
Somehow, Susan suddenly asked, and suddenly released an awe-inspiring aura.Johnny was startled with cold sweat on his back, and under Susan's powerful aura, instinctively shook his head.

I dare not say a word, let alone stop it.

Susan immediately.

Turn around.

"Damn it!"

When Johnny touched his forehead, just a moment ago, he burst into countless cold sweats. Looking at the old sister's back, there was also an inexplicable heart palpitation. He was shocked and thought, "God, what is going on?"

"My elder sister, it's a **** to have such a strong aura."

Reid and Ben, 20 meters away, were the same as Johnny. They all refused, but Susan's momentum at this moment also shocked the two of them! "Damn it!"

Ben shook his head and sighed softly, "Reid, you really did something wrong!"

Reid puzzled: "What"

Ben was speechless: "What the hell, all your talents are in science

Chapter 197 Blood Abuse: Incredible Crush! (1 request for subscription)


Susan looked at Ben Graham and screamed again, interrupting Ben's quarrel with Johnny.

Ben smiled bitterly: "Su, you don't want to knock me down, right?"

"Of course not, I want to use the second superpower on you."


Ben asked, "Is it invisible? You don't need to try it. As long as you become invisible, I won't find you. Although your superpower is very powerful, it must be flawed, but I haven't found it yet."

Johnny laughed and said, "Big guy, are you nonsense? Is this your humor, hahaha"

"Fuck! Shut me up!!"

Ben blows up her hair again! Susan shook her head. This competition is really an out-and-out farce. Let it end as soon as possible, so she said: "No, Ben, my second superpower is-- Energy shield!"

While talking, Susan stretched out her hands and locked Ben! "Om!!"

Just listen to a trembling, a huge, almost transparent energy shield, covering Ben.

Susan said: "Ben, if you can smash the energy shield, even if you win."

Ben's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Susan with amazement, and his heart was shocked! Damn it! What does this mean? How could it be that Susan was confident that he could block her iron fist from a heavy blow! You know, within four hours? Susan only then realized the energy shield, not Susan himself comprehended, but everyone stayed together, brainstormed, and studied the results of three days.

Then, they did an experiment to see the strength of Susan's energy shield.

It turned out to be a punch!! With just one punch, Ben smashed Susan's energy shield to pieces.

More importantly, Ben's punch is not full, he only used one-tenth of 10% of his power, about a ton:, and now Susan is actually confident that even if he does it with full strength, he can't Crushed! My face changed slightly, and he said seriously: "Su, you are sure, "Yes!"


Ben nodded and said, "Then you are ready, the energy shield is closely related to your spirit, if you are not careful, you will be injured."

Susan nodded and said casually: "I know, Ben, you can punch."

Ben is no longer nonsense! He took a deep breath, shook his left arm lightly, and started a simple warm-up work.

At the scene, the crows were silent! Reed watched with all his attention, and Johnny, who was very noisy in front of him, opened his eyes and held his breath!! No way, Susan was too confident, they all thought they were dreaming .


Ben bowed slightly, his center of gravity shifted down, and his feet slammed into the ground with lightning swiftly.

A punch with all my strength! Even an extraordinary performance.

The power of this punch exceeded ten tons!! A jaw-dropping scene appeared.

Ben's fierce and transcendent punch hit the energy shield violently, Susan just frowned slightly, the place where Ben hit the energy shield, ripples swayed all around, and the energy shield But he didn't move!! Johnny exclaimed excitedly: "Sister, the strength of your energy shield has been increased to this level, you are too powerful.


Reid was stunned: "How is this possible!"

I couldn't believe my eyes, and said in shock: "Su, you, God, what have you experienced in these four hours, how did you do it?"

"I'll explain to you later."

Susan didn't have the slightest complacency on her face, and continued, "It's just a punch. You can punch it a few more times to see if it can be broken. Don't worry that I will get hurt, and punch it hard."


He should have heard it, but in fact he hadn't kept it before.The punch just didn't break, and now he continues to punch his punches, which is just to detect the strength of Susan's energy shield.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang - Ben waved his hands, like raindrops, constantly attacking Susan's energy shield, like a stone falling into the water, ripples appear one after another, one after another, One ripple has not disappeared, and the second ripple appears again.

In the first few punches, the energy shield still didn't move! Until Benlian

Chapter 198 Tai Chi: Four or Two Thousands of Catties! (2 requests for subscription)

Chapter 199 The Invisible Woman: In my heart...pretends a little man! (3 requests for subscription)

Susan didn't want Reid to be too embarrassed, and said, "Johnny!"


Johnny spread his hands and said, "Sister, don't stare, I know what you mean, I want to save some face to Reed, I don't say it's not OK, then I will leave it to you."

After all, Johnny mumbled: "Really, I can't even tell the truth, it's boring"

Susan stopped paying attention to Johnny, looked at Reed, shook her head, and was too lazy to say more, just said: ``Reed, what is left in the Baxter Mansion, I will let the moving company come over tomorrow.

Johnny, let's go."

Reid looked dumbfounded.

What does it mean that she is moving out! Damn, what the **** is going on! Absolutely not! Reid has a feeling that once Susan moves out of Baxter Building, he will never have a chance again.

After graduation, it has been three years, a full three years have passed. It was like three long 3rd centuries before they met again. This time he will definitely not let go like he did when he graduated from university!! Take the initiative, he must fight for it!! "Wait!!"

Reid suddenly yelled, looked at Susan anxiously, and said, "Are you moving out of Baxter Building?"