Chapter 296: professional counterpart

  Chapter 296 professional counterpart

   Yu Jingting's aesthetics, to a certain extent, is inherited from his mother.

  Ms. Wang Cuihua believes that in taking photos, you must fiddle with all the valuable things at home, so as to show the strength of the family.

  Although I don’t have a bicycle at home, borrowing one also shows my expectation for the future.

  Sooner or later there will be.

   After finishing shooting the tractor, which is a symbol of family strength, I entered the house again and posed in various poses.

  If Suizi hadn’t stopped her, Wang Cuihua would have even asked Jiaojiao to bring a fruit plate from home—in her simple mind, eating fruit casually is also a symbol of wealth.

  After taking random photos, Wang Cuihua was satisfied.

   "Suizi, what do you think is going on in Tiegen's factory? Why did he suddenly promote him, become a section chief, and give him a camera? The camera earns a lot of money, right?"

   "Well, it's quite expensive." Ordinary cameras cost more than 300 yuan. If you don't have 500 or 600 yuan, you can't afford it. It's an absolute luxury.

   "Hey, Suizi, do you think that Fan, will he instigate our Tiegen to do bad things?"

  Wang Cuihua bloomed beautifully, and whispered to Suizi.

   "Our family Tie Gen is just a newcomer, why is Fan so kind?"

   "He doesn't have anyone available right now. The position of driver may sound inconspicuous, but he is the closest to the leader, and he can be regarded as a confidant."

   Suizi lowered her eyes and added something in her heart.

  The son's IQ is as good as his mother's, and the mother-in-law can be a master in the village for so many years without being exposed. She really can't stand logical scrutiny.

   "You keep an eye on the iron root. If he is asked to do bad things over there, you have to stop him."

   Sui Zixin said that she was the one who followed Yu Jingting the night he "did something bad".

  Yu Jingting succeeded in gaining the trust of Fan Hua by virtue of the "Certificate of Voting", and became the youngest section chief in the factory.

  He is in the marketing department, which is full of young men, all of whom are elites who have graduated from technical secondary schools. Suddenly, such a young section chief is parachuted in, and he leads the driver to change jobs. It is natural to disobey his management.

  Yu Jingting wears the leather jacket he snatched from the principal every day, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, and his small hair is scratched out of shape by the tassels with moss.

   If you don’t know his background and just look at him, no one would think that he was a driver—or a fake driver who didn’t get a driver’s license.

  No one in the factory obeyed him, including Fan Hua who promoted him.

  The marketing department is the most difficult to manage. The previous section chief was transferred because he had a heart attack.

  This department was just established, and it is full of rebellious young people, who have to fight every now and then.

   Yu Jingting went home to learn from Suizi, and Suizi was happy.

   Isn’t this just an upgraded version of a department’s street trick?

   They are all middle school sophomores with education and rebellion, so it’s okay to not care about them.

   There are such people in every factory, but it is worth noting that this group of people tends to grow into a highly skilled business backbone.

  Using Jingting, a street slut, to take care of these teenagers with secondary illnesses, it is the wisest choice Fan Hua has made in his life, and he is a professional counterpart.

  Those factory leaders who opposed Fan Hua were all waiting to see the puppet Yu Jingting make a fool of himself.

   As a result, these people were disappointed.

   Not only did Yu Jingting not make a fool of himself, but he made a contribution as soon as he took office.

  There is a problem with a batch of goods in the factory.

   It can also be regarded as the mess left by Fan Hua.

  Fan Hua received the money before and tacitly allowed a batch of raw materials with questionable quality to enter the factory.

  The batch of materials did not meet the requirements at all, and the quality was delayed. Now it is the day of delivery, and the product cannot pass the acceptance inspection.

  Fan Hua heard this from the hospital bed, pretended to be uncomfortable and interrupted, and only threw a sentence to the deputy factory director, letting Tingzi handle it.

  He is really incapable of handling this matter.

  The amount of money involved in this batch of goods is relatively large, so there is no way to report the damage.

   Once it gets out, Fan Hua will definitely be in trouble.

   Push it to Yu Jingting, if Yu Jingting doesn't deal with it properly, Fan Hua can push Yu Jingting to take the place of the dead ghost.

  When Suizi knew about this, her first reaction was to turn around and draw with Yu Jingting behind her back.

   "What are you doing?" Yu Jingting leaned over curiously.

   Suozi is drawing villains on paper.

   "I'll draw a villain and stab him to death."

  Fan Hua is really disgusting, Suizi thinks it is hard to get rid of the hatred in his heart without drawing villains to poke him.

   "No wonder he has been here for so long. He doesn't have a confidant. He sold them all, right? This kind of person will be reincarnated. If he doesn't have his family to take care of him, he will be an X!"

   Yu Jingting was dumbfounded.

   Those two words, are his gentle and elegant daughter-in-law also know how to say it?

   "Daughter-in-law, we are also good teachers, so we don't talk about that stuff!"

  So Suizi began to scold in eight languages ​​in turn, and scolded for five minutes.

   Getting angry with Mr. Chen and swearing, it can be seen that Fan Hua is an unpopular piece of meat.

   "If the elder brother is regarded as the trunk, then the younger brothers are the branches. In order to grow, it is understandable to cut off some redundant branches, but what is the matter with him? Cut off all the remaining ones?"

  Yu Jingting hurriedly patted Suizi on the back.

   "How serious are you and him who is dying? If he has you two things, can he become the bird he is now?"

  That's right.

   "Go back and buy a copy, write "Yu Family Instructions" and write him in as a negative teaching material, so that our descendants can learn from it."

  Tiaozi took a deep breath, and stopped poking the villain.

   "There's no hurry to write the family training, and I still have to deal with this batch of goods right now. You haven't settled down as a section chief, so you can't be delayed because Fan Hua is an idiot."

   Regardless of why Yu Jingting got the section chief, Suizi wanted him to sit firmly in this position.

  Even if Fan Hua died and fell, Yu Jingting would still sit still.

  Dachang’s interpersonal relationship is a very good experience for him, and it can also allow him to grow rapidly.

  Great opportunities cannot be lost because of Fan Hua's brain damage.

   Now that Fan Hua has made it clear that he wants to be a coward, we can only see how Yu Jingting ends up.

   "Jing Ting, what are you going to do now?"

   "I plan to talk to Party A to see if the delivery deadline can be extended, and I will work overtime here to catch up with the progress and make another batch."

  Suizi thought for a while, nodded, and shook her head again.

   "It's a solution, but there's no need to rush it. Let's investigate Party A's background first."

   "OK, then I'll call our mother."

   Suizi felt a sense of accomplishment seeing him comprehend so quickly.

  She only mentioned an investigation background, and he could find the most convenient means of execution. Knowing the investigation background, no one is more convenient than Chen Lijun.

  Stubbornness and ignorance of flexibility are the characteristics of Fan Hua, while Yu Jingting has completely opposite characteristics.

  He can listen to all the opinions she gives. With such a character, he should be successful.

   After Yu Jingting called Chen Lijun, he really found a different breakthrough.

  The person in charge of Party A's area is the fan family's deadly enemy.

  So Yu Jingting and his wife had fun.

   This happened to die?

   Don't worry about the sales of junk goods.

   The new year has begun, dear friends, are you still by my side~



  (end of this chapter)