Chapter 363: The amount of information is a bit large (monthly ticket 550+ more)

  Chapter 363 has a lot of information (monthly ticket 550+more)

  Yu Jingting searched all the places where tassels might appear, but couldn’t find tassels.

  Liao Yong also searched around, but to no avail.

   "Jing Ting, is it possible that Sui Zi got into trouble with you and hid herself?"

   "Impossible, my wife is not a petty person."

  Yu Jingting has been with Suizi for so long, and he has never seen Suizi lose his temper with him, and occasionally he was teased by him, just to bite him.

   There are two babies waiting to be breastfed at home, and Wang Cuihua is still lying in the hospital. It is impossible for her to leave the whole family and run away.

   What's more, when the two of them were handing over shifts in the hospital, she even gently adjusted his collar, touched his lips and said that he had been a little angry recently, and his mouth was peeling.

  Yu Jingting thinks of Suizi's gentleness, and his heart twists.

   Can't accept that she disappears out of thin air.

   Suizi hadn't seen her for two hours, and she still couldn't meet the standards for filing a case. Liao Yong's visit was purely personal.

   "This is really strange. During this period of time, there has been no abduction and trafficking in our city. The only gang of human traffickers has also been taken by you two. Jing Ting, did your husband and wife offend anyone?"

   "Which one are you referring to?"

  Liao Yong black line.

   Sounds like it's not less offending?

  Yu Jingting and Suizi walked from the village to the city step by step. During this journey, they have brought down so many top relatives that they cannot be counted.

   Not to mention Suizi often encourages Yu Jingting to act bravely.

  While the young couple helps good people, it also offends bad people.

  As many good people are helped, as many bad people are offended.

  If you really eliminate one by one, you will still be confused for a while.

  The most suspicious people are the few people who came when the two babies were 100 days old. They are the latest offenders of Yu Jingting's family.

   But Yu Jingting always feels that kidnapping is not something these cowards would do, so who is it?

   Thinking of the missing tassel, Yu Jingting's eyes darkened.

   No matter who targeted his little bitch, he would not let it go.

  Suizi, you must be safe.

   Suizi woke up in the darkness. She opened her eyes hard and saw the strange environment in front of her. Her mind went blank for a moment.

  She was carrying the soup she had just made, and was going to deliver it to her mother-in-law who was hospitalized.

  Walking for a while from home, I saw a man lying in the middle of the road.

   Suizi passed by, so she couldn't pretend she didn't see it, so she went over to check the situation, and asked if she needed help.

  Then, the neck was chopped off, and the whole person lost consciousness.

  Wake up again, in a strange environment.

   Simple wooden beds, white and green sanitary walls, and air filled with the smell of bathrooms.

   This should be a guest house.

  Tiaozi was tied to a chair and couldn’t move. The only window in the room had its curtains drawn, so she couldn’t see outside.

  The light source in the house comes from the small light bulb above her head. The light flickers on and off, which shows that the voltage here is unstable.

   Suizi quickly filtered several guest houses in the city in his mind, and deduced from the furnishings and unstable voltage in the house that this should be an old guest house.

  If she yells for help twice at the top of her voice, will someone be brave enough to do justice?

  Suozi quickly rejected the plan to call for help.

  Since the other party dared to bring her here and didn't gag her, either there was no one in this place, or the gangster was next door.

   She shouted rashly, what if she angered the other party and just tore up the ticket?

   The most urgent task is to find out who tied her up and what the purpose is.

   While Suozi was thinking about this, she kept struggling with her hands, trying to escape from the rope.

   But she soon discovered that the binding was too strong, and there was no way to break free.

   There are hardly any available resources in this room.

  The door opened.

   Come in personal.

   "It's you?!" Suizi was very surprised when she saw Fan Gao.

  She didn't expect that the person who bound her here was Fan Gao who used to pretend to be her father!

   "Hehe, stinky ×! Unexpected! You also have today!"

  Fan Gao's speech was a bit leaky, the beating electric light swayed on his face, and Suizi saw that he was missing a front tooth.

   His face was also blue and purple.

  Compared to when she pretended to be her father before, she looks a lot haggard.

   It can be seen that these days are very unsatisfactory.

  Fan Gao pretended to be Suizi's biological father before, and wanted to kidnap Suizi and let her have an early caesarean section. The idea was to let the baby in Suizi's belly be born at an auspicious time.

  The treacherous scheme was seen through by Suizi.

  It was also because of him that Suizi thought of contacting Fan Huang, cooperated with Fan Huang internally and externally, and got rid of Fan Gao.

  Looking at Fan Gao's miserable state, it is not difficult to imagine that Fan Huang has given him a lot of hardship.

  Perhaps because of this, he vented his anger and came back to tie the tassels—these are the causes and effects that the tassels thought of in a short time.

   "My child has already been born, I think you should know that I have no value for you now."

  Suiko tried to reason with him.

   "I know you have already given birth, and you are still two little trash born at an ordinary time!" Fan Gao took out a bottle of wine from his pocket, unscrewed it and took a few sips.

  His state seemed a little crazy, he didn't know whether he was playing drunk or was stimulated, Suizi suppressed the fear in his heart and tried to communicate with him.

   "Since you know that I am useless, what is your purpose of arresting me? Do you want money? You can contact my husband."

  Fan Gao suddenly slammed the half-drunk wine bottle against the wall with force. The bottle slammed, but it was not broken. It fell on the ground and rolled twice before returning to Fan Gao's feet.

  He roared hoarsely.

   "I'll go to your father for a piece of money! You low-level poor ghosts, how many big sons can you have?! You ruined me, you ruined my whole life!"

  At this time, Fan Gao was very close to Suizi, she could even smell the alcohol on his body.

  Suizi's heart speeded up with fright, and her eye sockets were also sore quickly. She pinched her palm with her nails and forced herself not to cry.

  She knew that she had become someone's prey at this time, and the more vulnerable she was, the more she would stimulate the other party to abuse. She could only try to stabilize her emotions and prevent her fear from being too obvious.

   "I apologize for everything I have done to you, and I am willing to find ways to make it up to you. Can we have a good talk?" Suizi asked.

   "Impossible! That **** Fan Huang wants to kill me, just because you are not his kind. He wants to kill me and I will drag you to die with me!"

   Suizi's heart tightened when he heard this.

   I am most afraid of this situation. The other party does not want money or sex, but just wants to drag her to die together. This situation means that there is no room for negotiation.

  Although she was very scared at this time, she still caught the bright spot in Fan Gao's words—

   "You said, Fan Huang is not my biological father?!"

   "You are not his seed at all, he is so addicted to being bewitched by his mother, even taking care of you, a little bastard, if I kill you, he will never get your mother's heart in this life, hahaha!"

  Fan Gao grabbed the wine bottle on the ground and smashed the chair like crazy.

   Bang! Boom! Boom!

  The loud noise made Suizi flustered, and just as she was about to break the boat and scream for help, a man's violent voice came from next door.

   "Grass! You don't sleep at night, you gouged your father's claws!"

   Thank you for the 10,000 coins for the rifle bullets. I will give it away tomorrow for the name change. Yes, I will continue to add it tomorrow. I feel that I can be a model worker, and I am so capable.



  (end of this chapter)