Qin looked at Li Bufan, his eyes flashed with joy, and he was a little shy, only to meet Li Bufan's eyes, and then quickly turned his face away, not daring to look again.

"Thanks, thank you, really

Chapter 187 Wolverine goes online: News from Logan! (5 requests for subscription)

After the arrangements were made, everyone gathered in the room of Storm Girl and Qin.

Li Bufan asked, "Qin, what have you dreamed of these past few days?"

Fear flickered in Qin's eyes, and his body trembled instinctively.

Shou hurriedly comforted: "Don't be afraid, don't be nervous, we are all here, no one can hurt you, neither can the power of the phoenix, take a deep breath, yes, that's it!"

Qin took a few deep breaths before slowly saying: "I dreamed of a spaceship. I dreamed that the whole world was turned into a sea of ​​flames. Magma sprayed out from the ground, swallowing the earth, and the sea was turbulent and flooded the earth."

"There are corpses everywhere, many people are crying, many people are begging, but it's useless, and some people die. Finally, the whole earth becomes devastated. Humans are not all perished, but there is not much left."

"Those who survived, they lingered on, they became slaves, with shackles on their necks and feet."

A shocking doomsday prophecy picture, accompanied by Qin's description, automatically surfaced in everyone's mind.

There is no doubt that what is coming is the real disaster of extinction.

If they can't stop it, the prediction will become a reality, but Jin knows nothing about the enemy - she didn't dream it.

"I don't know who the enemy is. I only know that the enemy is very powerful. As long as someone dares to resist, he will kill. If he keeps resisting and doesn't want to surrender, he doesn't mind destroying the earth and killing everyone."

"All mankind!!"

Qin's eyes were full of horror, trembling uncontrollably with omnipotence.

Granted immediately.

Echoing with Qin's soul, he couldn't help but comforted: "It's okay, Qin is okay, that's just a dream of you, it's not true.

Don't worry, don't be afraid, we will always be by your side"

"Now you don't need to do anything, let alone think about it, you need to rest!"

Under the spiritual hypnosis of the teaching, the spirit of Qin, who was already exhausted, soon felt that his eyes and face were as heavy as ten thousand pounds, slowly closed, and fell into a state of deep sleep.

Storm Girl immediately.

Hugging Qin into the room inside, covering her with a quilt, and then returning to the living room.

Presidential suite, living room, room, everything.

Li Bufan said in a deep voice: "No wonder the power of the Phoenix is ​​so violent in the disaster of extinction. This time, the intensity is much stronger than that of the Apocalypse incident. In other words, this time the enemy is also more dangerous than the Apocalypse. Ke was stunned, why didn't the professor say anything about it?It was just a dream of Qin.

"Li, you don't take Qin's dream seriously, right"

Li Bufan shrugged and said with a smile: "Of course it is true, but you, Hank, you won't really believe what Charles said."

The beast stared at Shu in amazement.

Shi shook his head and said, "Hank, don't look at me with that kind of eyes, I'm not sure.

Qin only possesses the power of a phoenix. She doesn't have Super Li who predicts the future, why are you so sure"

No, Li Bufan, who was really not acting just now, shook his head speechlessly.

Charles, please recall that before the resurrection of the apocalypse, did Qin have a similar situation"

Grant nodded.

"That's all right."

Li Bufan shrugged.

The body of the power of the phoenix is ​​the phoenix, which can be said to be one of the most mysterious energies in the entire universe, and it is nothing to predict the future.

My guess is that it is not a prophecy, but a feeling of unprecedented hostility, and at the same time releasing the hostile person. When his strength is strong enough to subvert the world, Phoenix

The power will be irritable, maybe this is also a way for it to remind the host."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and they were all convinced by Li Bufan's reasoning.

Li Bufan continued: "Compare Qin's reaction before the resurrection of the Apocalypse, and then look at the present, only one thing can be proved, that... the Apocalypse, who thinks he is omnipotent, is an embroidered pillow compared to the enemy that is about to appear. ."

Hiss!! Hank took a breath, and Tianqi was the embroidered pillow's upcoming enemy in front of that person. How fierce it was, he was also shocked, and said, "Li,

Chapter 188 Susan is jealous: I hate you! You dainty Robb! (1 request for subscription)

Chapter 189 Nano Boots: Black Technology Leading the Whole Era! (2 requests for subscription)

Li Bufan returned to his senses in an instant, Susan's apricot eyes widened, a pair of beautiful eyes, tears flickering, and then he looked at Shu, the beast Hank, all of them turned their faces, indicating that I was looking at the scenery and I didn't know anything.

Misunderstood! Peat! As expected, not only Susan misunderstood, but everyone misunderstood.

Li Bufan was about to turn around to explain, but he didn't expect that even the storm girl Auroro would have misunderstood. As soon as he reached out and held his shoulders, he raised an eyebrow provocatively at Susan, and hummed triumphantly: "Li will not tonight. Go, you go back first."


Susan was run by Storm Girl, and tears were about to burst out.

Happiness!! Li Bufan made a move, frowned, knocked off the hands of Storm Girl on his shoulders, and said, "Madam, please take care of yourself.

I'm not familiar with you. If you do this, be careful I sue you."

The Storm Girl was dumbfounded for an instant! She was messed up all over.

The brain was in a mess, and he couldn't believe it, and thought to himself: "This, how is it possible that he is playing tricks on me? Impossible, based on my Auroro charm, how can there be men who don't like it"

"He must be lying to me I don't believe it"

Susan stayed:

Grant, Hank the Beast was all stunned, what kind of sorrow is this, aren’t you interested in Auroro? Li Bufan turned around and came to Susan, jokingly said: “Why are you crying? I just did that. You make a magic.

Give you a gift that is ahead of the entire era, guess what I will give you"

"Sure you will be surprised!"

Susan burst into laughter, and gave Li Bufan annoyed a glance, and tweeted: "You think I am a three-year-old kid, so easy to deceive, what a gift that leads the whole era, I don't believe it."

Li Bufan turned his mind and took out a pair of nano boots from the red envelope space.

In the eyes of everyone, it is tantamount to becoming a magic, but no one is surprised, I have long been used to it, this guy is the world's top magician, even the portal is easy to build, what happened to something changed? It is a change of things, even if it is a big change of life, no one is surprised.