Chapter 331: Take the overall situation in three sentences (compensation for late update + update)

  Chapter 331 Three sentences win the overall situation (later compensation + update)

  When Fan Gao left Suizi's house, he didn't know which leg he would get first.

  The whole person is like being in a cloud, feeling light all over, drowsy from drinking, Suizi's strong wine is strong enough to match with a table of chili dishes, and his stomach seems to be on fire.

  Fan Gao tried hard to recall, trying to remember what he had talked with Suizi.

  He felt as if he had achieved his goal, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that Suizi hadn't promised him anything.

  The subtlety of feeling something but getting nothing, watered down by alcohol and chili.

  Fan Gao turned his head, Suizi didn't come out to see him off, but he guessed that this girl who grew up in the countryside should have been captured by his family affection offensive.

  Fan Gao opened the door and got into the car.

   "Fourth Uncle, do you think she will believe you?" asked the driver.

"How could she not believe it? A rural girl who has never seen the market, the education she received was to marry and follow her husband at home and follow her father at home. The man in the village was not her real father at all. Her man died again, and suddenly came out a powerful man. Dad, does she want it?"

  Fan Gao leaned his head on the car seat, this **** wine really hit his head.

   "But what we heard from the school is that she is very capable at work, and she is also well-known in the Education Bureau—such a woman is so easy to be baited?" The driver still retained the last vigilance.

"The ability to work is because she is a nerd. No matter how capable she is, she can still count against us? A woman who has just left the village and is only twenty years old. How deep can she go? Even her mother's cunning vixen, It's not the same as being restrained by us?"

  The driver was probably persuaded by him and stopped talking.

  Fan Gao used Jiu Jin to fantasize about him reaching the pinnacle of life with Suizi's belly, full of complacency.

  At this time, Suizi was writing a series of messages quickly on the paper.

   They were all set on her wine table.

  This Fan Gao, the fourth in the family, has no parents, has an older sister, and his work unit is not in the capital.

  In order to win his own trust, he received a notice from the Education Bureau to Suizi.

   This notification is the breakthrough.

   Zhen Ju of the Education Bureau has friendship with Sui Zi, Sui Zi takes the fruit that Fan Gao brought over and goes straight to Zhen Ju's house.

  Suizi originally wanted to trick this person's background, but she didn't expect to get an unexpected news.

   "Is this notice fake?" Suizi asked.

  She just mentioned the notice by thanking Zhen Ju for a gimmick, but Zhen Ju was even more surprised than she was.

   "Yes, there are, but in my office, I just signed it yesterday."

  Suizi’s working ability is known to the higher authorities, and the principal has caused such a scandal this year, and the higher-ups also intend to train Suizi to succeed her, and plan to send her to further studies after her confinement, and then let the principal retire early.

   In this way, Suizi took over smoothly, and also left a trace of dignity for the principal.

   "Xiao Chen, what's going on?" Zhen Ju was at a loss.

   "Zhen Ju, I've been tricked by others. You have to make the decision for me. You said that if I don't agree with you, I won't come to you. What will happen to me?"

   Suizi expressed her attitude, she had to pick herself out, the responsibility was all on Fan Gao's impostor, she was innocent.

   Zhen Ju's eyes fell on the pastries brought by Suizi, and he nodded repeatedly.

  Xiao Chen is indeed a good comrade. Although she was deceived, she can think of thanking herself. She understands this intention.

   "This person must not know you well enough, thinking that you need nepotism to be in the top position. Your ability and organization are clear. Let's call the police to deal with this impostor."

   Pretend to issue fake official documents, enough for him to drink a pot.

  Suizi felt that calling the police and arresting Fan Gao was a good result. He wanted to nod at first, but on second thought, he broke the bones and tendons.

   Even if Fan Gao is a disappointing young man, his surname is Fan.

  The matter of him forging official documents, if it is big, it is big, if it is small, it is just a matter of the Fan family.

   After all, there were no consequences. He could even argue that it was just a harmless joke with Suizi. He gave this thing to the principal. The Fan family can completely shift the responsibility to the principal and make the principal a scapegoat.

   At that time, Fan Gao will not be able to get rid of it, it will be easy for her to jump over the wall in a hurry, and her own strength will be noticed by the other party, so she will no longer be able to eat pigs and pretend to be tigers.

   "Ju Zhen, there is something going on here, this man, he is from the capital, his family."

   Suizi leaned on Zhen Ju's ear and said a few words, Zhen Ju's brows became more and more wrinkled.

   "If you trust me, let me handle this matter, but I need your help."

   "What's busy?"

   "Can you help me find the phone number of the eldest son of the Fan family?"

   Zhen Ju was puzzled at first when he heard the words, but after a few minutes, he suddenly understood.

   "You're letting them resolve it internally—" In this way, she can sell the other party a favor.

  Do not offend others, and deal with those who violate discipline.

   "Xiao Chen'er, you are truly a lucky general. You have done such a thing at such a young age, which really impresses me."

   "You have won the award because of the leadership and education." Suizi replied tactfully.

  Don't grab credit, show your strength properly when you shouldn't hide your edge, and stand in line by the way, the scale is just right.

   "I have an old classmate who happens to be in the same unit as him. I will help you find his contact information now."

   Bureau Zhen made several phone calls, and quickly wrote down a string of numbers on paper.

  Suizi got the phone and went straight to the third aunt's house without daring to delay.

  The call was connected quickly, with a very calm male voice.

   "Hello, who is this?"

   "I'm Chen Hansui, and my mother's name is Chen Lijun."

  The other end of the phone was silent for a few seconds, only the sound of breathing. After a while, the other side spoke:

"wrong number."

   This is what it means to hang up the phone.

  Suizi knew that she only had three chances to say something.

   Three sentences, to get the man on the other end of the phone to agree to cooperate with her.

   "Just now there was a man named Fan Gao who claimed to be my father. He wanted to take me away. I can get your phone number. You should know what it means."

   In the first sentence, Suizi showed her hole cards.

  This sentence contains a huge amount of information. As long as the other party is not an idiot, they should understand Suizi's intention to seek cooperation.

   There was another deep silence on the other end of the phone.

   "What do you want?" the man asked.

   "I don't want anything, I just want to live, I know why you want me to die, and I also know that you are the only one who has the ability to save me."

   In the second sentence, Suizi used the most dangerous move. She revealed her own hole card and also revealed the opponent's hole card.

   "You are really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers." Laughter came from the other end.

  That smile sounded emotionless, making it impossible to tell whether he was in joy or sorrow at the moment.

   "What capital do you have to negotiate with me like this, reckless young man?"

   "With my ability to help you get what you want, wise elder."

   In the third sentence, Suizi held her breath and waited for the other party's answer.

  The time to decide life and death has come.

I am an author who is good at getting readers to vote for me. I ask readers to vote for me in three sentences. If you don’t believe me, please read it—I beg you readers to have pity on me. I promise that I will never update tomorrow, and I will be punished if I am late. My old man ate my four-pound mechanical keyboard!



  (end of this chapter)