He is a big boss, he can do his hands and never talk.Now chatting with smart people like Li Bufan and Tony is very uncomfortable.

Li Bufan squinted his eyes slightly, and he had already begun to plan how to end Ultron in Seoul instead of fighting all the way to Sokovia as in the original plot, which would cause an extremely serious blow to Sokovia.

Although he is not a Virgin, an artificial intelligence born with high hopes to solve human troubles not only does not work, but in turn will destroy all mankind.

Hey! Li Bufan disagrees with this kind of thing in any way, and he can't see it through. He is also a human being. You just want to destroy 930 casually like this. Who do you look down on? Bastard! A few minutes later, Li Bufan asked Got my own thoughts.

Tony's eyes lit up and he let out a sigh of relief, and said: "I know you must have a way! Okay, just do as you say. The next main battlefield is set in Seoul! The cradle of regeneration is the bait, as long as the **** appears , Must kill him!"

"My Jarvis!!"

It can be seen that even if Jarvis is only artificial intelligence, Tony still has some feelings, which is normal.The reason why Jarvis is called Jarvis, and the reason why Jarvis was born was originally to commemorate his father's driver.

In Western countries, if it is related to a certain extent, the driver is the same as his family.

Remember to save

Chapter 346 Ultron didn't take the bait? (For subscription)

After the general direction is set, the next step is to agree on the specific details.

Li Bufan, Tony, Natasha, Hill and other key members, immediately.


After a quarter of an hour, all the details were agreed upon, and Li Bufan immediately.

I started my own deployment, and I had to rush to the scientific research company under Zhao Hailun’s group in Ultron to complete all this, maybe only four hours! This world is similar to the world before Li Bufan's journey, but there are many details. different.

South Korea, like South Korea, is still controlled by chaebols.South Korea in this world has four chaebols.Although it is a developed country, the total annual economic volume of the four chaebols together reaches 62% of South Korea.It is not an exaggeration to say that they control the South Korean economy.

The group is the first of the four chaebols, focusing on the electronics industry, but also involved in transportation, medical, education, transportation and many other industries. Its annual economic total reaches 24% of South Korea. It is undoubtedly the boss! Li Bufan can build a space door , You can reach the group's scientific research department in an instant, but it's not that simple.

Arrival is only a purpose, the most important thing is to finish all the deployment before Ultron arrives.

Fly from New York to Seoul, a little faster, that is, three or four hours,,, if Ultron takes Zhao Hailun away, they will rush there in the first place, they will definitely not be able to complete the deployment, then there is no way, they can only drive forward. It's done.

Fortunately, Ultron didn't seem to want to get the cradle of regeneration in the first time.Li Bufan, Tony, Banner and others finally completed all the deployments before he appeared, and set up a perfect trap to wait for him.

Unfortunately, it's been a week since this particular thing, Ultron still hasn't appeared

In a blink of an eye, two have passed, and the Ultron incident has not been resolved.

What's the situation in these two months? Since Ultron first appeared and Helen, Li Bufan, Tony, Natasha, Hill and others have discussed the plan for the first time, and

After worrying that Ultron would grab them and return to Seoul, Li Bufan used magic and instantly transferred.

After being transferred to the group's scientific research department, Tony, Banner and others quietly completed the trap deployment without disturbing the group's staff.

Eleven hours!! SHIELD

The top hackers are all concentrated together, plus the three three technological evils of Reed, Tony, and Banner.Hundreds of people have concentrated and concentrated on working for eleven hours before it is completed.

That's it, it's still relatively simple.If Ultron is strong enough, it should be able to break free, but Li Bufan can't help it, the time is so short, and it is impossible for him to achieve perfection. He can only take one step to see how much he can achieve , To what extent.

As a result, eleven hours have passed, twenty-four hours have passed, and three days have passed and seven days have passed!! S.H.I.E.L.D.

Gradually perfected the network trap and firmly held the cradle of regeneration, but **** it, after seven days, Ultron still didn't appear! Not only did he not appear, the guy seemed to sink into the ocean, completely lost.


The intelligence department was fully fired, searching as far as possible, but still did not find any valuable clues.After more than half a month, Ultron still has not gone to the Nuohao Group to **** the regeneration cradle.

There is no information! One month later, two months later, until now, Ultron hasn't appeared. What's more, the guy changed the arrogance of the first meeting and became: very low-key, he didn't come to **** the cradle of regeneration. There was no movement, and I couldn't find it.

The only valuable clue comes from the fact that three days ago, a large number of gold trading suddenly appeared on the black market, and there was the shadow of Ultron.

Apart from that, there is nothing else.


Chapter 347 Tony: You are playing tricks on me again, don't pay attention to it! (For subscription)

Chapter 348 Mutation, Mutation: Ultron takes action! ! (For subscription)

This reason is so powerful.

Li Bufan almost laughed and said, "Okay."

hang up the phone.

When Li Bufan called, in order not to affect Wanda, he already came out of the room, hung up Tony's phone, and walked back to the room again.

Wanda slept very sweetly, Li Bufan didn't make any sound, and naturally did not wake Wanda, and at the same time set the phone to DND mode.

Group, Scientific Research Department.

As Stark Industries, the world's largest company, the arrival of Tony Stark made the group ecstatic and entertained him enthusiastically.Many scientists in the scientific research department are Tony's little brothers.

Yes, unlike others, Tony moved into the scientific research department openly and had a scientific exchange and discussion with the group.

Korea and South Korea are in different time zones.

When Queens entered the night, it was sunny and still day. Inside the group, after Tony Stark hung up the phone, he was very angry.

That guy, you have to make a joke based on whether it is good or not, regardless of the current situation.

Banner took a sip of coffee and asked, "Tony, Li said that Ultron may or may not come."


Tony muttered, "I always feel that guy is playing tricks on me, it's really nasty.

Forget it, this kind of thing, there is a good saying, I would rather believe it, but not believe it! Ultron will not plunder anyone, but only plunder Dr. Zhao, there must be a purpose."

"I will return to New York tomorrow and leave it to you here. In the event of an abnormal situation, you must notify me as soon as possible."

Banner nodded and said, "No problem."

"Let's go, eat out."


It was 11:30:11: After the lunch time of major companies, after listening to Tony, Banner nodded, and the two got up and left the group scientific research

Department, go to the cafeteria.

The two talents walked out of the scientific research department building, and sudden changes occurred! "Boom!!"