Oops!! Natasha looked at the radiation bracelet she was wearing on her wrist, and shouted at Li Bufan: "Oh no! The nuclear bomb is going to explode! This guy will die with us!!"

Wanda, Hawkeye, Falcon and other avengers, their faces changed drastically at the same time.

At the scene, everyone, I am afraid that only Li Bufan and Deadpool are still calm.

Deadpool shook his head and said, "It's a pity, you all are going to die. Before you die, do you want to tell me what flowers do you like?"

Li Bufan chuckled lightly: "Is it good to go to the grave?"


Deadpool cried, !! As expected, it's my brother, or you know me."

Others have black lines on their faces.

! If they can, they really want to kill this guy, their mouths are too "rest assured, no one will die."

Li Bufan shook his head.

"No one is going to die hahaha No one is going to die This is definitely the funniest joke I've ever heard!!"

Ajax laughed madly: "You are very strong, even if a nuclear bomb can't be killed, but what about them, don't be bragging.

! Even if they can't be blown up, there are still hundreds of thousands of people buried with them!!"

"Listen, what a sweet, what a beautiful sound. It's coming, coming, coming!!"

Boom!! The nuclear bomb finally exploded, and a huge mushroom cloud was about to soar into the sky.

Everyone changed their color in amazement! Perhaps it was only one hundredth of a second, and everyone's expressions were frozen and shocked, but also in this hundredth of a second, Li Bufan made a move.

Divine power!! Li Bufan has obtained the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, awakened two special abilities, the left eye reads the moon, the right eye power, and at the same time, he can also use the full body Susanou, and his awakened power can transfer any energy All moved to a different space! At the moment when the nuclear bomb exploded, at the moment when everyone was shocked, shocked, sluggish, and Ajax screamed madly - God's might, start it!! Huh!! Everyone is in the sky, and the space begins Distorted, the black lines rotated clockwise, forming a black space vortex, and the huge energy of the nuclear explosion was instantly sucked into the space vortex and transferred to a different space.

After a few seconds, the spatial vortex disappeared.



Ajax's eyes widened in disbelief and exclaimed, "This is impossible! Damn it,

Chapter 253 End? No, the game has just begun! (4 requests for subscription)

Chapter 254 Everyone is Equal: If you want your head, of course everyone has to fall! (1 request for subscription)

Hell's Kitchen, Jinhe Base Camp.


After the nuclear bomb crisis was lifted and Ajax was killed, everyone dispersed. Li Bufan and others returned to the Hell's Kitchen. Deadpool, Jin Bin, Bullseye, and Bagley, the core glove of the Jin Bin gang, all gathered in the office. .

Deadpool tilted Erlang's legs and said, "Li, what else do you want to do, just say it straight."

"But I thought about it carefully. Even the **** of Ajax was killed. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Hey, boring, boring, life, it's always like this, rotating between fun and boring, there is always more boring. of"

Li Bufan said: "Wade, when did you become a philosopher"


Deadpool laughed and said, "Brother is what it is, do you want to show you that there is too much ink in your stomach?"

"No need."

Li Bufan shook his head and said, "There will be very interesting things soon."

Deadpool's eyes lit up: "What"

Li Bufan clicked the corner of his mouth and said: "Ajax is offering a reward of 200 million. According to the information I have received, at least 120 international killers have entered New York. They all want to exchange my head for money, so they should always pay a price. ."

Deadpool said: "Um, what's the price for a little bit"

Li Bufan: "They want my head, so the price for this is naturally their head."

Deadpool's eyes widened! "Wait a minute! I don't understand what you mean, you mean to kill a few people"

"What do you want Wade."

Li Bufan smiled and said, "If I want to kill a few people, I'll still chat with you here.

What kind of society is now a civilized society, where everyone is equal. Since we need a brain, of course we need everyone."

Nima!! The corners of everyone's lips twitched. It's a very civilized society, and everyone is equal. That's what it meant.

Bagley sweats profusely:

Deadpool said: "Fuck, it seems that you really want to do a big vote, you do it but more than a thousand assassins, let's not say how difficult it is to kill them, it is even more difficult.

Why find them all."

Li Bufan snapped his fingers and said, "Simple."

"Golden Union."

Jin Bin said: "What are your orders?"

Li Bufan said: "You immediately.

Through the channels of the underground world, declare to all the killers that you want to kill me and offer another 500 million hidden flowers.As long as you participate, there will be rewards.

Ikeen Island is your property, right?"

Jin Bin was shocked, nodded instinctively, and said, "Yes."

Ikeen Island, located 10 outside Brooklyn, is an isolated island. It was bought by Jin and bought many years ago.

Li Bufan thought for two seconds, and said: "First, at 12:1 tomorrow, all the killers who can board Ikern Island are friends of your Golden Union. As long as they land on the island, they will get one hundred thousand U.S. dollars to participate. prize.

This is more than one billion."

"Second, you can carry weapons. You will not impose any restrictions on them, so they must be assured."

"Thirdly, whoever can kill Li Bufan with the remaining money will have the money! It can be assassinated either alone or in a group. Which team succeeds in the assassination, and all the remaining money belongs to that... team."

"By the way, while releasing these news, you make up another story, how did I oppress you, how did you get angry, understand?

Jin Heian nodded and said, "I understand.

Bagley, you immediately.