Chapter 713: still guessed

  Chapter 713 I guessed it right

   Fatty's face was covered with dirt, and his body was completely wet. Although there was no obvious trauma, he was still crying.

  In just a short time, he experienced the darkest moment of his life.

   Crying and calling mom.

  His elderly mother turned pale with fright when she saw this, and rushed over to hug him.

   "Where does it hurt?"

   "Hit, hit" Fat Dun couldn't understand, but just pointed at the twins.

  For such a big child, it is difficult to describe the process when encountering problems. It is normal that the retelling is not complete.

   "How can you bully brother?!" The older mother felt sorry for the child and questioned the twins.

   "He owes it." Bobo said.

  Suizi came over, knelt down and asked the children.

"what happened?"

   "He grabbed my sister's braid with his hands, and threw sand at me. He pulled the braid three times and raised the soil four times." Bobo usually doesn't talk much, but the key points are clear and logical.

   In a simple sentence, the cause of the incident has been fully explained.

   "Two times again, no more three times. We didn't care about pulling my sister's braids before. He just tried to push my sister against the wall."

   Bobo made a statement.

  Parents have taught them the way of hospitality, bear it if you can.

  But Dad has also added that it is unbearable and there is no need to bear it anymore.

  He saw that Pang Dun was about to let Luoluo hit the wall, so he made the move.

   "Why are you so rude, kid? My brother really likes you! I'm joking with you, and you take it seriously?" Seeing her son's stupid mouth, the older mother spoke up for her son in a hurry.

  Standing aside, Luoluo heard the words, calmly grabbed a handful of soil, and poured it on the woman's sandals, and the woman screamed.

   "Just kidding?" Luoluo asked with a smile.

   "Whatever he did to us, I will pay him back, no more, no less." Bobo said.

   "People are addicted to vegetables, but they are still timid." Luoluo perfectly applied the vocabulary learned from her father.

  The woman didn't expect that she would have nothing to say when asked by a pair of children who were still in kindergarten, so she could only ask Suizi for help in desperation.

   "They are so rude at such a young age, don't you, as a parent, educate them?"

  "The children's disputes should be resolved by the children. As long as the bottom line is not exceeded, I will not interfere. I think you should put the children down and let the children communicate by themselves."

  After Suizi asked the ins and outs clearly, she already made up her mind.

  If her child made a mistake, she must pursue an apology, but this kind of behavior is obviously wronged by the other party, and she will not hypocritically make the child apologize with inconsistency.

Some parents ask their children to apologize when they encounter problems, regardless of right or wrong, regardless of the reasons for right or wrong. Although the parents may not think that their children have done something wrong, they are just worried that they will not educate their children because they are blamed by outsiders. For the sake of face, they force their children. Apologize.

  This kind of education method cannot be said to be useful or not, it can only be said that it is meaningless.

  It can’t make the child fundamentally aware of the mistake, and it will be the same mistake next time, and it will also instill in the child a wrong cognition that “just saying sorry can offset everything”.

  Suizi proposed to let the children negotiate and resolve it by themselves. This attitude was regarded as provocative by the other party.

  The woman hugged her fat cub and wanted to quarrel with Suizi. Seeing Fan Huang sitting there, she swallowed the words that came to her lips, gritted her teeth, forced a smirk, and said to Suizi strangely:

   "I've heard that you are unusual, and you really can 'know how to educate' children. These two children will be in trouble when they grow up, right?"

  Suizi only looked at her eyes and sour tone, and could completely make up the second half of what she was thinking: sooner or later, she must go in.

   I almost said it.

   "Then you have to take good care of your health now, and see how promising my children will be." Yu Jingting was not used to this kind of person, so he opened his mouth and turned back.

  Women are awkward there, unable to vent their anger, and dare not vent their anger.

  Yu Jingting clapped his hands, motioned for the two children to come over, and smiled at the already darkened mother Fan:

   "I found that what your old man said is true. It is really lively to have children at home. Look, is it lively?"

   These are the words of Fan's mother just running on Chen Lijun, and Yu Jingting tossed and closed the loop perfectly.

  Fan Huang raised his eyebrows. He had reason and evidence to suspect that Yu Jingting, a boy who went fishing to enforce the law, had planned this since the old lady used her children to run on Chen Lijun.

   "Hurry up and get the birth certificate in the afternoon." Mother Fan felt that Suizi made her uncomfortable in front of her relatives, so she gave Suizi several hard looks.

   "Do you always have dry eyes? I have eye drops, can I bring you two bottles?" Yu Jingting pretended not to understand.

"By the way, there is one more thing. This is Mei Rui, the daughter of your Uncle Mei's family. She has just been transferred to your unit. Have you all seen her?" Mother Fan didn't want to entangle Yu Jingting, so she brought the topic to her On the body of the rich woman.

   "I have no impression." Fan Huang really has no impression. He is the head of the unit. There are so many people in the unit. How could he know each of them one by one. Those who are not high enough can't even enter his floor.

"She's working in the mail room, so take care of her more in the future, Mei Rui, your brother Huang has a bad stomach, and there's no one around you to remind him, you two will go to the cafeteria together for lunch, help me Aunt stared at him."

  The rich woman peeked at Fan Huang timidly, and lowered her head shyly: "I can, but I'm afraid my sister-in-law will misunderstand."

"She doesn't know how to feel sorry for others, so she doesn't want others to feel sorry for her? Listen to your aunt and spend more time with Brother Huang. If he has a drinking party in the future, you just follow—Fan Huang, I think it's better to transfer Mei Rui to be your pawn." The secretary, who will take care of her personally, also has a caretaker."

   "How close-fitting is it? I see that this aunt weighs 149 even if she doesn't have 150 catties, right? It's too close, for fear of crushing my dad." Yu Jingting smiled, and stretched out his hand after speaking, daughter-in-law, givemefive~

  Suizi reached out and patted him. Look, what did he say? Sure enough, the old lady did a combination of punches, gave birth and pimped, she guessed right.

   "What are you talking about? Fan Huang, why don't you care about him on weekdays? You speak so outspokenly, are you afraid of losing our family's face when you go out?"

  Mother Fan didn't expect that her small thoughts would be exposed in public, so she could only complain to her son in a hurry.

   "Jing Ting's words were a bit blunt, but what he said was not wrong. You let an unmarried young woman follow me, I'm afraid it will damage his reputation."

   "The girls don't care. What are you thinking about? Lijun, is it because you are putting pressure on my son by being intolerant?" Seeing that Chen Lijun was drinking milk with her legs crossed, Fan's mother turned her finger on her.

  Chen Lijun saw enough excitement, put down her teacup, and smiled.


  Mother Fan: .

   "Pfft!" Suizi didn't hold back. As expected of the queen of her family, no matter how old the old lady jumped up and down, she instantly killed her with just two words.

   There will be more updates at night



  (end of this chapter)