The mind flashed, and all the clones flew out.

The art of shadow clone, the purpose of this art of second generation eye Hokage, is for espionage.

When it comes to the multi-shadow clone, although the spell has been upgraded, it is actually not ready to be used as an attack.The reason is simple.

But now, it's different! Time has passed, the Avengers have worked hard enough, and their lives are almost gone, but they can't kill so many Kitarians.

"No more."

Natasha killed another Kita Swiss soldier, immediately.

Looking for a scrapped car as a shelter, he panted and said, "There are too many enemies.

! I suggest to change the strategy and first remove all the people in a few blocks nearby"

"Damn it, that...little villain!!"

Hawkeye also raised his head and looked at Li Bufan in the sky, shocked.

a long time.

He said, "Natasha, this is the little magic you told me!"

Chapter 77 Lawless, arrogant and domineering! ! (1 request for subscription)

Time is hurried, a few days have passed since the New York War, and the sudden appearance of the Kitari Legion made the whole world know that the universe is vast and the earth is not alone, besides them, there are other intelligent life forms.

But this kind of existence is not necessarily all benefits.

The emergence of Asgard civilization makes S.H.I.E.L.D.

Awakening, knowing the strength of other civilizations, so Nick Fury began to plan ahead, using the Cosmos Rubik's Cube to make weapons of mass destruction in advance.

The appearance of the Kitari proves that his precautions are right.

TV station.

On the news channel, a female host standing on the devastated Queen's Road, facing the camera with a worried face said: "As far as we know, we are not the only life form in the universe. The universe is huge, even vast."

"Half a year ago, people from Asgard appeared on the earth."

"Six days ago, the Kitari monster also appeared on Earth."

"Half a year ago, the Asgardians only destroyed a town in New Mexico, but six days ago, the Chitari monster destroyed a small part of the city. The reconstruction has just begun and it is expected to be completed in three months."

"But this is not the point. The point is what will happen when more and more alien visitors visit the earth. Next time they will destroy a country or destroy all of mankind."

"We are worried about this. All mankind must unite. Only in this way can we resist the attack of alien monsters."

"Of course, mankind is not hopeless, because in this war, we have seen hope. The heroes of the Avengers are fighting for the survival of the earth, Iron Man, the American team, the black widow, and the Hulk."

"They were originally strange creatures in the eyes of the government and tried to eliminate them, but it turns out that our government is extremely stupid. They are heroes!"

"Our hero, the hero of all mankind!"

"Oh, of course, I forgot to mention a person. You must know who it is. I didn't forget it, but because he is so special. Without him, this battle could not end so quickly. The Kitari invaded. It will cause extremely serious consequences."

"He is the **** of death!"

"We don't know his real name, nor what he looks like, but we all know that he is the hero of this battle, he is the hero who saved us! Look at the children on the street, they are wearing the death suit, They wear the mask of the **** of death, they regard the **** of death as an idol, they aspire to be a hero like the **** of death, and they want to grow up to become a great man like the **** of death!"

"The future is extremely difficult, we all know it, but fortunately, we have not lost hope, lost the future!"

"Let's cheer for the **** of death, shout for the **** of death, he is our hero, our savior!"

"Above, News Channel reporter Da Bruni reports."


The headquarters, Nick Fury, and Maria Hifield are watching this reporter's report through the LCD screen, and in front of him, there are five holographic images of 55 sitting on an office chair.

Five people 5 are members of the World Security Council.


Nick Fury turned off the TV, and rushed to five people: After seeing it, this is the attitude of the people towards the Avengers. What is your attitude? You are worried that you can't control this force, you guys."

A bald old man with a cold face, said solemnly: "Nick, you know what we mean.

Are we not right? You have seen how powerful those people are. If there is no supervision, God knows what they will do."

Another member answered: "They must live under our supervision!"

"I'm afraid this can't be done."

Nick Fury shook his head.

The bald old man had sharp eyes and said: "Why can't we be vigilant when the warrior kills the dragon, because the warrior is very likely to become the dragon next!"

A woman in a blue suit said: "Nick! We have given you a lot of time, but you have made any cosmic cube, and the scepter of mind is missing.

Iron Man, Team Beauty, Black Widow, and Hawkeye all disappeared.

Chapter 78 Horror! Is he a prophet? (2 requests for subscription)

Chapter 79 Let him be the little spider father! (3 requests for subscription)

"I know."

Nick Fury looked unlucky and said in a dull voice, "Don't worry, I'm just talking about it."

Seeing Nick Fury said this, Hill was relieved.

Hill continued: "By the way, Director Fury, there is one more thing."

Nick Fury looked helpless and said: "Let's talk about it, what's the trouble?"

Hill immediately.

I took out the computer, my fingers were flying, and I had a pause: Operation, I adjusted the street video of New York during the recent period, and it was very blurry at normal speed.It was a red patterned monster flying around on the street.

"This is that little spider"

Nick Fury asked.

Hill nodded.

Spider-Man Peter Parker, since he was bitten by a mutant spider and awakened his superpowers, he became a hero next door, and S.H.I.E.L.D. couldn't ignore it.