At this moment, the wooden door of the office was pushed open, Nick Fury and Coleson walked in first, and a slightly fat middle-aged man with glasses and a kind face followed behind them.

Nick Fury smiled and said, "When I'm away, you guys are very lively, let me introduce, Bruce Banner, Dr. Banner!"

"Oh, I forgive you."

Tony stood up, reached out to Banner, and said with some excitement: ``Hello, Tony, Tony Stark, it is nice to meet you, Dr. Banner, your achievements in the field of anti-electron collision are unmatched. "

Banner shyly shook Tony's hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Stark, I am also very happy to meet you."


Banner suddenly yelled, but Tony didn't know when, with a pen in his left hand, he slammed Banner on him.

"Don't change your body?"

Tony expects.

You know, I love that... the big green monster, let me take a look."

You hateful playboy, you didn't know Wei Wei before.

Nick Fury's forehead is full of black lines, saying: "Tony!"

Steve's face sank, and he sternly said: "Are you crazy?"

Tony curled his lips and said, "Oh, I, we also have a spokesperson for the director. It's a pity that Mr. Chief has already arrived, and you have been relieved of your post.

Sorry for you,."

Steve said slightly angrily: "You like to joke a lot"

Tony shrugged and said, "It's fun."

Steve lightly smashed the conference table with his fist and said, "This is not fun at all, yours

A joke will lead to the failure of the mission!"

"Oh my god!"

Natasha whispered a word, rolled her eyes, her face full of helplessness.

Nick Fury was also helpless.

In order to fight it is possible to come out

Chapter 63 The God of Trick, Loki! (2 requests for subscription)

Chapter 64 Variables still happened! (3 requests for subscription)


"Run away!"

"Can't stay here anymore, or you will die!"

There was a scream of horror, the crowd scattered and fled, and Loki did not stop it.

"Heh, soldier, your attack didn't work. I'm afraid you still don't know who your opponent is. I'm Rocky, from Asgard."


Steve sneered: "You are not, there is only one god, that is, God, and he will never wear the same circus acrobatics."

"Damn mortal, you dare to be disrespectful to the gods"

"Not only do I disrespect the gods, I also plan to smash the gods!!"

Boom!! In the loud noise, Loki and Steve fought together. Steve returned from the thawing, and he was far from reaching the highest combat effectiveness. No matter how weak Loki was, he was a god. For several rounds, Shi Tiff was knocked to the ground.

He is not Loki's opponent.

Of course, for the American team, combat effectiveness is not the only advantage. His biggest advantage is-11!! "Kneel down!!"

Loki ends with a scepter.

, Pointed to Steve's head and said sharply.


Steve fought back in an instant. At this moment, Natasha drove a Quinn fighter jet and drove her weapon arsenal fully open and aimed at Loki on the ground. She reluctantly shook her head and said, "That guy, too many clones."

Suddenly! The operating system of the Kun-style fighter was invaded, and a rock and roll music began to be played. Tony Stark's lowly voice appeared: "Agent Normanova, do you miss me?"

Natasha rolled her eyes and her face was helpless.

When Tony Stark arrived, Wanda and other S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents have arrived, Steve is in charge of fighting Rocky, and they are in charge of evacuation of the crowd.

Now, the evacuation is complete.

The square became: extremely empty, only Rocky, Steve, Wanda and talk about a few S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents, although their duty is to protect the people, they are not superpowers, they can only do some simple tasks.

This battle has nothing to do with them.

far away.

In a building a hundred meters away, Li Bufan sits on the roof of the building with a drunkard peanut in his left hand.

Fried chicken, Coca-Cola in the right hand, watching a play.

The death **** was in his suit, and the mask of the Hell Hundred Ghosts was taken off by him.

Wanda's witch suit and his death suit are all produced by Stark Industry, and there is no doubt about how powerful Stark Industry's products are.The thin layer is strong enough to be bulletproof.

The air tightness is also excellent, even if the entire face is covered, it will not cause any discomfort.

Li Bufan didn't wear it, not because of the death suit, but because of himself, simply because he was not used to it.

When he saw Tony enter the arena, Li Bufan yawned and said with a chuckle: "It looks like this battle is about to end."

Loki showed up so swaggeringly, originally he wanted to cast himself in, he wouldn't resist.

It's a pity that everything that happened next went beyond Li Bufan's expectations, and Loki ignored the threats of Tony and Natasha, and with the magic of the scepter, the whole street was destroyed.

Wanda's mission was originally to evacuate the crowd, and Loki gave it to Steve, Natasha and others to deal with it.