Chapter 353: Fan Huang Ben Huang

  Chapter 353 Fan Huang Ben Huang

  Jiaojiao could smell the tangy fragrance as soon as school was over.

  I didn't even throw away my schoolbag, and ran straight to the kitchen.

   "Sister-in-law, what is this?"

  Jiaojiao stared at the things Suizi was tinkering with, and her sister-in-law seemed to be a magician, casting spells on the kitchen utensils she had never seen before.

  The tassel wearing gloves buckled the mold, and the round and fragrant things fell into the plate one by one.

   "Egg burger, try it, be careful it's hot."

  Suizi squeezed her homemade ketchup on one of them.

   "It's made of eggs?" Jiao Jiao picked up one, blew it again and again, and couldn't wait to bite it off.

   "It's delicious!!"

  Eggs are beaten on the batter to make an egg burger. There are a few onion granules in it, and it is served with sauce.

  Jiaojiao ate three in one go, and Wang Cuihua tasted it and said it was good.

   "It's really unexpected that such a simple method is so delicious."

  “Delicious food often only needs simple cooking methods. Let’s sell this, and we only sell it for 2 hours a day, and we don’t get tired.”

  Forget about the tassels, eggs cost 8 cents each, plus batter, cost 1 cents, sell for 2 cents and 5 cents each, 7 eggs can be produced in one pot, and one pot takes a few minutes.

  Sell 100 a day, and you can earn about 30 a day.

   "The unit gives me two hours of breastfeeding time every day. I will come back to replace you. You sell it. When I rest, I will set up a stall and you rest. After two months of hard work, I will have money for furniture."

  Suizi calculated the accounts very clearly.

   "And we're going to move to a new house soon, it's close to the night school, and we'll go to the stall for half an hour at night. The students are just hungry after school, so we can buy something to eat, and we'll have an extra income."

  Wang Cuihua regained her energy as soon as she heard it, but she was a little entangled when Suizi said that the school gate should also be placed.

   "You and Tie Gen are both famous, the brewery is about to close down, and he is also the deputy factory director, and the deputy factory director's mother sells this thing here, so people can't make fun of it?"

  She is willing to make money, but she is afraid of embarrassing the children.

   "Using Jing Ting's words, it doesn't matter if you laugh at us, no one will eat less."

  Suizi takes these faces very lightly. Her goal now is very simple, which is to let the whole family live a life full of meat every day.

  Jiaojiao immediately looked up when she heard the meat.

   "Mom, it's important to eat meat."

   Yu Jingting has already been sent by Suizi to collect medicinal materials. If he was at home, he would probably support Suizi.

  Wang Cuihua was told by Suizi that she also felt that it was a big deal to solve food and clothing first. The mother and his wife made up their minds. Taking advantage of Suizi's maternity leave and the eggs left over from confinement at home, she tried to set up a stall first.

  The two children were still a few days away from being two months old. Suizi had fed the babies, so she asked Wang Hui to come over and watch for two hours. She and Wang Cuihua pushed a borrowed tricycle with a coal stove and molds on it, and went straight to the market.

  When I went to the market, I set up a stall, and soon attracted curious children to stay. Parents inquired about the price, and it was 25 cents a piece, which was discouraged.

   A bowl of noodle soup is only 3 cents, this egg burger is definitely not cheap.

   There were many people watching, but none bought.

   Suizi was not discouraged either, and cut the freshly cooked ones into small pieces, and distributed them to passers-by with toothpicks.

  If someone asks, she will explain what is in it.

   This scene fell into the eyes of the man not far away, and the man frowned.

  In the eyes of men, Suizi's behavior seems to be low-key for the sake of living, which is not very decent.

   "Leader, our time is almost up, and we are waiting for your meeting over there." The clerk beside the man looked at his watch.

  The leader stood here and watched the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law toss, and it took 20 minutes to see.

  For twenty minutes, Suizi was only busy distributing things, but did not sell a single order.

  Time is precious money for men. From the perspective of the document, the behavior of the leader is undoubtedly a huge waste of resources.

   "Go and buy all the food from her stall."


  The document looks at the plastic bucket next to Wang Cuihua, a bucket of eggs, just a small plum blossom pot, how long will it take to make it?


  The document did not dare to go against the leader's wishes, so he could only bite the bullet and pass.


   "Have you changed your mind?"

   "No, you buy a ready-made one first and give it to me, and then continue to wait for her to sell out all of them. When she cooks these foods, by the way, ask whether she is short of money or in difficulty."

   "." The document wants to cry but has no tears.

  So, the leader still wants him to waste a lot of time, waiting for the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to finish the bucket of eggs?

  No way, he is the leader, so he has to do whatever he says.

  Suizi thought her idea was very good, but she didn’t expect to see more and buy less. She was a little confused whether to lower the price by 5 cents. Could it be that the price was set high?

   "Give me one."

  The appearance of this voice was undoubtedly the sound of nature to Suizi. She hurriedly raised her head with a business-like smile, but froze when she saw the man's face.

"you are-?"

  The man in front of him wears glasses and speaks with a capital accent, and looks very familiar.

   "I'm Mr. Meng, and I'm Mr. Fan's secretary. We've met before." The man reported himself.

   Suiko remembered.

   This man is the confidant of Fan Huang, the eldest son of the eldest son of the Fan family.

  Before dealing with Fan Gao, I visited her house and left a deep impression on everyone in the Yu family.

   "What are you?"

   "Don't you, you, just call me Xiaomeng." Meng Jun said politely, subconsciously looking at the position where the leader had just stood from the corner of his eyes.

  The leader is no longer there, that’s okay.

  If the leader doesn't hear Miss Suizi calling herself "you" one after another, he's afraid he won't be able to eat it.

   "I'm here on a business trip, just passing by, smelling the fragrance and coming here."

   "These are for you, I don't need any money. What happened last time is thanks to you." Suizi quickly wrapped a few and handed them to Meng Jun.

  Fan Huang gave her a lot of expensive supplements after she gave birth, and she still had to live with it.

   "Don't, don't, please don't, I can't bear it!" Meng Jun took out the money and tore it up.

  Wang Cuihua took the tassel aside and took the money.

   "That's so embarrassing, haha."

  Seeing that it was a ten-yuan bill, Wang Cuihua held it up to the sun to see that it must not be fake money.

  She has no good looks towards anyone surnamed Fan, and she doesn't want to give a dime.

  Meng Jun deserves to be well-informed in front of the leader, and he didn't show any surprise at the behavior of Wang Cuihua, a petty citizen.

   "Director Chen, your family's financial conditions should be okay, right? Why—" Meng Jun hesitated to speak, "It's not long after giving birth, why is it so hard to come out?"

  "The family has moved to a new house and needs furniture. We poor people are not as rich as you big families. We can buy life, old age, sickness and death with money. We working people still have to live by our own sweat to be at ease."

  Wang Cuihua turned back, mocking the Fan family for borrowing Yangshou.

   There will be compensation and updates at night, so you can watch it together tomorrow. By the way, I love egg burgers, they are delicious.



  (end of this chapter)