Chapter 685: There is more than Sadako at midnight

  Chapter 685 There is more than Sadako at midnight

  When the Fan family brothers left, Jiaojiao asked Suizi.

   "Sister-in-law, what should we do next?"

   "Drag, and, etc."

   Suozi walked around the house, making sure that she couldn’t get out, and sat on the bed with her eyes closed to plan.

   "You two annoying brothers, don't you really want to pursue it?" As a child, Jiaojiao found it difficult to understand the game between adults, but she knew that some things could only be asked to her sister-in-law in private.

   "Drawing big cakes is a skill that every leader must master. Bosses who don't know how to draw big cakes can't make a lot of money."

   "I don't quite understand that you really want to use them again in the future?" Jiaojiao was heartbroken about the despicable means these two people used to deceive her.

   "If you promise not to pursue it, you must not pursue it. Remember not to backtrack, otherwise we will have no way to get out of this kind of thing in the future."

   "But you just told them clearly that a sage should be used first, and a gentleman should be used second. It is better to use a mediocre person than a villain." Jiaojiao's reading comprehension was brought out by Suizi, and I was so impressed by this sentence.

  The Fan family brothers she understands are typical villains.

  For a little benefit, you can do whatever you want.

  Suizi looked at her with satisfaction, her eyes were very pleased, and she answered her questions with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"I really like your habit of not reading dead books and being good at thinking. You are right. If someone can easily betray the former master, if someone gives better benefits in the future, he can also betray us. Therefore, these two people can use , but not in key positions."

After passing this hurdle, placing the two brothers in a position that looks respectable but can't get any profit is to send a signal to the rest of the Fan family. As long as they show loyalty, the Suizi family will be able to let the past go. This is the living benchmark.

   After this period, if they are honest, let them continue to do it. If they are dishonest, Suizi will naturally plan to get rid of them by other people's hands, creating the illusion that they are useless.

  Jiaojiao came to her senses, and worshiped her sister-in-law more and more, and because of her worship, she diluted her fear of being kidnapped.

   During the chat between Suizi and Jiaojiao, she already had a judgment in her heart.

  She wants to bet three games.

  In the first round, she bet that her blood type would follow her mother's and not her father's.

   It is ashamed to say that she only knows her own blood type, not her mother's blood type, let alone her father's.

  If Chen Lijun's blood type is the same as that of Chen Lijun, they must not dare to attack her lightly.

   After a while, two nurses came to collect blood. Less than half an hour later, the second grandmother with a happy face led a middle-aged man in a mandarin jacket.

   Suizi saw this posture and knew that she had lost the first bet.

  Her blood type must be the same as her father's.

   "Second Grandma, who is this?" Suizi asked as if she didn't know anything.

   "This is our old man's friend. You can call him Master Zhang. He can tell fortunes. Tell him your birth date and let him see how your fortune will be in the future."

  Hehe, I believe you ghost, you bald old lady is very bad, Suizi scolds in her heart, but doesn't show it on her face.

  She reported her true horoscope without hesitation, and the reason why she reported the truth was Suizi's strategy.

  Since she was arrested, it means that she has been investigated long ago.

   Telling a lie will make people suspicious, and she will pretend to be ignorant now.

   Sure enough, after hearing her horoscope, the master didn't even count, and nodded in satisfaction, which meant that he knew a long time ago that Suizi won the second bet.

   "This face is really good, and the horoscope is not bad. Wangfu Wangziwang herself, who can borrow her luck?" The master looked at Suizi and said to himself.

  Suizi felt that his mung bean eyes were half-cut, and he looked obscene at Bel, no matter how he looked, he didn't look like a Taoist master, but more like a charlatan.

  Second Grandma got a satisfactory answer, she casually said a few perfunctory words to Suizi, and led the master away.

  As soon as she left, Suizi began to **** around the room on her back. There was a glass on the table, available.

  Suizi grabbed the glass and slammed it hard. The glass was torn apart, and the guards outside heard the sound and came in.

   "Excuse me, my hand slipped, can you change the cup for me?"

   Waiting for the others to leave, Suizi took out the shards of glass she had secretly hidden from her pocket, closed the curtains, and told Jiaojiao.

   "Don't say anything you see, and don't bark."

   After saying that, he stretched out his arm to avoid the blood vessels. When the glass was scratched, the blood came out.

  Jiao Jiao covered her mouth in shock, and there were a few big characters written in her eyes: You want to haha!

   Suizi dripped blood on the white sheet with a blank face, then took off the skirt and dripped some on the back of the skirt.

   After finishing all this, she pulled out a handkerchief and pressed the wound to stop the bleeding, all of which she did swiftly.

  The bleeding stopped, Suizi murmured a few words next to Jiaojiao's ear, Jiaojiao nodded to show she understood.

  Run to the door and knock hard. The door is locked from the outside and cannot be opened from the inside.

   After knocking for a while, the guard asked displeasedly through the door.


   "My sister-in-law is on her period. Do you have a change of clothes and sheets? She is embarrassed to say."

   This is the third game Suizi bet on.

  Although she didn't know what these people were going to do to her, it wouldn't be a good thing if she thought about it with Bolingai.

  Thanks to her company in her previous life for having crooked things like Li Youcai, and Suizi also knows a little common sense.

Although these nagging things have different ways, most of them regard women's menstruation as unclean. Although in the view of modern science, this kind of view is ignorant and ignorant, but whoever believes in this stuff, how intelligent is it? Is this a normal person?

In the eyes of these ignorant people, menstruation is a filthy thing, and filthy things can ward off evil spirits. This is the reason why some places do not allow menstruating women to go to graves, and they are not allowed to worship gods and Buddhas. Suizi third game, gambling The only thing is that charlatans will delay the time because of this.

  The previous foreshadowing was all for this critical third round. Only by winning can Yu Jingting buy time.

   Fortunately, Suizi won the bet.

After the gatekeeper heard Jiaojiao's words, he immediately called Second Mistress over. Second Mistress looked at the sheet and Suizi's skirt angrily, and left cursing. Grandma ignored her.

   I guess I went to that charlatan to discuss countermeasures.

   After a while, it was getting dark outside, the Fan family brothers came over, brought Suizi dinner and a change of clothes, and secretly told Suizi when the guards outside were not paying attention.

   "We have already called your in-law's house, but it is said that your man has not gone back. The second mistress discussed with the master all afternoon, saying that the auspicious time cannot be used, and they are going to change to an inauspicious time. They say that we should use poison to fight poison, and use filth to control obscurity."

   "When is the fierce time?"

   "At 12 o'clock tonight, midnight is full of evil spirits."

   Suozi closed her eyes. In the first half of the journey, she tried her best to buy time.

   In the second half, it's up to him.

  Midnight is full of evil spirits, so there is a ghost movie called Midnight Bells, but Suizi believes that the one who comes out at midnight is not necessarily a disheveled Sadako, but also a hero who descends from the sky on auspicious clouds.

   There will be more changes today, don’t get stuck in the plot, let’s make a break



  (end of this chapter)