Countless combat robots appeared, and the people of Seoul fled in panic. As for the army in Seoul, don't be joking. The South Korean team has autonomy, and the highest command is in the hands of the country. Even the president of South Korea does not have this right. ―Be in order.

But the problem is that right now, this is really war, it's a real price!! "Damn it, Ultron is going to do it anyway!

What Nick Fury frowned and muttered to himself, "What the **** is he going to do, why doesn't he attack other places, but it's Seoul, so how can he complete the extermination of the whole person?"

Not only Nick Fury didn't understand, but all the Avengers in the room also did.

Suddenly!! Like Nick Fury, Mr. Fantastic, who wears glasses and stares at the computer, the most powerful brain on the earth, D Richards suddenly shrinks, his face is horrified, and he exclaims in horror: "God ! Ultron that... choppy, I think we were all caught!"

Huh!! Everyone couldn't help but look at Reid, seeing him like this, their hearts hanged.

Nick Fury asked, "Reid, what did you find?"

Reid pointed to the picture and said: "I found two things. The first thing is that the guy Ultron took Dr. Hailun Zhao away, but to distract us. He wanted us to move towards the cradle of regeneration. Thinking about the direction, but in fact, he has never played the idea of ​​the cradle of regeneration, we all fell in!"

"The second thing, I found out how he wants to exterminate humans like 930, why he wants to attack Seoul? No, he can attack any large city in the world. It doesn't matter which city it is. The important thing is that he will Let that huge city fly up to a certain height and let it go instantly. Do you know what will happen next?"

Ben looked horrified and trembled: "Destructive blow! The earth may even explode, and the damage to the environment is even more unimaginable!!"

Everyone was stunned! What's worse, Reid was right, Seoul really flew up, the whole bottom formed a cone, and the ground revealed a terrifying sphere!! The scalp was numb, shuddering!!,

Chapter 350 All the villains, gather together! ! (2 requests for subscription)

"Damn it!"

Natasha immediately.

After dialing Li Bufan's phone, he almost roared, "You bastard! What are you doing, the earth is really going to be destroyed if you come here!! Hurry up."

Hill, Hawkeye, Falcon, Johnny and other heroes were all stunned.

Old spicy as Nick Fury, also slightly lost.

At this time, the voice of the teaching suddenly appeared in Nick Fury's mind: "Nick, this is Charles Xavier, and the police and I are at S.H.I.E.L.D.

Outside, I already know what happened in Seoul"

Nick Fury felt a little comfort and said, "Professor Xavier, you are here too."

Grant: "Well, when this kind of thing happened, mutants can't and shouldn't stay out of it anymore. We should also contribute."

Nick Fury: "That's great.

I immediately.

Send someone to pick you up."

A few minutes later, the police and the police showed up.

Hank the Beast, Olloro the Storm Girl, Gray the Phoenix Girl, Laser Eye Scott, the Grizzly Warrior, the Bullet Boy Of course, as well as that...devilish and cheap Deadpool! "Wow oh oh oh! So many people , I was a little scared, Dead Servant covered his face with his hands, and looked very shy.

Everyone: ""

Nima! What kind of strange species is this stuff? Is it because he is also the war police who taught it to be hungry and the Avengers' mouths twitched.

Deadpool look left, look right, click.

"Tsk tsk, it turns out that this is SHIELD

The base is a bit different from what I thought.

Black Widow, wow, meet again, my loyal fan, can you sign me a name"

"Well, just sign the butt."

Because of Li Bufan, Deadpool and Natasha have already met, and they have a good relationship.

Of course, it's just Deadpool saying that.

While speaking, Deadpool gave Natasha a mean smile, and Na shot her: Go, just a few bangs, all

They all hit Deadpool's butt, and shocked the unsuspecting people.Deadpool was so painful that although he couldn't kill him, he was not immune to pain, so it was very painful.


Deadpool hugged his **** and bounced around in the conference hall, shouting dissatisfied: "Natasha, what are you doing even if you don't want to sign, don't do it, you hurt our friendship!"

"I'm going to break with you for half an hour! Damn, I will definitely do this, I'm serious!"

Natasha smiled and said, "So, do you still want my signature?"

Deadpool said with disdain: "A ghost wants it! If it wasn't for you to be my friend, do you think I would say that? "


Uh, I'm not talking about now, but later."

The crowd grew big for a while.

Nick Fury felt his brain hurt even more, and his brows were frowning.It was originally a serious occasion, but he was disturbed by the amusement of Deadpool.The atmosphere was instantly different.He even had the heart to kill Deadpool.

Really!! Of course, if he can kill Deadpool.

"Wade, be quiet, stop messing around."

He opened his mouth, looked at Nick Fury, and asked Nouhao: "Nick, where is Lee, why hasn't he come yet"

Nick Fury said: "He said he has a personal matter that needs to be dealt with.

As long as Li comes over, he can use the magic portal to transport you all to Seoul, and there is still time."


Shou nodded slightly, just at this moment, a? N, right? N, right? The voice of N spread into everyone's ears, like a machine gun: "Wow, wow, S.H.I.E.L.D.

, Here is the famous SHIELD


Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

Chapter 351 Damn, a few words! (1 request for subscription)

Chapter 352 Are you... all ready? (2 requests for subscription)

Nick shook his head, looked at Li Bufan, and said, "Li, although this is abrupt, I still want to ask, is this the reason you are late to pick up this little guy?"

Li Bufan hugged Wanda, shrugged, and smiled: "That's what you think, you also know, Peter, he is very interested in the Avengers."