Chapter 585: I didn't expect that one day I would compete with Shen Liangyin for tassels

  Chapter 585 I never thought that one day I would compete with Shen Liangyin for tassels

  Yu Jingting will never forget that when he opened the door to go home, he saw the scene that shocked him for a whole year.

  His beautiful eldest daughter-in-law was next to the person he least wanted to see, holding his chin with her hands, and the two got very close.

   "What are you doing!!" Yu Jingting roared angrily, and pulled the tassel over, almost washing his hands and brushing his teeth.

  Good guy, if he comes back a little later, wouldn't these two be bitten? !

"She has a fishbone stuck in her throat, I want to pinch it out for her." Suizi said to him while breaking her fingers, "I have given her vinegar and steamed buns, but it didn't work, so I wanted to use tweezers to see if it would work." take out"

   "What are you tinkering with yourself, let her go to the hospital!"

   "No need, a thorn, it doesn't matter." Shen Liang's voice was hoarse.

   It might not have been that serious, but Suizi's fierce operation made him dumb.

  Suizi urged the reluctant Yu Jingting to drive the tractor, and the couple took Shen Liangyin to the emergency room.

  When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor asked Suizi about a series of operations, and gave Suizi a general training.

   "What's the use of soaking in vinegar when a fishbone gets stuck? Can vinegar soften the fishbone? Try soaking a fishbone in vinegar, it won't soften for a day!"

   "I'm sorry, I'm uneducated." Suizi lowered her head so low that she could never laugh at Yu Jingting for being uneducated.

   "Eating steamed buns to try to remove the fishbone is even more unreliable. The fishbone is likely to be pushed deeper, and the esophagus will be severely cut!"

   "Ah! Sorry! Is she okay?!"

   "She's okay, it's not deep, I took it out. Remember later, if it's caught by a fishbone, you can try to use tweezers to grab it if it's shallow. If you can't handle it yourself, go to the hospital. Don't mess around at home."

   "Yes yes yes, I'm uneducated, I'm sorry." Suizi only apologized.

   "You are a key technical secondary school in the city—" Yu Jingting wanted to enroll in his daughter-in-law's school, but his mouth was covered by tassels, and his face turned red.

   "Don't talk about my alma mater, shame!"

   "Huh? This is Chen Hansui, isn't it?"

  A loud voice came from behind, Suizi froze.

  If there is a seam in the ground, please open it and let her jump in.

  A young man came into the consulting room, carrying a lunch box, put the lunch box on the doctor's table, and said pleasantly to the red-faced Suizi:

"It's really you! I delivered food to my mother, and it looked like you, what's wrong with you? This doctor is my mother, her own, let her show you well—Mom, this is what I told you, The most talented girl in our school, she is the first in all professional courses, Chen Hansui who became the director of the evening school after graduation."

   Suozi wants to cry but has no tears, very good.

  Not only did she embarrass her alma mater, she also embarrassed her workplace!

   "Well, what, education has nothing to do with common sense. My lack of common sense in my personal life is a personal problem, and has nothing to do with my school." Suizi pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying.

  The doctor laughed.

  Other people in the room were also amused, and Yu Jingting laughed the loudest.

  Even Shen Liangyin was amused by Suizi's expression, his throat hurt even more when he laughed, and he laughed despite the pain.

   So I put aside my hatred and prejudice to look at Suizi, she is so funny.

   "Please accept my sincere apology!" Out of the hospital, Suizi bowed to Shen Liangyin very solemnly.

   "Forget it, it's not a big deal."

   "No! I am a person who has the courage to take responsibility, please be sure to accept my apology, how about this, I will take care of your food for the next week, and I will ask Jingting to bring you food until your throat recovers."

   "It's really unnecessary—forget it, you can do it if you want." Shen Liangyin originally wanted to pretend, but when he thought of his skill in cooking the kitchen, he felt that it would be good to accept Suizi's apology.

  Because tassels are really delicious to cook, if there are no fish bones.

   On the way back, Yu Jingting listened with his ears open while driving the tractor.

  The two women, who were still at odds before, started chatting.

   It's just the chat content, the more you listen to it, the more wrong it becomes.

   "The lipstick you wear looks good, it makes your face whiter than a dead face, full of morbid beauty, and you have interpreted what expressionism is when you go out."

   "Why is the quality of your cheongsam so poor? Let me introduce you to a good one? Oh, if you want to engage in performance art, then you don't need it."

  The two of them sneered all the way, from modern art style to literary classics, with a half-smiley face.

Like a cockfight, they take out all the books they have read and fight each other. In the air, the words seem to have become small knives. Biubiubiu stabs at each other. Yu Jingting seriously suspects that if they are not home, these two guys can still learn from literature. Go to Pangu to open the sky.

  Let's tear it up among cultural people, it's really sour, and it's so bitter, listening to Yu Jingting's ears is like scratching the itch in the boots, it's too unsatisfactory.

   It’s not too tiring after so many insults, it’s better to just scold and have fun, a few punches are fine.

  If Suizi hadn't warned him with his eyes that "professional scolders" were not allowed to join the battle, Yu Jingting would have wanted to come in person.

   "I park the car on the side of the road, and you two will fight for another ten minutes?" Yu Jingting spoke politely.

   "I'll start here, Chen Hansui, remember to bring me a meal tomorrow."

   "You don't need tomorrow, I will give it to you in the evening."

  Shen Liangyin jumped out of the car, took two steps without looking back, turned around awkwardly, watched Suizi's lips squirming for a long time, but didn't speak.

   "Want to thank me? Come on, I'll listen." Suizi smiled.

   "Being passionate, let's go!" Shen Liangyin's face became hot, this time he really left.

   "You two are—?" Yu Jingting was a little confused. Are women such complicated creatures?

   "I knew it, she couldn't stand my eyes." Suizi raised her chin proudly.

   ".The penultimate won the penultimate, what is there to be embarrassed about?"

   "What do you know, I am dismantling the problem from the contradiction itself, which is much better than my mother's method of cutting grass and roots and cutting off children and grandchildren."

   "I'll call my mother-in-law and tell her what you said?"

   "How dare you!!" Suizi was in a hurry, she was just a little bit of a high-pitched mouth craving, how dare she really challenge the big demon king of her mother's level.

  But Suizi, a bull, is not too far-fetched.

  Although Shen Liangyin and Suizi disliked each other and tore each other's clothes, they didn't hint anything to Yu Jingting again, and they also intentionally drew a clear line at work.

   It gave Yu Jingting a feeling that Shen Liangyin stopped pushing hard at him, and went toward his wife.

   This feeling is quite subtle. Although it feels good not to be pestered by others, it can be seen that it is not very comfortable to have stinky meat pestering his wife.

  Yu Jingting brought snacks to the evening school to find tassels for extra meals. When he entered the office, he saw Shen Liangyin instead of tassels.

   Sitting on Suizi's sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, reading a book.

   "Damn!" Yu Jingting almost thought he was hallucinating.

   "What are you doing here! Where's my wife?!"

   "Come here and ask her to borrow a book. I've wanted to read this for a long time. Chen Hansui has gone to pick up the guest."

   "Pick up what?!" Shen Liangyin's weird expression made Yu Jingting feel goosebumps all over his body.

   I am doing nucleic acid today, and last night I fought with the neighbor downstairs for half a night.



  (end of this chapter)