Chapter 71: Please call him Yu Huihao, thank you

  Chapter 71 Please call him Yu Huihao, thank you

   "Hey, sister-in-law, why is your face so red?" Jiao Jiao ran over and squeezed between Suizi and Yu Jingting.

  Yu Jingting narrowed his eyes dangerously. This small light bulb is very annoying.

  Of course, Suizi couldn’t say that he tried someone by himself, but his thick skin bounced back a mouthful of old blood.

   "What's wrong?" Suizi asked Jiaojiao pretending to be calm.

   "There are frozen persimmons! They are so big!" Jiaojiao compared exaggeratedly, her eyes sparkling, she wrote it all and bought it for me~

   "Look, there is a cat flying in the sky!" Yu Jingting pointed down.

  Jiaojiao looked over subconsciously, and Suizi also wanted to look at it reflexively, but before she could see clearly, Yu Jingting's hand pressed her back of the head and pulled her in her direction.

  The cool lips seemed to be touching her nerves, and their breaths fused together.

  The moment of lightning and flint was lightly tasted, but because of the beauty between the two, it was full of forbidden happiness.

   "What kind of cat is there? Brother, you lied to me again—hey, sister-in-law, why are you blushing even more?" When Jiaojiao turned her head around, she saw that Suizi's face was even redder than Guoguang Apple's.

  Yu Jingting turned his hand to lightly touch her hair, gently sweeping away the falling snow for her.

   "Your classmate with ulterior motives unilaterally believes that you are loose sand that I can't hold in my hands, and a melon that is not sweet when I twist it."

   Suizi's eyes tightened.

   Sure enough, he knew all about it.

  Yu Jingting's mind is far more delicate than what he showed.

  He changed the subject, his voice seemed careless and full of vigor.

   "But for me, the sand that can't be held can stay with water, and the twisted melon is sweet or not, I don't care."

  I want to hold her, twist her, and keep this fat girl who is dazzling in the eyes of outsiders by my side.

  No matter what methods and means are used.

  Suizi looked at him, with a sour feeling on the tip of his nose, and a little bit of redness in his eyes. He couldn't tell whether he was more moved or more guilty.

  He never mistrusted her, but she was so afraid of him in her previous life and missed her life.

  His IQ is used to make money and protect his family, and her IQ is used to avoid him

   "Hey! Aren't you going to cry?! Don't cry!"

  Yu Jingting originally wanted to scare this little girl who was thinking wildly all day long, but unexpectedly, she made her cry just after he said a few harsh words.

   "You're so annoying!" Suizi quickly threw him off and crossed the road, not daring to look at his resolute face.

  What's the name Yu Jingting, change the name to Yu Huiliu!

  Yu Jingting couldn't understand the woman's complicated mind like a needle in the sea, so he hurriedly ran after her.

  Jiaojiao feels hurt, hey, haven't you bought her frozen persimmon yet?

   Those two people in front of you, remember that you actually have a younger sister? Especially the kind that eats frozen persimmons.

   It was not yet noon, and lunch was settled at the sheep soup restaurant. Suizi thought that he would take her back to the village after eating.

  In the end, he led Suizi to the cinema.

   "You don't mean to—?!" Ask her to watch a movie?

  Yu Jingting turned his head to one side, did not deny it, did he admit it? !

   Suizi wondered why he invited herself to watch a movie for no reason, and Jiaojiao clapped her hands happily.

  The village only shows open-air movies after a long time, and the little guy has never experienced watching movies in a movie theater.

   "I can't climb over the wall now, can I?" Suizi's first reaction was to look down at her stomach.

  She remembered that the street sneakers at the entrance of the village occasionally went to the city to watch movies, and when they came back, a group of people stood under the big tree at the entrance of the village to brag.

  A ticket costs 2 cents.

   These people have no money, so they jump over the wall to watch movies, Suizi thinks that he also wants to take her and Jiaojiao together.

   "I look like a fare evader?" Yu Jingting narrowed his eyes.

  Suizi and Jiaojiao nodded at the same time, like.

  Suozi noticed that the sight of the ticket seller fell on him through the glass, and he had the temperament of fare evasion.

   "Get out of the way!" An unfriendly voice came from behind.

  A man in a bicycle is carrying a woman in red, staggering, and sticking to Yu Jingting and Suizi.

  Yu Jingting frowned thickly, hugging his daughter-in-law with one hand and pulling his younger sister with the other, with a chill in his eyes.

  The parking shed of the movie theater is right in front of you. When you reach a crowded place, you should consciously get off the bike and push it.

  Riding a bicycle to a crowded place, with an arrogant attitude, he deserves a beating.

   What if he caught his fat wife?

  Suizi hurriedly tugged at the corner of his clothes.

   "Forget it, don't follow these unqualified general knowledge."

   Fearing that he would chase after him and beat him up, Suizi took out the money and planned to buy a movie ticket.

  Yu Jingting pressed her and motioned her to stand where she was, and he went over to buy a ticket.

   At Jiao Jiao's strong request, he bought another bag of sunflower seeds.

  The melon seeds sold here are all newspapers rolled into small triangular pockets, and they are sold on the basis of pockets.

   "What's wrong with you today?"

  His boldness of "spending a lot of money" makes Suizi feel very strange.

  The bowl of mutton soup at noon is not an elephant whip, how can he make up his blood, with a posture of not giving up until he achieves his goal?

  Watching a movie is a kind of leisure and entertainment, which should not be the idea of ​​a pragmatic rural person. If he is looking for such a place for a date with himself, it doesn’t look like it?

  This guy doesn't look like he has this kind of romantic cells.

   And his expression is too determined. Those who know it are watching a movie, but those who don’t know think he is going to blow up a bunker.

  I feel that this is not as simple as watching a movie.

  Suizi's eyes fell on the publicity board, on which "Robinson Crusoe" was written in white chalk.

   This was filmed abroad before, and it was just imported this year. The name is not suggestive, and it has nothing to do with romance.

   "You can just watch it, what are you talking about!" Yu Jingting nudged her back impatiently to cover up the slight redness at the base of his ears, but he was muttering in his heart.

   Little girls, it's not for her!

  He swore that if he could take this fat girl home, he would definitely take her to a movie.

  This is Yu Jingting's obsession and the goal of years of struggle.

  The three of them walked into the hall, Jiaojiao untied her shoelaces, squatted there to tie her shoelaces, Yu Jingting went to the toilet, Suizi waited beside Jiaojiao.

  The film still has a few minutes to start, and people are sparsely entering.

   Suizi deliberately stood aside for fear of delaying others.

   "The hillbilly in front! Go!"

   Suozi didn't respond and said it was her, and looked around.

  A pair of big-toed leather shoes appeared in front of her. Suizi looked up along the big-toed leather shoes, and a man in his twenties stood in front of her.

  The man smelled of alcohol, his eyes were watery, and his leather jacket looked familiar.

   Suiko remembered.

   Isn't this the one who was riding a bicycle with a woman in red and almost hit him?

  The man stood less than half a meter away from the tassel, licking his lips and looking up and down at the tassel maliciously.

  Suizi is wearing a gray suit made of rough cloth, which is what everyone wears at this time, and she wears comfortable but dirty cotton shoes on her feet, revealing her identity.

   "Tu Da girl is so fat and she blocks the aisle!" The man saw that Suizi was good-looking, dressed like a villager who had never seen the market, and wanted to tease her to scare her.

   Suizi is not afraid at all, and counts, this guy will be beaten.

  She had stopped Yu Jingting once outside, but there was nothing she could do about the man rushing to beat him up.

   You can see why Jie Liuzi is obsessed with watching movies. By the way, the Dianniang system is against the sky. I deleted the most classic part of the chapter with a yellow face yesterday. I saw that the number of words was wrong at night, and I found it when I saved the manuscript. Tsk tsk tsk.



  (end of this chapter)