Chapter 402: Translation Ghost Xiao Suozi

  Chapter 402 Translating the genius Xiao Suozi

   "You can get up quickly!" Yu Jingting saw the child crying, and the dialect came out.

   Slapped Du Zhong away.

  Suizi closed the lid in time, and the two babies couldn't see the heavy thing, so they gradually stopped crying.

   Du Zhong touched his nose with a look of grievance.

  He bought it because he really thought it was a good thing. They didn't just sell this stuff casually, so it was just a relationship.

   "The things are very good, don't give them away next time."

  Suizi didn't have the nerve to say that the father-in-law came back with three sacks of valuables, but only said that the father-in-law came back from the dead and brought back some similar things from there.

  But Du Zhong still couldn't figure it out, what is the relationship between her father-in-law bringing these things back and the two babies crying when they saw them?

   "You are quite a ghost, you have planned to recognize my child, right?" Yu Jingting hugged his daughter and looked at Du Zhong with contempt.

  It must have been premeditated to get things so quickly.

  Eucommia made two hey hey sounds, that is a must.

   "I like your two children when I see them."

   "You have vision." Yu Jingting raised his glass and touched him.

  For a father, if he praises his baby, he is a friend.

   Just halfway through the meal, someone came to the house.

  Yu Jingting put down his glass and looked out, enjoying himself.

   Spread out your hands and face Eucommia.

   "100 yuan! Hurry up, I'm willing to bet!"

  The man he rescued yesterday came, and there were many people around him, Suizi stood up.


  Elcommia grinned at the loss of a hundred dollars, but when Suizi said engineer, Teng jumped up.

   Looking outside, there are really several foreigners.

  Happy Du Zhong picked up Luo Luo, who was eating egg yolk, and just took a bite.

   "Daughter, you are really a fortune-teller!"

  Luoluo happily enjoyed the supplementary food, and was kissed by the smug Eucommia, the egg yolk mud fell on the ground, Xiaowa looked at the ground in disbelief.

  It feels like the free fall of the egg yolk has become a slow motion


   When this group of people entered the room, they heard deafening cries. Luoluo was carried by the tassels to the Westinghouse to settle her emotions, while Bobo on the side just calmly ate the egg yolk fed by her father, with a chubby face.

  Following Huang Mao was someone from the newspaper, who was also an acquaintance of Suizi. The editor-in-chief, Sister Li, came here in person, and when she saw Yu Jingting, she gave him a thumbs up.

   "Jing Ting, you've done a great job this time. Quickly put on a pose and let our photographer take a picture. It will be reported tomorrow."

  By relying on these foreigners’ incomprehension of Chinese, Sister Li asked Yu Jingting to pose before entering the room.

  Yu Jingting didn't put down the bowl in his hand—after all, his snack food would groan when he couldn't see what to eat.

   "Clean up these useless things, shoot what to shoot, isn't it supposed to save people? If you don't shoot, I won't save them?"

  Sister Li wiped her sweat nervously, but fortunately, international friends could not understand.

  The man Yu Jingting rescued yesterday was the Asian engineer Sui didn't see yesterday.

  Because Yu Jingting stepped forward regardless of personal gains and losses, and saved his life, he is naturally grateful to Jingting.

   It even added a lot of luster to the image of the city. Naturally, such a good thing should be publicized and promote friendship.

  After Suizi got her daughter settled, she came out laughing with tears in her arms. With her translation, there was no obstacle in communication—in fact, there were also obstacles, all of which came from Jingting.

   "Mr. Adam expresses his sincere thanks for your life-saving grace." Translated by Suizi.

  Yu Jingting replied with a standard translation accent: "My dear Mr. Adam, you are just like the roasted sweet potatoes my wife made, which is wonderful~"

   "." The eyes of everyone who can understand Chinese at the scene were dumbfounded, what are they talking about?

  The corners of Suizi's mouth twitched, her man was too skinny, she tried her best because she couldn't understand her.

   can only bite the bullet and translate:

   "My husband said that this is what he should do. We are a country of etiquette. It is a pleasure to have friends coming from afar. You don't have to worry about it."

  No one could understand her chatter, so the photographer of the newspaper asked the editor-in-chief in a low voice:

   "She won't translate baked sweet potatoes into it, will she?"

  Sister Li looked at her subordinates with idiot eyes, and asked such nonsense—if she could understand this stuff, she would have been a translator long ago, and why did she stay at the newspaper office and worry about these Muggle subordinates?

   "Mr. Adam said, he thanked you very much, you are so kind." Suizi continued to translate.

  Du Zhong whispered beside him: "Did he not understand Jing Ting calling him to roast sweet potatoes?"

  Yu Jingting turned his head to look at Du Zhong, still using the over-standard translation accent: "Oh, you stupid groundhog, do you think people are like you? Shut your mouth, I will kick your **** with boots~"

  Adam and a few yellow hairs looked at Suizi together, Suizi was stuck, how to translate this, this, this meow?

   "Well, my husband said that he and his friend have a long-lasting friendship, just like the relationship between our two countries, which has a long history and a good story"

   Suizi couldn’t translate because she couldn’t translate, so she memorized the TV news release.

   It attracted frequent praise from foreign friends, and everyone in the newspaper gave a thumbs up. Although they couldn't understand what Suizi said, judging from the reaction of the other party, it was definitely not the original translation of Yu Jingting's words.

  What is a god-level translation, they have seen it.

  From the beginning to the end, what Yu Jingting said and what Suizi translated are not irrelevant, but completely different.

   Yu Jingting had a social psoriasis attack, so he had to drag the foreigner to sit down and taste his leftovers, no, it was his food.

   Suizi endured the pain and came out with a bottle of Erguotou next to Moutai.

  Yu Jingting held his hand and babbled, while Suizi racked his brains to translate, many of his words could not be translated, Suizi was so anxious that he almost memorized the complete works of Shakespeare.

"Loose weight after recovering from illness. My daughter-in-law has a special herbal medicine for weight loss. You can bring some back home. If you eat less meat, you will be healthy next time. Don't just focus on making money and neglect your health. How much you earn is more——Daughter-in-law, here He translates."

   Suizi couldn't stop laughing anymore, and the city representatives next to her couldn't stop laughing either.

   Suizi secretly stomped on Jingting's jio under the table, so please don't say a few words!

   "Well, my husband said, said—"

  Suizi felt the eyes of compatriots from all directions, she felt that she was the hope of the whole city now, and it would be a big problem if the translation was not good.

   After all, he is a top student who has lived for two lifetimes. He didn't lose the chain at the critical moment. Suizi lowered her eyes and thought for a few seconds, and once again showed a god-level translation.

   "My husband said that Kant, the philosopher of your country, once said that three things can help alleviate the toil of life: hope, sleep and smile. He wishes you the rest of your life full of hope, enough sleep and no shortage of smiles."

   After finishing speaking, Suizi let out a long sigh of relief, Emma, ​​she is so capable, she can translate all this!

"Hahaha, you guys are such an interesting couple, although I'm not a 'stupid groundhog', I'm still very interested in the weight loss herbs your husband mentioned, thank you if you can let me take some Le."

  Adam’s sentence was not translated by Suizi, but when he spoke it was an authentic Beijing movie, and his Mandarin was even more standard than Yu Jingting’s.

  (end of this chapter)