Li Bufan smiled slightly and continued: "Then the question is here, do you still think this matter has nothing to do with me"

Magneto's face turned cold.

"Huh! He is indeed an arrogant and domineering kid!"

At this moment, a cold snort of disdain suddenly sounded. Following the reputation, he was speaking of a young man in his twenties with the face of a Nordic, blue eyes, big, high nose, and big. The figure is burly and the skeleton is also big.

Shi's face sank slightly and said, "Eric, who is he?"

Magneto said: "His name is Sean George. Just call him George. I just found a genius mutant recently. He has awakened the most special talent in this era. You know Charles."

Teaching: "Stand-in"

"Yes, it's a stand-in."

Magneto smiled slightly and said, ``As you know, if you are not a substitute superpower, you can't see other people's substitutes clearly.

Even if you can see clearly, you can't touch the double, but the double can attack you.

These two can be said to make the stand-in ability the most special super power of our time."


Granted displeased: "Eric, you know, I am not asking you what his abilities are at all, I am telling you that he is not qualified to speak at all on this occasion, especially to Li! He doesn't understand, you Don't you understand?"

"Also, what about the stand-in superpower? Just half an hour ago, Li killed a factory!"


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Chapter 388 Strange Substitute Ability: Killing the Hanged Man in the Mirror! (For subscription)

Magneto took a deep look at Li Bufan.


The young man named George completely ignored the professor, raised an eyebrow at Li Bufan, and said provocatively: "You are the **** of death, I have heard of you a long time ago, and I have long wanted to challenge you! Hmph, I know you. Very powerful, but you are definitely not my opponent!"

Li Bufan looked at the young man in front of him like an idiot.

Not only Li Bufan, Magneto also frowned.

"August Two 2 Zero"

Li Bufan rushed to Magneto Wang and said: "Uh, Lao Wan, it's not that I said you, your selection level is too bad, right? Where did you find this mentally retarded person? As for you, it's you, the mentally retarded one. Nonsense, do it, let me see your strength."

The mentally retarded George was stunned and completely irritated by Li Bufan. So many people were here, so embarrassed, his cheeks flushed with anger, and he snarled: "Asshole! Who do you say is mentally retarded, you will pay for this sentence!" "

"I must teach you a severe lesson! Damn, **** ah!!"

Sean George is like a cat that has been stepped on its tail, and instantly enters a violent state.Seeing Magneto, the professors are frowning, and they are still too young. This psychology and quality are really too bad.

"[The Hanged Man], show up! Give me a lesson to this bastard!!"

Om!! Accompanied by the stunned green George's roar, his stand-in messenger [The Hanged Man] flew out, and quickly entered the mirror object through the refraction of light. This is the secret of his stand-in ability [The Hanged Man] .

1. [The Hanged Man] can enter the mirror that reflects the image, except for the [The Hanged Man], no one else can enter.

2. From one mirror surface to another mirror surface, [Hanging Man] only needs light refraction, that is to say, when different mirror surfaces are shuttled,

[The Hanged Man] The speed of light that cannot be killed!! The most deadly place is here: [The Hanged Man] Just kill the image of the person in the mirror, and the damage will be reflected to the body at the same time! Simple! In other words, the attack method of [Hanged Man] is: Killing in the mirror! Killing in the mirror is impossible to prevent.

Okay, Sean George, although he is a dumb and unhappy stunner, he has to admit that he is still very capable, otherwise, with his frizzy personality, he will definitely not be selected by Magneto.

In the past, [The Hanged Man] killed, wounded, and was not profitable, it was not a defeat, but it was a pity that he encountered the super-divine body of Li Bufan who had the invincible defense of the earth!! This made Li Bufan enough to ignore any physical attacks , If you want to defeat him, you can only find another way, from the spirit, or time, or space.

In a word: When Li Bufan fills up the Super God Body skills, any physical attack will be invalid for him! So, the green George is stupid! Like the [Silver Knight] Bledsoe, George ordered [The Hanged Man] 】The world in the mirror launched a stormy attack on Li Bufan, and a meal: The operation was as fierce as a tiger, but the actual effect was not at all, and it did not cause any harm to Li Bufan.

Li Bufan stood there intact.

Of course, in fact, he already felt that George had launched an attack on himself, and he was familiar with Substitute 1.

With 3 abilities, he probably guessed George's attack method, and smiled in his heart: "Killing in the mirror [The Hanged Man] is very interesting."

Hiss!! Sean George's face is getting whiter and wider, and his eyes are getting bigger and bigger. Looking at Li Bufan's expression, it is like seeing a ghost, and he muttered in his mouth: "Impossible, I have initiated the impossible. Attack, why didn't it cause any harm to you"

Chapter 389 The taunt mode is fully open, stunning the audience! ! (1 request for subscription)

Li Bufan looked innocent and said jokingly: "Hey, what are you talking about, I don't know at all, you have already attacked me. Are you kidding me, I don't feel anything."

Sean George is in a cold sweat!! Li Bufan continued to launch a fatal mental attack on this stunned young man: "Hey, I said you, you weren't very arrogant before, please be sure to teach me quickly, don't grind, get started , Attack me soon, I can’t wait any longer.”

Sean George's face was flushed! She almost covered her face, and he couldn't stand it anymore, so he said: "Lee, don't care about juniors, just teach them a little bit."


Li Bufan faintly nodded 24, and at this moment, Sean George shouted at Li Bufan in amazement: "Damn!!! What kind of monster are you, why my attack won't do you anything!"

Boom!! Li Bufan cast the empty cicada, disappeared instantly, appeared behind Sean George, raised his foot and kicked, and then Sean George flew out, in a posture of dog eating shit, his cheeks and the ground came into close contact. .

Sean George fainted directly.

"It's noisy."

Li Bufan scratched his ears and said.

At the scene, the mutants who were only with Magneto were all dumbfounded.

I was stunned, all of them felt dry and uncontrollable. What kind of monster is this Nima? Facing George's invincible [Hanged Man] murder in the mirror, it would be unscathed and too strong, Sean George had nothing. The question is that none of the other mutants made their heads, but he did, but in fact, what he just said was the true thoughts of the other mutants.

As the **** of death, Li Bufan's reputation coupled with his arrogant and domineering personality is very popular and also very hateful.

The other mutants are like Sean George, wanting to work together, it's more like giving Li Bufan a severe lesson: But who can think of it, the result is actually like this, "Damn, he, he is too strong, fortunately Lao Tzu doesn't have it. Go ahead, pity George... Tie Hanhan."

"There is a saying, there are no illusions under the prestigious name, it makes sense."

"God, who will tell me what happened just now? Did George... attack him? If he did, how could he be unscathed to kill [The Hanged Man] in the mirror is invincible!"

"Too, too powerful, if he is our enemy, oh god, how could we be his opponent"

This is the voice of the mutants present.

Magneto's face was gloomy, and he waved at both hands, and the two immediately.

Stepping forward, he carried the fainted Sean George away.

What a shame! This is the true mood of Magneto at this moment. He has dealt with Li Bufan more than 293 times. Naturally, he knows how strong Li Bufan is. Sean George’s [The Hanged Man] is very good, but he did not expect it. Relying on this, Li Bufan.