Chapter 299: I don't appreciate the benefits

  Chapter 299 I don’t appreciate the benefits

  Inside the box, there are no scary things that Suizi fears.

  Glittering gold, just like she dreamed.

  In the box, 3 small gold bars are placed neatly.

   "Fake, right?" Yu Jingting grabbed one, habitually biting it.

   "Don't!" Suizi hurriedly stopped.

  Who knows if there is something unclean on this thing.

   "There are words under this, take a look."

  Yu Jingting grabbed one and showed Suizi.

  Central Mint, in addition to these words, there is also the number and color on the steel stamp, and the weight is twelve pieces.

   "It is large yellow croaker, also known as factory strips. During the period of the Republic of China, more than 1 million croakers were produced. At that time, rich and noble families would keep a few of them as the bottom of the box."

  Suizi knew it was genuine at a glance, and the data quickly flashed through his mind.

  The unit of measurement in the Republic of China was different from what it is now. Although there are ten taels engraved on it, but based on the current weight, it should be more than six taels.

   "Jing Ting, do you know what these three big yellow croakers mean?"

  "Can't bite" Yu Jingting's little canine teeth were itchy, ready to move.

  “There was a writer back then who bought a courtyard house and used 3 large yellow croakers, including redecoration.”

  Gold is a good thing no matter in any age.


   "It's the one about melons, steel forks, and you."

   ".You called me a yue!!"

   Suizi shrugged, look, it’s different after going to school, it’s hard to connotate him.

   "Who put this here?" Suizi was puzzled.

  What is the purpose of the person who put the gold bars? Is he trying to frame him?

   still has another meaning.

  Do you want to hand in your stuff?

  Suizi quickly flashed the relevant regulations in his mind.

   "All dug out of the land must be handed over, unless it can be proved that it was specially left to you by your ancestors."

   "There's a note in here."

  Yu Jingting found a slender note at the bottom of the box.

  There is only one line above: To Chen Hansui

   "Look, it's authorized." Yu Jingting was amused, bring it here~

  Go back and wash and disinfect, take a bite~

   "Could it be my mother?" Suizi was also confused.

  I feel that this style of sending things around in circles is not quite like Chen Lijun.

   "Go back and think about it again. If Fan Hua is playing tricks, it will be too late to wait until the case is over."

  Before that, he had to take a few bites first, and then he had a good time.

  Suozi suddenly thought of the two jeweled radishes she dreamed about last night.

   "I have a hunch that this gold bar will be ours in the end."

  No matter what, call Chen Lijun first to confirm.

  Yu Jingting put away the gold bars, restored the piece to its original state, and then led the tassels away.

   Suizi wanted to use the school landline to call Chen Lijun, but as soon as she arrived at the school gate, she was stopped by a ragged woman.

   "Are you Yu Jiaojiao's parent?"

   "I am, are you?"

   "I am the parent of her classmate, and I have something to tell you."

  The parent said he wanted to talk about something, but his tone was clearly finding fault.

  Yu Jingting was right next to Suizi, and originally planned to send her back to school and then go to work, but when she heard this, she stopped.

   "Say something quickly, if you have a fart—"

  Taiko pushed him away.

   This guy can't speak, as if he wants to fight when he speaks.

   "You go to work, I'll take care of it here."

  Suizi thought that there should be conflicts between the children at school, and the parents came to find them.

  Reminiscent of Jiaojiao's character of not being disadvantaged, I guess that there is a high probability that the other's baby has suffered. If this is the case, her attitude will naturally be better.

   "Would you like to come with me to the school?" Suizi invited the parent to come in and talk.

   Yu Jingting also came in after her.

   "Aren't you going to work?"

   "I'll use your phone to call our mother—I'm so upright, I'm too embarrassed to keep stalking my unit."

  Suizi rolled her eyes in her heart, and said in her heart, when you bring home four meals at a time, you really can’t see that you still have this awareness.

  Yu Jingting was on the phone in Suizi's office, his ears stuck out, and the reception room was not far away. He had already asked Zhang Yue'e to be his eyeliner. If there was a quarrel there, he would support him at any time.

   "Get me Deputy Bureau Chen—Mom, I'm your big brother Jing Ting, I have something to tell you."

  Yu Jingting lowered his voice to make sure no outsiders could hear him.

  Chen Lijun was silent for a long time after hearing the whole story.

   "Give me the details of the gold bars."

  Yu Jingting took it out of his pocket and explained it in detail.

  Chen Lijun asked about the handwriting on the note, and Yu Jingting described it in detail.

   "Okay, I know who gave it to you. Here it is for you, you keep it, and hide it so that no one will find out. When Suizi asks, you tell her that I am playing games with her."

   "Mom, who sent this?"

   "Don't ask if you shouldn't."

  When Yu Jingting heard the tone of his mother-in-law, he probably understood who gave it to him.

I said in my heart that my mother-in-law is really ruthless. After breaking up, she didn't give any more affection. She used other people's resources to get promoted, and asked Suizi to accept the "meeting gift" given there in a grand manner, but she refused to let Suizi read the other party's words. good.

  She will use her ex to squeeze the other party's resources within the scope allowed, but after obtaining enough benefits, she will spit out the other party as useless bagasse.

   This is true for Chen Kaide, and it is also true for the Fan family.

   It is difficult for a woman to reach Chen Lijun's rank, because she is cruel enough.

   "You boy, are you secretly scolding me in your heart?" Chen Lijun was unpredictable.

  Yu Jingting laughed dryly twice.

   "How dare I scold you, I'm just a little lucky, my daughter-in-law didn't follow you at all in terms of feelings, hahaha."

  The last three ha, are very underwhelming.

  Chen Lijun was angry at first, and then she was happy again.

   "If she is like me, you will have nothing to do with me. You should be secretly lucky."

  Yu Jingting hurriedly sent some rainbow farts to make the mother-in-law happy, and was about to say a few words about Suizi's recent situation, when the next door started to shout.

"What did you say?!"

   Suizi's angry voice came from the next door, and the gentle Suizi could make such a loud voice, which shows that the other party must have done something too much.

  Yu Jingting didn't care to please his mother-in-law, so he hung up the phone in a hurry and rushed over.

  As soon as I arrived in the reception room, I saw an amazing scene.

   Suozi stood with her stomach straight, pointing at the woman sitting on the chair wiping her tears.

   "Calm down, what's the matter?" Yu Jingting hurried over to support the tassel, and peeked at his wife's face.

   Good guy, black face!

  Suizi's emotions are rarely leaked out, just like her mother, she always has a gentle and friendly expression, but there is always a slight alienation in her eyes.

   Only when she is with her family can her expression be richer.

  Being able to make Suizi so angry in front of outsiders, Yu Jingting was curious about what this ugly woman did.

   "Now my family has become obsessed with your sister-in-law, and is fascinated by her seduction. You must give me an explanation!"

  The woman stood up and cried loudly to Suizi: "Your sister-in-law is so inhuman!"

   Thanks to nanmuyuan for the 1500 coins~



  (end of this chapter)