Tony and Steve all realized that Sol was bad, and Tony immediately.

Equipped with the head armor, Steve picked up the vibrating shield.As for Thor, there was no one else in his eyes, but he stared at Loki in an angry and fierce manner.

"Hey, aliens, we--.


Tony came forward and wanted to talk to Sol, but before he could finish his words, Bufan Li had already flown out, and he slammed Sol to his chest.

Thor was kicked in an instant and disappeared in front of everyone.

Tony and Steve are both dumbfounded.

Loki was the same, staring at Li Bufan dumbfounded, and after a full second, he was relieved, clapped three times, and said: "Wow, although I don't advocate violence, I still want to say that I did a good job."

"Of course, if the kick was the face, it would be even more beautiful"

Li Bufan ignored Loki.


System: "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host, complete the task Red envelope: kick Thor hard, the corresponding reward has been distributed to the red envelope space, the host can check it by itself."

Ha's sure it's not joking, this is the end, Li Bufan was confused by the system.

What the hell, this task is too simple, is it different from free delivery?

Scanned the red envelope space.

【Item: From

Healing factor serum agent attributes: common item quality: grade medium graded grade, medium, high world: "super empire" special effects: as you know

Chapter 68 Thor: I'll beat you so hard that you can't even recognize your mother! (7 more)

Chapter 69 Fuck, cut thunder and lightning? ! Sol dumbfounded! (8 more)

Saul laughed: "Little guy, I thought you were weak. I didn't expect you to have this kind of assassin. Don't hide anything. Let's have a fight! The blood of fighting in my body has already boiled."


Two giant trees, one on the left and one on the right, shoot at him at the same time when Sol is still: nonsense.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang! Hands up, manipulating two giant trees, like arms and fingers, skillful, and even perfect.

Almost in just three seconds3, Sol was smashed dozens of times by two giant trees.

Sol was smashed.

Tony, Steve's mouth twitches when he sees it, which is really miserable.

Luo Base Station was on the cliff and exclaimed excitedly: "!! That's it.

I love your ability!!"


Thor, the **** of thunder, burst out a beast-like roar, slammed his hands to the left and right, and instantly smashed the two giant trees.

He was very angry! "You little **** who doesn't know how high the earth is! Don't hit me with a tree anymore. If you dare to use this stuff again, I promise to kill you!!"

"I promise in the name of Father Odin!!"

Li Bufan shrugged and chuckled, "Oh, as you wish."

Whoosh!! Behind Thor, a huge boulder flew away and hit Thor **** his head.

Sol: "!"

Why don’t you understand people? Don’t let you use trees, you just use stones. What do I mean? I mean, you are not allowed to humiliate me like this anymore!! "Damn bastard, you die deal!!"


Thor once again burst out a beast-like roar, smashed the rock with a fist, and made a loud humming sound on his right hand.It fell to the Thor's hammer in the distance and flew towards him, and he was instantly held in his palm.

Raised suddenly! "Crack!!"

Bright lightning pierced the dark night sky again.


The loud noise of thunder was even more ferocious than before.


Loki covered his ears and gloated, "Hey.

Although I like you very much, I have to tell you that the guy is really angry this time, and he is going to be real, that is to say, you are going to suffer."

Tony, Steve's face changed slightly, and they also felt the change in Thor, this time the intensity of lightning was unprecedented.


Steve called.


Steve raised his mechanical arms, one aimed at Sol and the other at Li Bufan, and continued, ``Big guy, if you dare to mess around, I won't keep your hands.

As for you, immediately.

Fly away, if you don't leave, I will send you away."

Li Bufan chuckles: "Can you do it?"

"It may not be possible."

Tony was helpless. After seeing Li Bufan's ability, he shrugged and added, "But I always have to try. Even if I know that I can't, I will do something. Standing idly by is character."

This is Tony Stark.

The body of a mortal is comparable to a god.

Although he is still an unobstructed, selfish, and pushy **** image, his nature will not change. At the most critical moment, he will burst out with a bright, gorgeous light!! Sol sneered Said: "No, you can't do it at all, at least you can't do it to me.

As for you, kid, it’s still too late to apologize!"

Li Bufan shook his head and said: "Sorry, I am not very good at this kind of thing, or else first