upon him as he prepared to finally face them.

Fortunately, I was able to answer that question with more certainty than anyone else.

“Your Excellency, I assure you, that will never happen.”

Even if they could go back in time, they would all make the same decision.

I was the one who witnessed their final moments, their unwavering courage and devotion until the very end. That’s why I can assure you, without a shadow of doubt, that their spirits find solace in the sacrifices they made.

“...What did they like?”

“Simple things. An apple, a grape, chocolate, coffee, and... cold water. Ice-cold water. That was enough.”

The former Emperor nodded and replied.

“I’ll make sure to bring those.”

[TL/N: Idk about y’all man but this made me sad... damn.]

[Translator – Angel Dust]

[Proofreader – Prototype]