Chapter 825: It's God's will (monthly ticket 300+ more)

  Chapter 825 I have seen God's will (monthly ticket 300+ more)

"My husband and I, and this person next to me are all alumni. We are going to act as an agent for a kind of pig feed. After eating live pigs, they will grow fat and get less sick. All family members who have cooperative relations with us, as long as we win the agency right, I promise to send each of you a bag for free trial, and you will get a 10% discount on all subsequent purchases!"

   After this set of flickering combinations, many people have been completely taken down by her. They whispered to each other and began to discuss. They all thought about raising pigs to increase their income and discounts on feed, and almost forgot about the bill.

  The brothers next to Suizi stared blankly, and the sister-in-law started fooling around, she was even more evil than the eldest brother, she was too provocative.

Even their elder brothers have been involved in her big tricks. Among other things, she can accurately calculate the farmers' income, knows the local prices like the back of their hands, and even blurted out the local live pig prices - how did she do it? of?

  Some of these people have been here for two months. Although the company has only been opened for a month, some people have come to check out the site in advance of the preliminary preparations.

  The details that they didn't pay attention to, how did Suizi, who has never been out of Beijing, know?

  Zhang De showed a suddenly realized expression.

  He remembered the policy fundamentals that Suizi had told him on the way here.

  Some people don’t leave the door without going out, and all they see is a family eating and drinking.

  Some people don’t leave the door, but what they see is the global policy and economic situation.

  From the trend of international futures to the market price, everything in the world is in her mind.

  Big events and small feelings are intertwined, and Luo weaves a huge net. She knows what she can do and what she can't do, and Yu Jingting swims freely and freely in the safe range she wove.

   This is the reason why she came out immediately after the accident and was confident.

   It turns out that the sister-in-law who the elder brother said "will not change a few gold mountains" really has this ability.

   "How do we know that what you said is true?" Finally, someone thought of this, and managed to retain some reason from the pie drawn by Suizi.

   "Just rely on this!" Suizi opened the bag, and let everyone look at it sideways.

  The bundles of banknotes inside caused the crowd to exclaim instantly.

  Only the top layer is money, and the bottom layer is made of tassels folded from newspapers bought on the road. You can zip it up just by looking at it, making people think that it is full of money.

   "Who said my man took the money and ran away?" Suizi grabbed two bundles of real money and waved them in her hand.

  "The real money is here, so why run away? We don't do it with the grand plan of paying taxes to the country, we don't do it with the vision of leading everyone to get rich together, and we don't make profits at our fingertips, what are we running away?"

  A series of gorgeous parallel sentences, coupled with the money in her hand, instantly ignited everyone's emotions, from extreme anger to cheers.

   "Then you can pay us today?"

   "Why didn't Boss Yu come in person, there was a misunderstanding!"

"The money is with me. You can get it when you come in and register with me. The money should have been given to you yesterday, but why did you delay it for a day? It's because my man is staring at the international cme trading index. He earns more for everyone Money, can't go away."

   "What is international?"

  “The International Agricultural Products Exchange not only contains corn, but also soybeans, eggs, poultry and other agricultural products.

  The price there is not to mention one price per day, it has to change several times a minute, and the rising trend is just right now. We settle the payment now, and everyone’s 100 increase in income will be gone.

I need to use the money in my arms to make money for everyone. It only takes one day to make money. Come tomorrow at this time, and the four little piggies will be there. I can’t wait. You can get it now, but no. Four little piggies. "

   "I almost believed it." The fourth child muttered to himself, if he hadn't studied this major in university, his sister-in-law would have been able to get him involved.

   "Then I get the money now, can you really give it?" Someone stood up and tried.

  Suozi made a gesture of please.

   "You can get it when you enter the house and register, but you can't regret it after you get it. In one day, four piglets, 10% off the feed, all gone."

  The steps that the man stepped forward retracted again.

   "How do we know you are not a liar? If you run away overnight, who do we call?"

   "Here are my husband's and my college graduation certificates, the house deed in the capital, and the land ownership certificate in my hometown." Suizi took out a stack of certificates and handed them to the old man who had just spoken.

   "Seeing that you are highly respected, are you the village head or the patriarch?"

   "My humble servant is the patriarch of the Zhang clan."

"Grandpa Zhang, I put these as collateral, and I will put them here with you. I will pay the villagers tomorrow, and you will return them to me. If you can't finish the payment, you take these and send my husband and me to the bureau for re-education by the party." , go to jail or eat guns, we agree, is that good?"

   "Sister-in-law, you—" The second child wanted to speak.

   Suozi raised her hand to stop him.

  If these people are not stabilized, not only will they not be able to get money, but she, Yu Jingting and all the partners will also face bankruptcy.

  The situation is unavoidable, and Suizi fooled everyone, which is an expedient policy and a helpless move.

   But one thing is true.

  She and Yu Jingting will never cheat hard-working and honest farmers by eating human blood steamed buns.

   What he earns is the foreign exchange price difference, but not exploiting farmers. The price Yu Jingting bought corn was already higher than the market price.

   Suizi added another 15% to everyone's income, which is already a sky-high price.

  She will not lose any money that should be given, and she will keep her promises. Not only must these people get what they deserve, but she will also lead everyone to raise pigs to become rich and well-off.

   Running around with money and evading responsibility when encountering troubles and pitting the working people is not something people do.

  One day, she only needs one day.

   "We need to discuss it." Patriarch Zhang's eyes were already shaken, and he called several backbones together to discuss.

  Suozi is also studying in a low voice.

"Sister-in-law, it's too risky for you to do this. Once we can't get the money back from the foreign businessmen, your and your eldest brother's documents are in their hands. Who knows what these troublemakers will do? They just yelled to burn the company. " said the fourth child.

   "Don't push people into a hurry, who wants to be a 'troublemaker'? We can go back and make a comeback if we are cheated, what about them?"

   Everyone stopped talking. These people grew up in the city and had no experience of working in the countryside. It was difficult for them to understand the suffering of farmers.

   "I promise to release the profits to the farmers, from my family's dividends, and it won't hurt my brothers."

   "Sister-in-law, what you guys care about is not the little money. Can we really get our money back?"

  The foreign businessman was very cunning, insisting that Yu Jingting would come forward in person, otherwise he would not pay.

   "Take back your 'what' word, the balance is ours, we can take it tonight, and tomorrow we will share the money with the villagers and have a celebration banquet."

   "But big brother—"

   Did this woman forget that her man was still kidnapped?

   "If my prediction is correct, your elder brother will have a letter by tonight at the latest." Suizi's firm tone reassured everyone.

  It's just that under the eyes covered by sunglasses, there are worries that only she can understand.

   There must be a letter tonight, but death is life

   It depends on God's will.

   Thanks to Shu Yueer for the 10,000 coins, adding more will have to wait until tomorrow

   By the way, all the strangers who talk about "family members" will hide as far as I can, and none of them are good cakes. Except for the author Jun and Suizi who want a monthly pass. Keke



  (end of this chapter)