Chapter 52 The story is getting more and more interesting! (2 more)

Wanda masters chaos magic, and this skill is extremely magical in the setting of the Marvel comics world, and it is extremely powerful-even more terrifying than the power of the phoenix.

At first, Li Bufan thought he was traveling through the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but with the emergence of the X-Men, he discovered that this world is not so simple, at least not a simple Marvel Cinematic Universe. The origin of Wanda’s ability follows the comics setting. .

In the comics, Wanda and Kuaiyin are both children of Magneto and mutants.

Ability is born!

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the superpowers of the two were obtained through Loki's Mind Scepter, which was just fine-tuned. The Mind Scepter triggered the mutant genes hidden in the two of them.

As for power...

Not as buggy as in the comics setting, Wanda is still very strong, but it is not too outrageous. Of course, it is also possible that Wanda has not fully developed its own abilities now. If you encounter a stimulus, you may be able to see it.

Li Bufan would not allow such things like runaways to happen.

It is based on various factors that Wanda and Kuaiyin brothers and sisters will remain anonymous, but what is going on now?

Nick Fury quickly explained.

"I go."

Li Bufan's mouth twitched and he was extremely speechless. It turned out that everything was because of Magneto, and of course, his wise brother.

Didn’t S.H.I.E.L.D. and Magneto reach a settlement agreement? It’s a pity that Magneto is just playing tricks and temporarily delaying S.H.I.E.L.D. Get Wanda and Kuaiyin.

Magneto King was jealous of Li Bufan, who suddenly emerged. After folding the big steel teeth and toads, he did not contact Wanda directly, but found Kuaiyin instead.

Kuaiyin knew Nick Fury's thoughts again, so he decisively found Nick Fury and agreed to join S.H.I.E.L.D., with only one condition, that is, S.H.I.

This is Wanda's heart.

"My stupid eldest uncle, what have you done... and my cheap father-in-law, others are cheating fathers. You cheat your own baby, you are not merciless at all."

There are too many slots, and Li Bufan doesn't know what to say anymore.

Fortunately, this little devil still makes sense!


In the eyes of Nick Fury, Li Bufan has been upgraded from a little **** to a little devil.

Nick Fury let out a sigh of relief. He used to think he could definitely control this little guy, but when so many things happened suddenly, he knew how naive his thoughts were, no different from a three-year-old kid.

Control this little devil?

Ha ha…

Don't be kidding, it would be nice if he doesn't demolish the headquarters of SHIELD, and he controls it! ?

"That's the situation." Nick Fury said, "Although I have agreed, but if you don't want Wanda to join the Avengers, I can refuse her."

Li Bufan curled his lips and said, "The salted egg, don't come with me! I don't know what you are like? If you really want to refuse, you would not agree to Kuaiyin at that time. Now you have agreed to refuse again. This will Makes Wanda suspicious."

Marinated... Marinated eggs?

Nick Fury was going crazy, gritted his teeth and said: "Mr. Li, you can call me the chief, or you can call me by my name, please stop calling me ‘salted egg’?"

Li Bufan glanced at Nick Fury complainingly, and vomited: "Please, you are the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., so you have a little bit of strength? What's the matter with you?"

Damn it!

Nick Fury said hello to the negro, what are you doing well.

"OK, what you say is what you say." Li Bufan waved his hand and said generously, "Little Nick."

Little, little...Little Nick?

Nick Fury: "??!"

Li Bufan said: "Forget it, just join, but I have one condition, you are not allowed to reveal my true identity to Wanda."

Have a short pause.

Li Bufan’s expression suddenly turned cold, and he said, “Don’t think it’s a trivial thing. Whether it’s a fool like Coleson or another fool of SHIELD, if anyone leaks it, I’ll keep this account in On you."

Nick Fury took it

Chapter 53 Nick Fury's Request! (3 more)

Nick Fury said: "There are two camps of mutants. One is represented by Professor X, and the other is led by Magneto. Professor X is the wise man among the mutants. S.H.I.E.L.D. also supports Professor X, otherwise he It’s impossible to hide the school."


Li Bufan became interested and said with a smile: "Aren't you afraid of mutants?"

Nick Fury sneered: "Why should you be afraid? Is it Stryker's set of mutant threat theory again? He is an extreme human being, mutants are also humans, just humans with special abilities."

"That idiot doesn't want to get along with the mutants, but just thinks about **** the mutants!"

Li Bufan smiled and said, "His theory of mutant threats also makes sense. Once upon a time, Neanderthals were the overlords of the earth, but later, weren't they replaced by Homo sapiens and completely extinct?"

Nick Fury shook his head and said, "They have not been replaced, let alone extinct. Homo sapiens, that is, us, still have 1% to 4% of Neandertal genes in the body. They are just fused with the blood of Homo sapiens. ."

This is an explanation.

Li Bufan smiled, stopped discussing the topic, got up to leave, but was stopped by Nick Fury again.

"What else is there?"

Nick Fury stood up and said seriously: "Although you don't want to work for S.H.I.E.L.D., but... please join the Avengers!"


Li Bufan was taken aback, fixedly looking at Nick Fury, thinking for two seconds, then suddenly smiled, and said, "Actually, this is your goal, right?"

Nick Fury was silent.

Li Bufan continued: "You hope that Wanda and Kuaiyin will join the Avengers, but I have already warned you severely. Even if Kuaiyin finds you, you can delay it. You don't have to agree to it immediately, but you still agreed. "

"Your purpose is not Wanda at all, but me, right?"

The voice is calm, but the expression is getting colder and colder.

Unleashing a terrifying power!
