Chapter 262: Into The Tiger's Den

Name:I'm In Charge of SCP Author:
Chapter 262: Into The Tiger's Den

The passage of time seemed to stop at this point. Four lights in the sky gradually merged into one. A powerful explosion was going to occur. Instinctively sensing the danger, Zhang Jue moved ahead to the center of everyone, ready to gather them all into the other dimension.

Saarn opened his eyes gradually. The devoted believers were standing below him. And above him, the energy intersection of the site, just following the explosion of the four nuclear weapons.

He was wearing a black robe and was hovering in midair. He is holding a scepter in his left hand, and on top of the scepter is a massive crimson ruby that, when illuminated by the moonlight, shines with a cannibalistic light.

Saarn looked horrifyingly strange, a newly elevated new deity, his entire body encircled in a scarlet aura.


The hour of zero arrived as time continued to advance. As Saarn became a deity, the energy released by the four nuclear bombs bursting simultaneously moved toward the city of Arcadia below amid the pleas of countless worshipers.

Naturally, a few seconds later the entire city of Arcadia, along with kilometers in all directions, will turn into a burnt ground without any grass. Both living things and structures will go. In terms of its destructive power alone, the nuclear bomba monstrous weapon created by mankindis already on par with many SCP projects, if not more so.

Nearly all of the followers were paralyzed as they regarded the explosion's brilliant light. They had just two seconds to respond, but they were unable to do so. Nobody, not even Nadox, could respond in such a circumstance.

God can, although people cannot. Saarn even made a small laugh.

Even if they had to destroy the entire city, SCP Foundation and GOC were determined to eliminate him. It was too late, though. He was already a god and no longer belonged to the same species as a lowly creature like a human.

Gods. How could they be defeated by such mortal things. In Saarn's eyes, the shockwave of the explosion was that slow. Even if he wanted to escape it was perfectly in time. But as a newly promoted god, how could he do that.

SCP Foundation and GOC were determined to get rid of him, even if it meant destroying the entire city. But it was too late. He no longer belonged to the same species as a lowly creature like a human because he was already a deity.

While Kenneth, the MTF squad's captain, has participated in actions like spending a day and a night bombarding Chaos Splitters with rocket launchers, no one could have anticipated being simultaneously blasted by four nuclear weapons.

His mouth formed a small scoop as he swallowed his saliva. Zhang Jue regarded the matter, "Angelo should have missed the mark with his backup plan because the new flesh and blood deity is plainly not afraid of these things. He placed a few phony nuclear weapons here, but there are actually real ones and more than we imagined. These few atomic weapons will just emit noise."

Although Zhang Jue spoke inaudibly, some were able to hear his urgent remarks. When the Great Warlock Saarn reached the gods, his strength was so great that he lost even his fear of nuclear weapons?

Most folks began to appear dejected.

Zhang Jue grinned at their appearance "What, you weren't even scared of dying before? Not after observing the enemy's might? Let me tell you that there is absolutely no need since Wu Dalang is holding the sky up so that it won't touch you."

Zhang Jue looked at his watch and said, "Well, twelve o'clock has passed, Kenneth, Strang, you two are also deemed a successful completion of the work, do not wait for any rallying cry, grasp the opportunity to escape."

The only person in the room who knew who he was was Yang Xue. There is no opposition because this is a tactic that a few people have long discussed. The goods in each person's luggage have been packed.

The two captains escorted the employees and patients out of Area-114's gate in two compact teams. Following the enormous group, Yang Xue gave Zhang Jue one last glance. Smith and Zhang Jue were observing them leave from the station's entrance.

Smith was about to leave as well ten minutes later. He regarded Zhang Jue as he considered speaking, but he held back. Smith sighed as the Black Pearl team vanished into the night after Zhang Jue waived his hand at him.

Blindan is the closest city to Arcadia, and even if Yang Xue and her team are delayed, they will reach Arcadia tomorrow afternoon. When they get there, they'll be entirely secure.

Because Blindan was a sizable city in comparison to Arcadia, neither the government nor the Foundation were willing to give up there. However, Zhang Jue had no plans to accompany them to Blindan.

If there was an evil deity inside the city of Arcada, he intended to sneak inside after staying here for a half-hour to clear away the chasers for them. He is the only person who truly comprehends this truth.