Chapter 258: Can always fool two idiots

  Chapter 258 Can Always Fool Two Idiots

  The consequences of Yu Jingting becoming angry from embarrassment are very serious.

  The family was angry and spread fire outside. In order to restore the dignity of the head of the family, they directly sold wild ginseng for 1,500 roots.

  Fan Hua was dumbfounded when he heard the price.

  Although wild ginseng is rare these days, it is not impossible to buy it. With a little thought, you can always receive it.

   It's not too low to give a hundred and eighty.

  Come up and ask for a price of 1500—this is still the friendly price of the leader.

  Even Suizi felt that his price was too high and it was unlikely to sell.

  When Yu Jingting threw a bundle of banknotes in front of her eyes, Suizi was still shocked.

   "How on earth did you fool Fan Hua? He wouldn't be stupid, would he believe it?"

   "Woman, you don't know anything about my abilities."

  Yu Jingting finally regained a little sense of superiority in being the master of the house, with his hands on his waist, he was proud in front of Suizi.

   "How on earth do you sell ginseng?"

   "I'll—wait a minute, what is prostitution?"

   Suizi sticks out her tongue secretly, well, this guy's reaction speed is really fast, it's really difficult to take advantage of him verbally.

  Yu Jingting tells Suizi how he fooled Fan Hua.

  He first fooled Fan Hua, this ginseng was not an ordinary wild ginseng, it was passed down from his ancestors.

   It is said that one day, his grandfather's grandfather went into the mountains and saw a fat baby, white and fat, with big eyes and double eyelids, and dimples when he smiled.

  When he said this, his eyes didn't leave Suizi, and Suizi felt full of malice.

   "It's not what I thought, is it? You take me as a prototype?!"

   "If you don't have a nose and an eye, can he believe it?"

  In order to get some money for selling ginseng, she can push her man out to get close to Wang Jialan. What happened to him using her as a prototype of a ginseng doll?

   Suizi didn't bother with him for Qian's sake, and motioned for him to continue.

  Yu Jingting lied to Fan Hua, saying that his grandfather's grandfather chased the little fat baby who was about the same size as Suizi all the way into the deep mountains, and the cloud was nowhere to be found, and the baby was nowhere to be seen.

"There are overgrown grasses on the ground. My grandpa's grandpa scraped the grass away. What a guy, such a big ginseng! He shouted, stick! Where are you running! It was too late to say it, and then it was too fast. Moving forward, my grandpa's grandpa took out the red string and used a trick of monkey stealing peaches, splitting tendons and pressing acupuncture points! He caught ginseng!"

   Suizi was dumbfounded, what is this mess?

   "If I remember correctly, isn't your great-grandfather's move of grabbing ginseng a line from a storytelling book?"

  The storytelling of spy wars is finished recently, and it has been replaced by martial arts.

  Yu Jingting made a piece together, just listening to it is enough to make a fool of himself.

  "True or false, to dig ginseng is indeed to use a red rope, but also to use a stick. I am three points true and seven points false, and I can always fool two fools."

  Fan Hua is in Jing Ting's heart, he is the second fool with a huge size, who is not fooling him?

   "Have you trusted Fan Hua?"

   "Be dubious, let me be fooled, I still have a backhand. Don't forget, I have been dancing with my mother since I was ten years old. How can I be convincing by pretending to be a ghost?"

  Wang Cuihua passed by with a bamboo basket, heard him say this, took the bamboo basket and put it on his head.

   "What do you mean by pretending to be a ghost? We are eating on our own merits!"

  His voice came from under the basket.

   "Look, the highest state of pretending to be a ghost is just like our mother's current state. She has fooled people so much that she believes it herself."

"Little bastard! What do you mean by fooling people? How many people do I care about your mother? Yang Laowu in our village has nightmares every day. Wouldn't it be good if I danced for him? There is also Wang Laosan in Wangtun, who is also me. good dance."

  Wang Cuihua counted his past achievements for him with her fingers.

  Yu Jingting held the bamboo basket on his head and said quietly through the gaps in the strips:

   "The essence of pretending to be a ghost is to have enough trusts. Find a few trustees and tell them that they have seen it. No one will believe it. My mother's method of fooling the villagers was improved by me to fool Fan Hua."

  Exactly the same move, change the soup but not the medicine.

  He lied to Fan Hua that it was a wild ginseng with a story, and he swore that everyone who went to the mountain with his grandfather's grandfather saw it.

  Fan Hua was dizzy from being fooled by him, so he asked someone to go to Wang's house to inquire.

  Yu Jingting had already found a trustee, no matter how much he inquired, it was true, and Fan Hua believed it immediately.

   spent 1,500 "leadership friendship price" and bought a ginseng from Yu Jingting.

  Suizi sorted out the whole process, and found that the bad tricks he used were exactly the same as the routines of later generations to fool the old man and the old lady into buying health care products!

   "It's a big loss for the MLM industry if you don't engage in MLM."

  Suizi didn't know whether to praise her man for his resourcefulness, or to laugh at Fan Hua's lack of IQ.

  The factory director of a large factory with thousands of people was actually fooled by Yu Jingting's idea of ​​dancing a big **** to fool the old lady in the countryside.

   "You are really wicked." Wang Cuihua clicked his tongue twice, and Suizi handed her the stack of money.

  Both the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are fond of counting money. Wang Cuihua counted the stack of banknotes and smiled happily.

   "The debt of our tractor can now be paid off."

   "Why don't you think I'm wicked when you count the money?"

  Yu Jingting took down the basket on top of his head, and looked contemptuously at the duo of money lovers, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

  He found that his daughter-in-law's smiling face looked like his mother's when she saw Qian's eyes wide open!

   "Our Jingting is not wicked, we are stealing from the rich and giving to the poor—mother, think about it, how much is Fan Hua's monthly salary when he is the factory manager? He takes so much money easily, is his money clean?"

  Suizi doesn't feel that Fan Hua deserves sympathy at all. This kind of guy is bad and stupid, and he won't accept his money if he takes his money.

   "It makes sense, but Tie Gen is still working under his hands. After a few days, he will realize that he can't wear small shoes for Tie Gen?"

  Wang Cuihua was a little worried.

  1500 is not a small amount. Normal people can figure it out in a few days, but it will be bad for people to retaliate.

   "He is busy taking ginseng as a gift, how can he have the time to think about the authenticity? Not only can he not wear shoes for us, but he also has to say thank you to us."

   As soon as Yu Jingting finished speaking, the nanny of Fan's family came.

   "Brother Ting, the factory manager asked me to send you something."

   Chicken, duck, fish, tobacco, wine, sugar and tea are all placed on the floor.

  Yu Jingting gave Wang Cuihua and Suizi a smug look, look, what is he talking about?

  The little nanny of Fan's family is a real person, and Suizi can easily get some information out by chatting with her about the housework.

   After Fan Hua got the ginseng, he immediately called the old man in the capital, and said exactly the set of words that Yu Jingting used to fool him.

  Little nanny’s original words: After the factory manager hung up the phone, his face was full of red. It is said that he was highly praised by the old man and he was in a good mood.

   Asking the little nanny to pick some gifts from other people from the library and send them to Yu Jingting, which is a great affirmation of Jingting.

  Suizi Heixian, this old man Fan is really sick and goes to the doctor. In order to live a few more years, he even believes the nonsense made up by Yu Jingting.

   No wonder many of the people who have been cheated by health care products in later generations are former cadres and scholars.

   According to my observations of grandpas and aunts, it is very simple to sell them sky-high prices of health care products. Just say, this medicine has cured so and so, and pay for it immediately, not too fast. Well, let me try the effect—I heard that the little girl voted ten monthly tickets for Niuniumi, and it doesn’t take much effort to go up five floors without sore waist or leg pain. Do you believe me?



  (end of this chapter)