Li Bufan is located on the forehead of the complete body Susano. He looked around and said, "No wonder Uchiha Madara can cut off the mountain with one move. These bugs are resolved."

"Li Li!!"

Susan's exclamation sounded.

In the unbelievable 930's exclamation, Susan flew to the forehead of the full body with the nano boots, facing Li Bufan's eyes.

Li Bufan only glanced at Susan's whole body, immediately.

I know that in order to complete her test, she suffered a lot, and

Chapter 217 Fuck: A sword flattened the mountain! ! (7 requests for subscription)

After listening to Susan, Li Bufan nodded, looked at the stunned Ghost and Zero, and chuckled: "In other words, your mission has been completed and you can go to death."

When the voice fell, Li Bufan lifted his palms and fell, swift as electricity.


The ground immediately.

A huge palm print appeared, dust and smoke filled again, the two hapless ghosts and Zero, begging in horror, but Li Bufan didn't listen at all, and instantly slapped the two into scum, mixed with cement and gravel. Together.

Logan, the saber-toothed tigers are all dumbfounded!! It's so easy to kill, it's too easy, it's slapped to death. Augustine After five people ran out of the underground research center, they turned to five 55 different They flee in the same direction, but Li Bufan is now a 560-meter-high giant.Even if they flee in different directions, they still fall into Li Bufan's eyes.

"Ha ha"

Li Bufan sneered, "If you pretend to be forceful in front of me, you want to run, are you too low on me?"

Take a decisive shot! Just like slapped a fly, one palm, and I didn't forget the saber-toothed tiger. The other four 44 slapped to death. The scum like the saber-toothed tiger received special treatment and was directly torn off by Li Bufan. Said the waiter, sprinkle water.

He wanted to know whether he could survive with the saber-toothed tiger's self-healing ability.

It turns out that there is only one Deadpool.

The saber-toothed tiger's eyes widened in horror and unwillingness, and his upper body twitched a few times before he was completely killed.

After that, it was Sean "Qi".

Although he is an idiot, he also knows to escape.Before the research center collapsed, he also fled to the ground.Li Bufan did the same. In the end, this guy was a low-quality version of Deadpool, and a small injury of this degree would cost him his life.

Compared with Deadpool, it was too weak to bear!! In the end, there was only one ‘Neng King’ Augustine left in the 9-man team.

That guy had a lot of experience in escaping, and he was very sorry for his life.He knew that there was only one in ten thousand chance to escape, and he did not give up.When Li Bufan killed all the others, he had already fled to a kilometer away.

There stood a lonely mountain about a thousand meters high, and Augustine was about to go around that mountain.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! "Hurry up!"

Augustine's nerves are tense, nervous and excited.He didn't look back, nor did he need to look back.He knew how tragic the battlefield behind him was.

To be more precise, it is how miserable those people died.

Too, too scary.

That kind of... level opponents are no longer what people like them can resist. He even doubts that there is anyone on this planet who is the opponent of that guy!! It is simply inhuman strength.

Augustine made up his mind, as long as he escaped by chance today, and as long as he heard any rumors about that guy in the future, he would immediately.

To escape, you must keep a few hundred miles away from that guy, otherwise there is no sense of security at all.

It’s getting better and better away from that guy!! In a nervous mood, Augustine touched the thousand-meter-high lonely mountain, that... behemoth is only more than 500 meters high, it’s only 500 meters high. Gushan absolutely blocked his sight.


Augustine let out a long sigh of relief, found a corner and hid, and sighed like a rest of his life, "Finally succeeded, bastard, even if you are better, how can I not let Lao Tzu escape!"

Thinking of Li Bufan's strength, Augustine Zhi: Some little pride.

He dared not rest too much.

It only stopped for a minute, and he took a sigh of relief, immediately.

Speed ​​up and run wildly farther.

And at the research center base, Susan said with a pity: "Lee, let that guy escape! Beast! Just participate!"

All the people who plan on the device are damned!!"

Li Bufan smiled lightly: "Don't worry, he can't escape."

Susan said: "Then are we going to chase now?"

Li Bufan shook his head: "No need."

Susan frowned, didn't understand what Li Bufan meant, didn't chase, and said that the guy didn't escape, what is it.

Chapter 218 What Do You Do? Of course it's killing you. (1 request for subscription)

Chapter 219 Oh, the background is not small! (2 requests for subscription)

David Hank was scared to urinate in an instant, and he slumped directly to the ground, immediately.

He shouted: "Mr. Death, please forgive me!! William Stryker is behind the scenes. If you really want to kill, just kill him. All this has nothing to do with me, I am just responsible for supervising him!"

When William Stryker heard it, he almost lost his breath.

Damn! This trash, I still have hopes on him, but I didn't expect this **** to beat him up. I shouldn't save him just now.

Susan was shocked by David Hank's shamelessness, and said angrily: "What is it that everything has nothing to do with you, you also know that you are in charge of supervising him, when he killed the mutant children, where were you?"

"You know it all! But why don't you stop you from being so supervised!"

"You beast!!"

David Hank quibbled: "No! It has nothing to do with me, it's the top! The top supports him too, do you understand, miss"

Susan was shocked, and she trembled: "You, do you mean that the high-level military knows"


David Hank immediately said, "Over the years, the'weapon' project has cost billions of dollars. If there is no high-level military decision, how can it be a huge expense! No high-level military nod, fundamentally approve it. Won't come down."

"Old, God, what the **** is going on in this country"

Susan was a little unacceptable for a while, and the whole person was a little desperate.

"Okay, Susan, there is no clean in politics, and there is no clean in politician, you should have understood it a long time ago.