Reid, Ben leaves.

Li Bufan went straight to Susan, sat down, smiled and said, "I still can't think about it."


The music was agitated, the lights feasted, and people danced and chatted, and no one noticed this small corner except for the caring people.


Susan yelled suddenly and couldn't bear it anymore.

Yes, what "nine three zero"

Nothing was said, just sobbing.

Li Bufan didn't say anything. He knew Susan's current state too well and knew what to do. What she needed first was not the comfort of others. That was the second step. Vent it out.

Cry! All she has to do now is cry, Li Bufan just needs to be quiet by her side.

A few minutes later, Susan just cried.

Feeling wronged, it's almost time to vent his grievances, Li Bufan smiled slightly and said: "Idiot, it's not a big deal at all, it's crazy about it."

Susan sobbed: "Why is it not a major issue, it's because of me, the mission failed, and the earth is in a huge crisis. If it weren't for you, maybe the earth is now destroyed, it's all my fault!"

Li Bufan turned his head, looked at Susan with burning eyes, holding her face in both hands, and said in a relaxed tone: "I said it's not a big deal at all, because everything is mine."

Everything has me! This sentence is like the warm and bright sunshine of spring, which instantly melted the winter snow in Susan's heart. After thinking about it for a few seconds, she finally broke into a smile, snuggled into Li Bufan's arms, and muttered: " Yes, everything is extraordinary with you."


"It's nice to have you there."

"That's natural."

Li Bufan smiled.

Susan said: "But, did I really do something wrong? Is kindness also a sin? Mother, yes, according to

"I should be the Virgin Mary, right"

Li Bufan thought for two seconds, straightened Susan, looked into her eyes, and said seriously: "Remember, at any time, kindness is not a sin! But what you need to understand is that even if you are kind to others, you must be careful. Method strategy!"

"The kindness without a bottom line is not kindness. It is the Virgin. The Virgin will not only harm herself, but also other people, just like this crisis!"

"Don't doubt your attitude towards others, but you need to correct the corresponding details, understand?"


Li Bufan clicked on Susan's temple and said: "Think carefully and think about what I said so that you can make progress. If you encounter similar things in the future, you will not be confused, and you will know clearly what you should be. What to do, what not to do 0."

Susan was shocked and started to think seriously.

At the scene, the music was restless, and the noise was full, but her world was instantly quiet because of Li Bufan's words.She could no longer see anyone, only herself, and entered deep thinking.

After a few minutes, Susan's forehead was dripping with sweat, and there was a flash in her mind, and she suddenly figured it out.

Suddenly enlightened! Yes, it is the feeling of sudden enlightenment! "I see!"

No longer confused, no longer hesitate, no longer doubt yourself 0.

8 The attitude of being in the world, no more doubts!! The mood is very happy.


Susan was very excited.No matter what the situation is now, how many people there are, no matter what Reid is, Ben is paying attention to this side, and no matter Wanda is also looking at this side, she kissed Li Bufan fiercely.

Damn it! Li Bufan's mouth twitched, and he didn't dare to look at Wanda. Wanda was holding a goblet, and he felt that he heard the sound of the glass breaking.



Chapter 336 Isn't It Exciting? (seeking subscription)

After Susan did it, she realized what she had done in public.

Oh, this is not only in public, but also in the presence of Wanda, Natasha, and Hill. These are all Li's women, and there is a Zhenggong empress, a little shy, and a little exciting! It's really exciting! .

Susan's pretty face blushed, let go...Li Bufan, squinted slightly, smiled sweetly, and said: "I want to understand everything. That was a reward for you just now.

Humph, you super sweet carrot!"

While speaking, Susan approached Li Bufan's ear and whispered: "Wanda, Natasha, and Hill must be watching, isn't it exciting?"

Damn it! Li Bufan has a horrified face, please Susan, you are the character of the rich 01 daughter, this is not your style.

"Hmph, there must be trouble, but yours, not mine, who makes you so bothersome."

Susan sniffed and looked at Li Bufan provocatively.

Well, what you are talking about makes sense.

Li Bufan can only accept it. If he wants to wear the crown, he must bear the weight. He wants to enjoy the blessing of the people, and he must also have that ability. Not only his own strength, but also an extremely strong mentality and ability to bear it. .

In the future, this kind of thing will be even more difficult than this, and I don't know how many.

"Hey, Li, Su, what are you two doing for this kind of celebration, I don't allow small groups to exist."

At this moment, Tony's... big show bag suddenly appeared.

Next to him, there is Sol and Banner.

Saul said with a faint smile: "You guy, good.

I also went back to Asgard a few days ago. I didn't expect you to use that... weird way to get the Planet Devourer, and the Earth again, amazing."

"Of course, what's even more powerful is that now, the beautiful lady is the invisible heroine Susan, hello, my name is Thor."

With so many people, Susan is not so courageous

, Hurried away from Li Bufan, got up and said decently: "Hello, my name is Susan Stone, I have listened to you a long time ago, I didn't expect to see you now."

Saul Nse said: "Hahaha, it's normal, there are too many people listening, those people are not as lucky as Ms. Susan, they will never see me in their lifetime."

Susan's mouth twitched slightly.

This guy, like Tony, is also so narcissistic, he seems to be even more narcissistic than Tony! "Come on!"