Chapter 16: Li Youcai is a man who does all kinds of evil

  Chapter 16 Li Youcai is a man who commits all kinds of evil

   Suizi sized up the man in front of him, hatred flooding in like a tide.

  Li Youcai wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. His gentle appearance and high education of a technical secondary school student attracted the hearts of many girls in the village.

  Li Youcai was admitted to the technical secondary school because he copied Suizi's last question.

  He kept asking Suizi for answers.

   Suizi thought about the difficult conditions in his family, his father was paralyzed and his mother supported the house alone, and she couldn't finish her meal, so she sympathized with him and copied a question for him.

  The two were admitted to technical secondary school together.

  Suizi's kindness to Li Youcai is as heavy as a mountain, but Li Youcai's kindness will avenge him.

  In her previous life, Suizi went out to do business after she had a miscarriage. Her mind was quick and she made a lot of money.

  The local snake sees that she is an outsider and a helpless single woman, and always makes trouble for her, even calling the police is useless.

  Just when she was considering ending the business and changing to another place for development, Li Youcai appeared.

  He said that he was framed and imprisoned for several years in his hometown, and he couldn't stay in his hometown anymore. He wanted to develop, but Suizi was desperate, so the two started a business together.

  After Li Youcai became a shareholder, no one made trouble anymore, and Suizi's business grew bigger and bigger.

  Li Youcai took the opportunity to confess his love to her. After being rejected by Suizi, he said on the surface that he was still friends, but secretly spread the news that he and Suizi were lovers, secretly imitated Suizi to write, and even had a girlfriend who ran away from insurance.

   Suizi saw that he had a girlfriend, and thought he had given up on her. Li Youcai brought the insurance girl over and asked her to buy a sky-high price accident insurance. Suizi bought it only because he wanted to help his girlfriend improve her performance.

  The company organizes mountain climbing, and Li Youcai tricks Suizi to a place where no one is around, where he shows his fierceness, and Suizi realizes that he has lured a wolf into the house.

  It turned out that Li Youcai had taken a fancy to her when she was still in school, and all the unthinkable things that happened around her were all created by him. Suizi repeatedly rejected his courtship.

  Not only did she push tassels causing her to fall to her death, but he also imitated her handwriting and wrote a suicide note. The two started a company together, and he easily obtained her personal seal.

   This villain, who will avenge her kindness, not only killed her and took her property, but also made her ashes into bracelets and buried them in the wall of her ancestral home, and kept them in a gossip lock box.

  Suizi has been regretting and reflecting for so many years, regretting that she did not recognize people clearly, and did not see the true face of the villain. The farmer and the snake are the true portrayals of her and Li Youcai.

  She was reborn, and she never forgot her hatred for him for a moment. She felt like throwing up when she heard this disgusting name. After seeing the person, this feeling of nausea became stronger.

  Suozi's nails sank into her palm, and the tingling pain pulled her out of her memories.

   "Suizi! Are you okay?" Li Youcai looked at Suizi with almost greedy eyes.

   "It's okay." Suizi lowered her eyes, suppressing the urge to scratch him.

  But he didn't see that the man opposite also clenched his fists, his face full of restraint.

  At this moment, Li Youcai really wanted to hold this woman who haunted him in his arms, but he couldn't do anything at the moment, he could only look at her with greedy eyes.

   Suizi will still be fat, not as good looking as if she was thinner—it doesn't matter, as long as she is willing to be with him, he has many ways to make her look beautiful.

  Li Youcai's eyes became more and more burning, and when he opened his mouth, he was hoarse and full of longing. Afraid she would notice it, he hurriedly cleared his throat.

"Suizi, did Yu Jingting beat you? If you want to abort his child, he won't let you go, right? Don't be afraid. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. No matter what difficulties you have, I will help you of!"

   Suizi looked up in surprise, how could Li Youcai say such a thing?

  This man is as dark as a snake. He hides his secrets in front of people. Even if he is interested in her, he will only use shady means to poke her behind his back, and will never say it outright.

  In the previous life, Suizi had no chance to meet him after she had a miscarriage. His behavior today was too abnormal. Suizi raised her vigilance and bowed her head in embarrassment.

   "What nonsense are you talking about, we don't know each other well"

  Li Youcai just remembered that Suizi is a timid woman, and his behavior was abrupt.

   "Yu Jingting is not a good person. When he knew that you were going to have an abortion, the whole village shouted to kill you. I was worried about you—we are classmates after all."

  Taiko's eyelashes glistened, accompanied by nausea and a chill.

  He is good at speaking in such a decent tone, he looks upright, and all he does is shady little tricks.

   "Thank you for 'caring' about me." Suizi stopped talking after finishing speaking.

  The conversation between the two seemed to be as light as water, but secretly it was turbulent.

   Suizi kept her head down. Li Youcai couldn't see her expression, so he could only guess that the girl was frightened. In order to make her more afraid of Yu Jia, he decided to add more firewood.

   "Suizi, Yu Jingting's grandfather is the beard who occupies the mountain as the king. His family has been bad-tempered for three generations. If you encounter something that threatens your safety or even your life, you must tell the village."

  Suizi shrank her shoulders, Li Youcai thought that she had succeeded in intimidating her, after all she was timid.

  She raised her head and said in a voice that he couldn't figure out:

   "I don't really remember what happened in the previous generation, but I do remember that both your grandfather and your father were married?"

  Three generations of the Li family have been eating soft rice. Although Li Youcai didn't get the tassel, he used despicable means to rob her of her property. The people who passed on the soft rice from the ancestors laughed at the Yu family, and Suizi found it extremely funny.

   "I, I—" Li Youcai choked for a moment.

  He thought so many ways to get her, but her rhythm was disrupted by her sentence, and he didn't know what to say.

   After all, the fact that his parents ancestrally passed down soft rice is not so glorious.

   "Didn't you work as a teacher in high school, why did you go back to your hometown for no reason?" Suizi threw another soul question, and Li Youcai choked again.

  After graduating from technical secondary school, Li Youcai was assigned to be a high school teacher. He was expelled within half a year. He himself said that he had encountered unfair treatment and was given a place by someone with connections.

  Suizi later found out that he had slept with the principal's woman within three months of enrolling, and the reason why he didn't return to his hometown after half a year was because his leg was broken and he was recuperating in the city before he dared to come back.

   "I, I came back because I wanted to build our hometown well." Li Youcai said deflatedly.

   Suizi almost laughed out loud, how shameless!

   "I just came back from the village chief. He said that the brigade lacked an accountant, and asked if you want to do it." Suizi dropped the bait.

  In the previous life, Li Youcai worked as an accountant. After the production team was disbanded, he became the accountant of the brigade, which can be regarded as a stable job.

But Li Youcai had a wicked mind, embezzled public funds, and was sentenced to several years in prison. That's why he couldn't stay in his hometown and went out to find Suizi to do business with him. He only knew about this after Suizi died and became a ghost. You should know his virtues early on. , definitely can't partner with him.

  After she came back from rebirth, the village chief wanted to give her the accountant, but Suizi didn't want it, because she didn't want to change the trajectory of her previous life.

  But Li Youcai's words made Suizi suddenly cold.

   I think the smart friends have already seen that this Li Youcai is not that simple.



  (end of this chapter)