Tony: ""

All right.

Tony gave Li Bufan a sullen look and said speechlessly: ``You **** guy, what kind of friend is this, I really don't think you take me as a friend, you deeply and deeply hurt my fragile soul. "

You, Tony Stark, Iron Man, the fragile mind and everyone's lips twitched.

Peat!! Don't sell cute maliciously, you have a wool relationship with Crisp 01, bastard!! "."

Nick Fury clapped his hands and said, "Lee already knows a lot, even if he knows the Silver Surfer and Planet Devourer, it's nothing. It's nothing surprising, right? Now, let's take our attention back. , Okay"

At this moment, Hill received the battle report from the front line, the big pouch ‘Thunderbolt’ Johnny sent it back, and he failed! Because he was not the opponent of the Silver Surfer at all.

The speed is not as good, and the combat power is even in front of the silver surfer.He is a scum with less than five combat power.He was originally chasing the silver surfer, but he can chase after him. It's done.

When Hill said this, Susan said eagerly: "Is Johnny okay?"


Hill shook his head, followed a little wrist smart bracelet, and the call with holographic projection 33 began.

Johnny appeared in front of everyone. He plunged into the desert outside Las Vegas with a look of bad luck, but he didn't forget his responsibilities, and quickly said: "He is going to fly back to New York soon, you are ready."

Nick Fury frowned and said in a deep voice, "Didn't he have left, why is he coming back?"

Johnny spread his hands and said: "According to him, on behalf of his master, tell the earthlings to leave as soon as possible. His master is coming soon. He gave a deadline and he announced it."

Nick Fury sneered and said: "He is abiding by the rules!!"

"Mr. Fury, now is not... the time to be angry."

Johnny shook his head and said, "I don't know how strong his master is, but I know that he alone is too strong.

If it is not handled properly, the earth may really be his master, he seems to have no malice towards me.

He can kill me easily, but he didn't do that. I feel that he is actually quite kind, with a conscience, and he can fight for it."

Um, Susan couldn't help but glanced at Li Bufan, and secretly said:: No, Li's method is really feasible as long as we

It may be possible to persuade the silver surfer to prevent his master from devouring the earth.

Tony's eyes widened, and he said silently: "No, I can really use love to influence"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

Li Bufan said, "I don’t need me to talk about it. Tony, Steve, Natasha, you guys, take the silver surfer first. All his energy comes from the surfboard under your feet, as long as you grab the surf. Board, he is just a trash."

"Susan, Reid, Ben, you three don't make a move.

Catch that guy, how fierce and how to come, immediately.


Susan looked at Li Bufan and hurriedly said: "Wait a minute! Didn't you say that you want to fight for him?"

Li Bufan said, "I am indeed fighting for him."

Susan stared: "Then you are now"

"Please, Su, even if you want to win over him, you have to pay attention to strategy and method."

Li Bufan shook his head and said, "If someone like him doesn't hurt him anymore, he won't admit that he is weaker than the people on earth, let alone cooperate, and wait for Tony, Steve, and Natasha to fix that guy. , It’s your turn to appear after the severe torture to extract a confession."

Susan was stunned.

"Good girl, you don't

Chapter 322 Global Vibration, Live Broadcasting Worldwide! ! (1 request for subscription)

Everyone knew that the situation was urgent, so after getting the action deployment, they acted immediately, Tony, Banner, Steve, Natasha, Hawkeye, Falcon, Wanda and other seven 7 Avengers acted as the vanguard and joined forces to capture Silver surfer.

Surfboard! According to Li Bufan, all the sources of power for that... the alien comes from the surfboard under his feet. In other words, the surfboard is the main body. As long as he takes off the surfboard, he is not enough. consider.

The question now is whether the guy will return to New York.

Although he said that, it would be too bad if it was just a fake shot.If you didn't return, the report of where they were to find Johnny had come back.The guy's speed was incredible.

It's the speed of light!! Johnny's... can't catch up with the speed, or the silver surfer stopped by himself, and this is the first contact.

Even Johnny couldn't catch up, let alone other people.

If that guy doesn't come back, the plan will be changed.

Fortunately, the silver surfer is a tendon. After speaking, hey, it's really back! The next thing is relatively simple.

This is the best chance. He must be taken, and he must not be allowed: he escaped! So two hours later, the silver surfer returned to New York and landed in the suburbs, planning to do a detailed geological survey.

Although he doesn't have much emotion, he has a conscience like Susan said. Knowing that his survey will bring disasters to ordinary people, he chose a virgin forest that is inaccessible, which is also convenient for the avengers. catch.

No one is there, they can take action unscrupulously, and don't have to worry about others.

So two hours later, when the silver surfer came to forest, he walked into the encirclement of the Avengers. It was for the silver surfer. The trap was already set up, and a fierce battle was immediate.


Tony took the first shot and knocked the silver surfer off the surfboard.

At the same time - Banner immediately.

Incarnate as the Hulk, rushed up, and tangled with the silver surfer, because Uncle Tun wanted to eat the earth and couldn't help being angry. The anger continued to rise, and the strength of the Hulk continued to rise, and finally slammed!! Yes, The silver surfer was completely beaten by Hulk, and Hu, Natasha and others hand in hand to get the silver surfboard.

After about half an hour, the silver surfer was finally cut off from the surfboard, and the silver surfer was dealt with.

Next, naturally one party will be red and one party will have a white face.

The Avengers retreated to the second line, the military took the initiative, and the silver was arrested.The angry soldiers were not a Virgin.They hated the aliens who invaded their homes, gritted their teeth, and all kinds of tortures were used.

Of course, the result is conceivable and completely useless!! Uncle Tun, that is one of the five great creation gods in the Marvel universe, the silver surfer is his apostle, all power comes from Uncle Tun, a mere human means, how is it possible? The silver surfer's skin was not hurt! The silver surfer's reaction was also very indifferent, no anger, no anger, but slightly shook his head to persuade the earthlings to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, after his master swallows the earth, there will be no chance.

The soldiers were completely speechless.

Susan came forward! Three days later, the UN task force.

International conference hall.


Agents are the main force, and the Avengers are the backbone, but besides them, there are diplomatic representatives of various countries-don't forget, this is the United Nations, let alone, this is a major event involving the life and death of all mankind.