Deadpool shouted: "I understand you big-headed ghost! Damn, you can't do this! Lee!!"

The others stared at each other, looking at Li Bufan and Deadpool with dumbfounded faces.They didn't know what these two guys were doing, but judging from the reaction of the two now, it seemed that 01 something extraordinary was about to happen.

Sure enough, the expected event happened very quickly.

Deadpool is still there: he keeps talking, but he really does what Li Bufan said, standing still and not moving, while Li Bufan is accumulating his energy.

Suddenly!! Li Bufan's pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted: "Thunder Fist!"

Zizi!! The blue current flickered continuously, and his entire right hand turned into a ball of blue lightning, and the powerful aura burst into all directions.

Everyone was taken aback.

Ghost ghost! Look at Li Bufan's driving, it is absolutely true, this is not an ordinary fight, it seems to be really going to kill Deadpool, what are you betting on, honestly, everyone is going crazy NS.

This is maddeningly unreasonable.

Ji shook his head and couldn't help but say: "Li, let's forget it, or else you can tell us somehow, what are you betting on?"

"I'll talk later.

Wade, are you ready, if I punch it, you may die."

Li Bufan smiled playfully.

"Go to hell!"

Deadpool was full of irritation, "If you want to do it, do it, don't you know where there is so much nonsense, for a death row prisoner, the most horrible thing is not to be there, but the time to wait."

"You hateful fellow, you did it on purpose! You absolutely did it on purpose"

Li Bufan's mouth ticked: "Congratulations, you guessed it right."

Amidst the light laughter, Li Bufan suddenly rushed, and a thunder fist blasted out.The blood splashed all over in an instant, his two legs flew up into the sky, teleported below the belt, and all disappeared.

Including the younger brother of Deadpool.

I have to say that this is really a very sad story, only half of the body of the Deadpool was left, and it fell to the ground with a bang.

The corners of everyone's lips twitched.

Hank the Beast murmured: "Lee, I finally know what you are.

What do you mean, in the next few days, we will have to take care of this...speaker man."

Falcon Sam, Hawkeye Button felt a tremor in his heart.

You guys! What kind of perverts are these two things, playing so fiercely, so perverted? They are simply non-human.

Deadpool shrugged, looked at Li Bufan, spread his hands, and said: "How about Li, are you satisfied now? It's a hell, in fact, you've been waiting, no matter what.

If I help you, you will do it!"

"damn it!!"

"Break off!"

"I must break your relationship with you! This uncle has helped you so much, and you still refuse to let me go. You really disappointed me!! Li, ask yourself, don't you really feel guilty at all? "

Li Bufan shook his head and said relaxedly: "No, I feel at ease. The bet has already been set, and you have lost.

Everyone is an adult again. I think you should be willing to bet and lose. What do you think?"

"I think you are a big-headed ghost! I only know that I don't want to see you now, I don't want to see you for a second!!"

Deadpool yelled, and said to Professor: "Professor,

Chapter 267 The Devil's Mutter: Boy, do you yearn for power? (2 requests for subscription)

State University of New York.

6 o'clock in the afternoon.

At the end of the last class, Li Bufan packed his books, left the classroom, and prepared to go home.While walking on the campus, the little fat Yawen called and informed him of Peter's recent situation.

In the past few days, Peter was very busy, so busy that Li Bufan couldn't make an appointment with him.In the past, it was supposed to be that he couldn't make an appointment with Li Bufan, but now the two are upside down.

Li Bufan is very leisurely, but Peter is very busy, the reason is very simple.

The vulture appeared! The vulture Michael Keaton, and his little friend tinker, started a small company that cleans up garbage, but the garbage they cleaned up is a bit unusual, not ordinary garbage, but alien civilization technology.

The Kitari Legion!! The Avengers won a complete victory in the First World War in New York. Li Bufan even killed countless Kitari. Although the invasion of the Kitari Legion failed, they also caused a lot of New York. Trouble, all kinds of garbage left behind need to be dealt with urgently.

At this time, countless small private companies emerged, and the Vulture Studio headed by Michael Keaton was one of them.

They signed an agreement with the government, but when they were about to clean up the garbage left by the Kitari Army, the government finally reacted under Tony's reminder: Nima, that is alien technology, how can it flow into society? Let the small private companies handle it, isn't this a joke? Whoever is responsible for the problem is all alien technology! So the government decisively terminated the agreement, but those guys did not give any compensation, just one sentence: do you have any Questions, you can complain to my superiors! Michael Keaton is crazy and complain that you are paralyzed! If I have the time and energy, still.

I will beep with you more here! So Michael Keaton decisively and secretly detained many of the Kitari Army weapons.

For more than a year, he has been reforming, and all of them have been successfully reformed - from this point, that guy is also a genius.

Michael Keaton transformed into a vulture.Some of his small team became tinkers and some became thrillers. Armed with alien weapons, they formed a small group of arms sales.

Just recently, the little spider stumbled upon the illegal behavior of this group of people, and he was instantly excited! The big thing.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as you can get the vulture with your own strength, you will definitely get S.H.I.E.L.D.

Reaper's approval was even more recognized by Death's father.Maybe he could remove the mask of Death's father.

You can see the true face of Reaper's father!! The little spider fell into complete excitement, and all the energy in this matter, even Jin and that...little cutie will not provoke Li Bufan, which makes Li Bufan very helpless.

On the phone.

The little fat Yawen was speechless, and said, "Li, or I can tell Peter directly about your identity. Looking at his recent status, I feel that he is about to have an accident, and he always thinks about a big event, and gets your approval."

"I'll be honest, I can see

It hurts very much. In the future, his all-time dream is to recognize you as a dad. The picture is so beautiful, I can't imagine it!"

I didn't dare to think! Li Bufan twitched his mouth and shook his head: "Yawen, don't worry about this, I will talk to Peter when the time is up.

Okay, I'll hang up if nothing happens."

hang up the phone.

"It seems that you can no longer behave like a baby monitoring system, start it"

Li Bufan looked at the smart halo on his left wrist and activated the little spider's baby monitoring system.The vulture incident has come, and Peter can't be allowed to do such a fool, if not, I don't know what horrible things will happen.