Watch over.

This thing is equivalent to a nuclear weapon.

Reality is not a movie, nor is it a comic. Reality is reality. Thor originally planned to bring back to Asgard with the Scepter of Mind, but S.H.I.E.L.D.

If you disagree, neither can the government, and Li Bufan disagrees even more.

In the eyes of people on earth, mysterious gems are the key to the development of earth civilization to catch up with alien civilizations.The Cosmos Rubik's Cube has brought disasters to the earth, which can be taken by Thor, but the scepter of soul must stay.

It is like the tail beast in the world of Naruto, absolutely exclusive to a civilization, otherwise if Asgard invades the earth, the earth will only be beaten.

For S.H.I.E.L.D.

Thoughts, Li Bufan.

Asgard, Immortal Realm, Heavenly Father Odin, Thor, Goddess of Death, Hela, God of Trick, Loki The role of a fart is back to the subject, the scepter of the soul belongs to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Keep it, and for a few days, see if it can

Can't study something from the scepter of mind.

I really let them study it-Ultron!! Banner touched his chin, looked at the Mind Scepter, and then looked at the holographic image of Jarvis, with an unknown premonition in his heart, and said to Tony: "Tony, are you sure you want to do this"


Tony's eyes widened and he was puzzled: "Bruce, we are about to succeed soon. You have to go back now. You should understand what we are doing. We are doing something unprecedented in human history."

"The next thing we are going to create is not Jarvis' butler, but a human event that can help us deal with various disputes through data analysis! This is what we have negotiated for a long time, and you have no objection 0."

Banner shook his head and said, "No, Tony, you don't understand what I mean. My thoughts haven't changed, but we haven't notified anyone, not even Li. I don't know anything about it. Premonition."


Tony rolled his eyes, and said in a bad mood: "Don't mention that little guy to me! What happened, it was pretty good at first, but once that little guy joins, it will definitely develop in the direction we least want to see!"

"In addition to Li, of course there are others, but we have already discussed this point, whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D.

, Or other members of the Avengers, some of them must disagree, what should we do at this time"

"Convince those 0.

Eight people, I would not choose to give up the latter, the former, please refer to Bruce, think of someone like Steve, are you sure to persuade him"

Banner shook his head and said, "Impossible."

"Isn't this what it is"

Tony patted Banner on the shoulder, and said: "We have all achieved this level. At this time, it is too late to regret it. Don't think too much, because it's useless.

Instead of thinking about it, think about the celebration banquet tonight."

Remember to save nshu8

Chapter 331 Ultron is born! Tony and Banner broke up! (2 requests for subscription)

Banner thought for two seconds, couldn't help but smile, and said: "That's right, it's been a long time since I saw James Rod and Thor, they will come too, right"

James Rhodes, Tony's friend, is now War Machine.


Tony shrugged,? N said, "I don't look at who is the initiator of this celebration party, yes, it is right below."

"You guy!"

Banner shook his head, his face full of helplessness.

As early as a few months ago, he figured it out, left Nepal and returned to New York again.

Tony learned that he was back, and once again enthusiastically invited him to work in Stark Industry, and promised him that he could provide him with the most advanced scientific research room in the world and all kinds of precious materials he needed.

The attraction is great! So Banner came to Stark Industries and worked with Tony. The fourth-generation Quinn fighter and nano-equipment were not attributed to Tony alone. Banner's smart brain also played an important role. .

It's just that he is not like Tony himself, he is not keen on fame, and only likes scientific research itself, so there are not many people who know the inside story.

Of course, through this time of getting along, the relationship between the two has improved a lot, and at the same time, Banner also understands Tony's character better, knowing that this guy is chatty, poisonous, and especially narcissistic,? N Se.

Well, even though I know it, Banner's character still has a lot of criticism for Tony, anyway, it's all kinds of speechless.

"Bruce, what is your expression, are you jealous?"

"Come on, Tony!"

Banner rolled his eyes and was speechless.

"Haha admit it, brother, you are obvious, but there is no way, everyone has their own personality, you can never be as cool as me."

"Oh my God, I'm so fed up, Niu!"

"Shut up, I can understand that you are becoming angry from embarrassment, do you want to adjust?

Adjust your mentality, you know, brother, together with the best subjects in the world, you must have a strong psychological quality, otherwise you will go crazy, believe me, I will not lie to you"


Banner was too lazy to listen anymore, rolled his eyes and left.

Tony's words chattered, as if he hadn't noticed Banner's speechlessness, he laughed and chased after him.

With a chuckle, the two left the research room.

Their work has been completed, and the rest is left to Jarvis. They only need to wait for Jarvis to deal with it, and finally come to a perfect ending, but when the two left, they didn't find it, and the disaster was there. Bury

Time passed by one minute and one second, and it soon arrived at 8 o'clock in the evening: 8:0, Tony's celebration party had begun, and in the top-secret scientific research room of Stark Industries, Jarvis had also completed his work.

He used artificial intelligence and the energy of the Scepter of Mind to create Ultron! Desperate Killer! Network Intelligence!! As long as there is a network, that guy can escape 930, in the modern world where the network is ubiquitous , This is an extremely terrifying ability.

Of course, it is not impossible to deal with it, as long as the network is completely blocked, it can be easily killed.

Holographic image, unknown online world, red and blue, two linear network intelligent mechanical bodies are formed, the blue one is Jarvis, and the red one is Ultron, which was born not long ago.

"Where is this world, who am I"

Ultron is like a newborn baby, starting the ultimate philosophy of mankind.Three questions: who am I, where am I, and what am I doing. Simply put, I want to clarify the meaning of my own existence, and I already have independent consciousness.

This sense of independence is full of anxiety and anxiety.
