Chapter 512: how can this be stealing

  Chapter 512 How can this be stealing?

  Suizi raised her hand, looking at the thread-bound out-of-print ancient book in her hand, this?

  Suizi was just at Shen’s house. When she saw this book, she liked it so much that she couldn’t bear to put it down. In her mind, she had already given the book to others and put it on the ground.

  But her hand has a mind of its own.

   If you find a treasure, you will bring it back all the way!

   "It's over, am I taking advantage of it? How long will you be sentenced for stealing something of this value? Forget it. I'll give it back later."

   Suizi said yes, her eyes were stuck with glue, she stopped on the book and was reluctant to leave.

   Such a good out-of-print, it’s rare to see it once, and you may not be able to buy it if you have money

   "What's so good about these things?" Yu Jingting couldn't understand Suizi's bookish look.

The books left by the mother-in-law before, the tassels are like treasures, a special bookcase is made, and it is moisture-proof and insect-proof. I take them out every now and then, and spend more time in the study than with him. .

   Yu Jingting had a lot of opinions on those broken things.

   "How wonderful this is. It is limited numbered and there are only 99 copies in total. Some of them will be damaged during the war. It would be nice to keep a few copies so far."

   "Oh, that's why you stole someone's letter?" Yu Jingting's words made the tassels wilt.

  Holding the book feels like losing the whole world.

   "How can stealing a book be considered stealing?"

   "If you like it, keep it, just buy it for as much money as you want."

   "What if they don't sell it?"

   "Then don't give money, and if you don't give money, it's not considered a purchase."


   Suizi chatted with Yu Jingting just a few words, Jinwa stood by herself and played, and the second aunt in Qianjie led the little grandson passing by, Jinwa stretched out her hand to pinch the little grandson's ear.

   "Wow!" The cry of the little grandson resounded through the sky.

  The second aunt looked down and almost died of anger.

   "Why is it you again?!"

  Suizi hurriedly apologized to others.

   "I'm sorry Second Aunt, I didn't keep an eye on the child, did you pinch the baby? Let me see—oh, it's all red, I'm so sorry."

  Since the golden baby was taken in, the apologetic Lao Yu who has been domineering for decades has become a skilled worker. Suizi took out two pieces of candy from Yu Jingting's pocket and stuffed them to the little grandson.

  Yu Jingting always keeps sugar in his pocket because Suizi has low blood sugar.

  The little grandson laughed when he saw that it was toffee.

  Children are easy to coax, but adults are not so easy to talk to.

  The second aunt is already full of anger.

   "Director Chen, it's not that the second aunt is being unreasonable, it's really the golden baby you took in, it's outrageous!"

   "Yes, yes, we must strengthen education."

"It's not about education, Director Xiao Chen, don't be unwilling to listen to what I'm saying, what's the name of this? Take a look at the twins of you and Director Yu, whoops , how cute is it?"

  How could Suizi and his wife not want to listen to these words, whoever praises their baby is a friend, Yu Jingting even thinks that the fat old lady, the second aunt, is quite accurate in judging people.

"Looking at the old man since he was a child, if you look at this golden baby again, it's outrageous. Who hasn't been pinched by him among the children in the two streets? If you want to talk about children grabbing toys or something, there is nothing wrong with bumping into each other." Normal, where is he like this, beating people for no reason? Bandit beard reincarnated?"

   "We also found that this child does have bad habits, and we will also pay attention to correcting them. After we find his parents, we will also communicate with his parents."

  Suizi has never been so low-key in her life, but who let her family be at fault, if someone else's child's ears are pinched like that, she would feel distressed if she were the second aunt.

  Yu Jingting grabbed Jinwa and slapped her little hand twice.

  Jinwa was stunned for a moment, and cried with a cry.

   "If you dare to hit someone again, your hand will be swollen, I apologize!" Yu Jingting is not used to this kid, he will cut it off if he makes a mistake.

  Jinwa was so frightened that she could only cry and didn't know how to apologize to others. Yu Jingting took the baby over and wanted to slap her on the **** a few times.

  Before leaving, he did not forget to praise Jingting.

   "In the end, it is a family of intellectuals, that is, being polite."

  When the second aunt left, Suizi burst out laughing.

   "What are you laughing at?" Yu Jingting squinted at her.

   "I laughed at the second aunt and said that you are from an intellectual family. Pfft, didn't your ancestors have beards?"

   "That's old Yu's ancestor with a beard. Our ancestor and I don't know who it is. Maybe our ancestor is also a cultural person."

"Come on, I don't even need to open my eyes, just take a look, your ancestors are not related to cultural people, I think you and our father are older than the houses in Yu's house, both look like gangsters, and Jinwa is also a gangster, but it doesn't matter. Too much the same."

   Sensing that Yu Jingting's eyes are getting more and more ferocious, Suizi's flattery comes as soon as he says it.

"You and our father are loyal gangsters. They must be at the level of the bandit leader. Jinwa is also a pony at the bottom. Look at him, he doesn't talk about martial arts at all, and he treats the old, weak, sick, and disabled. Let's do it."

  Although she used a lot of beautified descriptions, Yu Jingting still understood the point.

   "No matter how loyal you are, you are still a gangster?"

  Suizi hehe twice, isn't this a fact visible to the naked eye?

   "Heh, don't care what my grandfather did. I married a cultural person in this life, so my family status has also been upgraded to an intellectual family. Is there a problem?"

   "Uh" seems to be all right?

   Suizi asked Yu Jingting to take the crying Jinwa home. She saw that the time was almost up, so she went to school.

   Lighted a fire and boiled a pot of water. As soon as the tea leaves were steeped, Mother Shen arrived.

   "It's just in time, try my new tea this year, a gift from a student." Suizi handed over the teacup.

   It can be seen that Shen's mother came out after makeup, which looks much better than the mess just now.

  A woman in her forties has a certain social status, and she is the best among her peers in terms of clothing and makeup.

   Suizi sees Shen's mother like this, and it's hard not to think of herself decades later. If she reaches Shen's mother's age, she might not be as good as her clothes. Clothing always makes Suizi ache.

  The face similar to that of Shen Liangyin proves that Shen's mother was also a pretty woman back then.

  It's just that no matter how good a woman is, she can't withstand the erosion of the years. Even if she knows how to wear it and maintain it again, she can't match the glamor of a young woman like Chang Ling.

  Even Wang Mengmeng, a woman like Wang Mengmeng, who is not as good as Shen's mother anywhere, can occupy a place in Shen's father's heart.

   Realizing that Suizi had been looking at her for a long time, Mother Shen asked:

"What are you looking at?"

"I don't understand, you are such an excellent woman, educated, educated, and have a job, and you have raised such a capable daughter as Shen Liangyin—although I don't agree with Shen Liangyin's character, why does your lover still love you?" Are you attracted to a woman like Chang Ling who is not as good as you in everything?"

   Shen's mother didn't expect Suizi to say this, her lips trembled slightly, she could only pick up the teacup and blow twice to cover up the fluctuation in her heart.

  The scalding water couldn't warm the cold heart, Shen's mother put down the teacup and smiled wryly.

   "He doesn't care about the good, the bad, the smelly, as long as it's a woman, young enough to have a son, he'll pull them all into the nest."

  (end of this chapter)