Chapter 384: Good people are rewarded

  Chapter 384 Good people get rewarded

  Old Yu spent a long night at home, and at dawn, Yu Jingting did not send back news.

   Bobo, who doesn’t like to cry on weekdays, doesn’t know if it’s because his sister is missing, or because the taste of the milk after Suizi got angry is not right, he stopped taking milk.

   Lying listlessly on the bed, not crying, but the little chubby face lost its usual expression.

   Suizi didn't know if it was because she felt sad at the moment and looked at her son as if she was sad, or because the child was sensible early and he was really sad.

   Without a home for children, happiness is taken away.

  If there is no such thing, this meeting should have breakfast.

  The family is lively at the dining table, bickering and playing poor, and then those who go to work go to work, and those who go to school go to school.

  Wang Cuihua will wait for the two grandchildren to go to bed in the morning, and prepare eggs and face lotion.

  She works very quickly, and when the children wake up, the stalls selling egg burgers are also ready.

  During lunch, Suizi and Yu Jingting would come back to feed the children, while Wang Cuihua went out to set up a stall to earn a fortune.

  Her egg burger business is on the right track, and there are many repeat customers every day.

  Although the original intention of setting up a stall at the beginning was to earn some furniture money for the family, Yu Shuisheng threw thousands of cash back last time, and the tassels were paid, so the family did not have to worry about food and clothing.

   There is no need for Wang Cuihua to set up a stall at all, but Wang Cuihua just likes this feeling.

   Make money, and chat with people who buy food. People can't stay at home all the time, they will be stupid.

  This woman who has worked hard all her life has influenced Yu Jingting's brothers and sisters with her optimistic attitude.

  But at this moment, Wang Cuihua, who has never been defeated by any difficulties, is wilting.

  No matter how Suizi persuaded her, she felt that it was her fault that she lost her granddaughter, and she was burdened with heavy shackles.

  Looking at the trolley of tools for making egg forts in the yard, I remembered the scene when my granddaughter was there.

  During this period, Yu Jingting was fishing every day. He didn’t work hard. When he was free, he took his two children to the market to see his grandma. When Wang Cuihua was busy, he glanced at his two grandchildren and felt full of energy.

  The past was vivid in her eyes, and Wang Cuihua's eyes were red again.

  She didn't understand why everyone in this family worked so hard, but it ended like this.

   Suizi saw her mother-in-law standing there looking heartbroken, knowing that she was missing her granddaughter, her nose was sour, and she swallowed tears and pretended to be happy.

  Yu Jingting hadn’t come back all night, probably still looking for a child, Suizi settled the house, borrowed a bicycle, and was going to the newspaper office for publication.

   Riding a bicycle quickly towards the newspaper office, when passing by the market where my mother-in-law had a stall, she subconsciously slowed down her cycling speed.

  Looked in the direction of her mother-in-law's stall.

  Clearly knew it was impossible, but there was still a glimmer of hope remaining.

  Hope to see Yu Jingting standing there holding his daughter in the place where her mother-in-law often goes out.

  Yu Jingting can hold a child in one hand, and sometimes when bad energy comes up, the foreheads of the two children will touch together, making the two children compete to see who is stronger and who can stand up to the other.

  But the two little babies usually don't cooperate with his nonsense.

   Suizi once suspected that Yu Jingting regarded the two babies as big toys, and was studying how to develop new ways to play every day, and often took pictures of the two children in various weird poses.

  Both children can turn over and move more, making it more difficult to think of concave shapes.

  The happy memories of the family have never faded in my mind, but when I looked up, it was empty, and her precious daughter was gone.

  The cruel fact jumped to Suizi's heart, and it made her heart feel tight.

   Suddenly, I heard someone calling auntie behind me.

  Suizi heard it, it was a child's voice, quite unfamiliar.

   She just thought she was calling someone else, speeding up her bicycle, and speeding towards the newspaper office.

  When Suizi arrived at the door of the newspaper office and was about to go in, her leather shoelaces broke, and the shoes instantly stopped following her feet.

   Suozi lowered her head and tried to adjust the strap, but was delayed for a while.

   Just as she was about to get up, a dirty little hand was placed on her shoulder, which startled Suizi.

   Suizi turned around, and saw a child standing behind him, his body was dirty, his face was smeared with sweat, and he was wearing rough clothes, as if he had just finished strenuous exercise.

   "Ah, auntie, I, I caught up with you." The little boy seemed to be about the same age as Jiaojiao, and spoke in a low voice.

   "Huh? You were calling me at the market just now?" Suizi finally realized.

  It takes half an hour to ride a bicycle from the market to the newspaper office. This kid is running behind the car!

   No wonder I'm so tired, it's really pitiful.

   Suizi would be in a hurry to find the child in the newspaper, and would not care about arranging the little boy, so she just patted his head and said:

   "You wait for auntie outside for a while, and auntie will tell you after finishing her work."

  She didn't know why the kid came to her, and she didn't remember knowing the kid.

  She is racing against time now, and she doesn't have time to think about these things, leaving the little boy and going inside.

  The little boy was sweating profusely from running all the way, out of breath, and looked like he was about to collapse. Seeing that Suizi was about to leave, he burst out with great strength and grabbed Suizi's arm.

   "Auntie, I know your sister is missing."

   These words were like a huge thunder, and suddenly exploded in Suizi's heart.

  Suozi hurriedly pressed his shoulder and asked impatiently.

   "How do you know? Do I know you?!"

  The little boy nodded.

   "You gave me an egg burger, and grandma gave it too."

   Suizi just remembered.

  She and her mother-in-law set up a stall on the first day, and the last egg burger was given to a little boy who looked very poor.

  Because the child had been looking longingly at the stall, his eyes made Suizi and Wang Cuihua feel very pitiful.

  Later, when Wang Cuihua came out of the stall, she would always look for this child intentionally or unintentionally. After searching for several times but failing to meet her, Wang Cuihua forgot about it.

  Until the day before yesterday, Yu Jingting came to see Wang Cuihua with two children in his arms, and the child came again, looking from a distance, but not approaching.

  Wang Cuihua asked Yu Jingting to go over to give him two egg buns, and Yu Jingting went over with Xiao Luoluo in his arms.

  Yu Jingting is quite a mess on weekdays and often bullies others. Men, women and children, as long as he doesn't like him, he will be teased for a while, but this little boy has the temperament of his childhood.

  Yu Jingting didn't bully him, and even took a few pieces of candy from his pocket to give him.

   Suizi has low blood sugar, and Yu Jingting always has candy in his pocket. This simple kindness has brought huge rewards.

   "I know your sister. I have never seen such a good-looking child who likes to laugh. She dresses differently from others."

  Suizi was about to cry, nervously and expectantly waiting for the child to continue.

   "I was cooking medicine for my grandma under the bridge yesterday, and I saw a few men hugging my sister, putting her in the laundry tub, and pushing her into the water."

   "Ah!" Suizi almost fainted.

  Such a small child, throw it in the basin and let it float in the water, what else is good?

   "I remember my sister, when those people left, I used a hook to bring the basin back."

   "Then, what about my daughter?"

   "Under the bridge, my grandma watched."

   Today is New Year's Eve, and it just so happens that the plot is written here again. May you and I get what you want after working hard in the new year, be safe and smooth, always believe in the light, and believe that good people will have a safe life.



  (end of this chapter)