Chapter 547: give you a problem

  Chapter 547 gives you a difficult problem

  Wang Mengmeng entered Suizi's office fine, but came out with panda eyes, and ran out crying all the way.

   Zhang Yue'e and the others were dumbfounded.

  Is that okay too? !

   "Let's send out two more candies to celebrate, I guess I've been punished by God." Xiao Li was overjoyed.

  From the question of job transfer, it is enough to see how unpopular Wang Mengmeng is.

  Suizi shook her head in the room, this Wang Mengmeng is real, she was restless before leaving, why provoke Yu Jingting?

  After Yu Jingting beat Wang Mengmeng, the anger in his heart subsided a little.

  Suizi took the opportunity to say:

   "Job transfer, that's not up to us, just like Wang Mengmeng, who left as soon as he said, how suddenly he left"

  I don’t know, I thought Suozi was holding a memorial service here.

  Yu Jingting looked at her overly happy little expression, and slowly licked her back teeth with the tip of her tongue, as if thinking about something.

  Suizi went out carrying the tea mug that had been "polluted" by him, planning to make a pot of tea again, when he heard his low-pitched voice behind him:

   "Pretentious, it's not like I haven't eaten before!"

  Suizi secretly decided that when he returned home at night to make tea for him, he had to stir it with his fingers before giving him a drink.

  When Suizi came back, Yu Jingting had already figured it out.

   "Whose idea was it from the Fan family to transfer that piece of stinky meat to my side?"

   "Why do you say it's the Fan family, maybe it's the idea of ​​the Shen family?"

   "The Shen family doesn't have that much ability, unless they find a bigger backer, they won't be afraid of Uncle Fan's revenge."

  Now the outside world knows that Fan Huang is behind him and Suizi, unless he wants to offend Fan Huang, who would call Shen Liangyin over?

  The first thing Yu Jingting thought of was other members of the Fan family, who wanted to make trouble for Fan Huang by disgusting him.

   Suizi laughed dryly, how could she say that her own mother made this "moving" decision?

   "Anyway, since she's here, you can just keep it, and just learn some advanced management experience from her. If there are any difficult bones in the factory, just give her the pieces."

  Suizi still recognized Shen Liangyin's ability to work.

  He has a higher starting point than her and Yu Jingting, and has followed her grandfather since she was a child, and has a way of managing the factory.

  Yu Jingting has just been the factory director for a few months. He has a set of skills in breaking new ground, but he still has to learn the details of management.

   Suizi shared some experience with him, but wouldn’t he be overwhelmed by too many skills? It’s also good to learn from others and see how others play.

   These words sounded fine, but Yu Jingting rubbed his chin and pondered for a while, feeling uncomfortable.

  Is this little girl too calm?

   "You are not afraid, what did she do to me?!" Yu Jingting pointed at her nose, as if he had been wronged, "Why are you so big-hearted?"

   "She will definitely do something to you. You can imagine with your knees that she will not let go of seducing you. With her distorted three-dimensional view, seeing you so fat—"

   "Fat?!" Yu Jingting raised his muscular arms, where is the fat?

   "I'm just a metaphor! Why are you excited! I mean, whether she hooks up or not is her business. Whether you can control it or not is your business."

   "Jing Ting, we all know that she came here with bad intentions, so naturally we won't let her succeed. This not only shows my trust in you, but also my full love for you."

   Suizi turned on the fooling mode, and Yu Jingting's gloomy expression improved little by little.

Although I know that this little girl is likely to fool him, but the way she fools people is really hard to refuse, it is so beautiful, especially the phrase "full of love", which Yu Jingting repeated several times in his heart all over.

   "Maybe it's the Fan family who want to drive a wedge between us. They let her here just to make us quarrel, so I can't let them do what they want~"

   Suizi spoke so happily, and still felt a sense of venting in her heart.

  The Fan family has caused her a lot of trouble in the past, and now they have become her tool people, pulling them out casually to fool Yu Jingting, and Yu Jingting firmly believes it.

  Who made the character design of the big villain of the Fan family deeply rooted in the hearts of the people?

   "I believe in your self-control ability, not to mention Shen Liangyin, even if the female star on TV strips off, you won't blink."

   "Which female star's head is flooded, what are you doing here?"

   Suizi felt hehe.

   Now there is no.

  But there must be in the future.

   As Yu Jingting is a huge blue chip stock, there will be many women who want to stick to him in the future.

   "Whether you have it or not, I trust you. Think about it, trust between husband and wife, what a precious asset this is? Don't disappoint my trust."

   Suizi conveniently drew a big cake for Yu Jingting, and successfully won Yu Jingting's favor.

Shen Liangyin, a tool person, was recruited and trampled by Suizi on the first day on the job, which set off her incomparably greatness, and made Yu Jingting subconsciously believe that Shen Liangyin is not a good cake, and she must be guarded against. Be a demon.

  Suizi even skillfully poured the dirty water mobilized by Shen Liangyin onto others in the Fan family, so that it would not affect the image of her mother in Yu Jingting's heart.

   With this set of water-carrying techniques, Suizi can handle it with ease.

   When Yu Jingting came, he was angry, but when he left, his mood was quite different.

  Go back to the factory and find the little fat dad, let him follow Shen Liangyin, pay attention to Shen Liangyin's every move, and report to him if there is anything wrong.

  Little Fat Daddy is Yu Jingting's confidant, he does whatever Yu Jingting asks him to do, and follows Shen Liangyin for three days in a row, almost following him to the bathroom, very conscientious.

  Suizi admired Shen Liangyin's ability to socialize very much. She had only been in the factory for three days, and she had already changed many people's impression of her in the factory.

  In the evening, Yu Jingting told Suizi what he had heard.

"This girl really knows how to play tricks. In order to clean herself, she didn't hesitate to pour dirty water on her father, saying that her father asked her secretary to steal the formula. She didn't know anything, and even thought that Chang Ling was her father. My mistress also said it, and many people in the factory believed her."

   "I also had doubts about the formula. I thought it might not be her idea. But it doesn't matter if she made it. We can see how ruthless this woman is."

  If it had been more than ten years earlier, Shen Liangyin would definitely be the kind of person who drew a line with his parents, even mixed in the crowd, and threw stones at the parading parents.

   Draw a clear line, although this trick is very shameless, but the effect is also very good, Shen Liangyin has already dispelled some people's bad impression of her.

  She even took out the "Certificate of Voting", and this move allowed her to quickly gain a foothold in the factory.

   "She brought all the suppliers, channels, and even the backbone of the ice cream factory."

   This means that Yu Jingting can follow this momentum to make the factory bigger. Shen Liangyin deliberately pleases Yu Jingting and gives Yu Jingting a multiple-choice question.

  He accepted this "nomination certificate", so he could no longer exclude her.

  If he refuses to accept it, he will become a villain who obstructs the whole factory from going to a better life, and he will have a reputation for public revenge.

   The next update time is early morning, see you soon



  (end of this chapter)