In other words, all the heroes of the Avengers who have a face and a face have participated in this mission.


According to the information, since the Sky Eye incident, the Hydra has died down, but the remnants are still there. This time they are going to attack during the World Security Conference, which will teach countries around the world a vicious lesson.

Nick Fury didn't dare to underestimate it, and there was no other major task recently, so he waved his hand and directly sent all the Avengers to dispatch.

Chapter 395 Hehe, trouble with my woman? (1 request for subscription)

What was the ultimate success of this mission!! The Avengers were not so perfect to get rid of the remnants of the Hydra that they wanted to mess with, and obtained key information. The reason for perfection is that they made mistakes.

During the fight, countless civilian casualties were caused.

Wanda threw a heavyweight bomb into the sky because of the need to save the captain, but it was not controlled properly.The heavyweight bomb destroyed a 100-meter building, and the capital of Sokovia is a tourist city. The scenery picturesque.

Thousands of tourists come every year, and the building collapses, causing numerous deaths and injuries to tourists.

As a result, the people exploded! Countries all over the world exploded! The Sokovia incident is different from the Ultron incident. The reason is that the tourists came from all over the world. When the news came out, the fishing boats were in an uproar, and all countries in the world were angry. , Have asked for trial of the Avengers.

To be honest, their request is not unreasonable, because the Avengers performed their mission and adopted a strategy of absolute confidentiality in order to ensure that the information was not leaked.

As a result, the tourists were playing happily, and the battle suddenly broke out.

When the gods fight, of course the fish is the fish.When the Avengers are fighting with the remnants of the Hydra, even if they can pay attention to the safety of a small number of people, it is absolutely impossible to pay attention to everyone, and sacrifice is inevitable.

The outbreak of the Sokovia incident further contributed to the Hero Management Act.

Originally, this was only a unilateral proposal of the country, but now the voice is getting louder and louder, and it is not only a matter of the country, but has evolved into a law that affects global security.

The country called for the unified management of the heroes.

Absolutely, absolutely can't let them recklessly do it!!

Therefore, the Hero Management Act is the Sokovia Agreement.

In addition, there is one small matter, and that is to hold accountable! Yes.

Regardless of

What is the original intention of this mission, no matter what the Avengers want to do, even if they are to save more people, but they have caused such a big disaster, they must be judged and punished accordingly.

In this operation, many people made mistakes, but the biggest mistake was obviously Wanda.


Suddenly, the Scarlet Witch Wang reached the target everyone chanted and blamed. She still couldn't fully control her abilities. The reason why the mansion collapsed this time was because she was not adept at controlling her superpowers.

Queens, at home.

Li Bufan lay on the sofa in an extremely enjoyable posture, and closely followed the situation in Sokovia through the computer.

The Black Panther is here! Of course, it was not the Black Panther Techara who appeared first, but his old father, King. At a press conference, he delivered an important speech, calling on countries around the world to work together to create a beautiful home on the earth. .

After all these lie, the dinner came, and that was the "Ying Zhao De Zhao Xiong Management Act"! Because the Ultron incident has had a huge impact on the world, people all over the world have realized that heroes are not just heroes. They are still a double-edged sword, which can solve problems, but they can also cause problems.

Huge trouble!! After the outbreak of the Sokovia incident, the suppressed anger of all countries in the world exploded instantly. All countries believed that it was necessary to control the superheroes' superpowers and their actions!,

Chapter 396 Only when you are strong can you protect yourself, protect the people you care about! (2 requests for subscription)

Chapter 397 There is only so much I can do if I do everything to look at the destiny! (For subscription)

Magneto: "If the Special Defense Department does it, what should we do"

"How to do it"

Li Bufan smiled, "Please, the enemy has stepped on your face. What else can you do is of course a counterattack. A fierce counterattack. The more painful you can hit them, the better, the sharper your shots, and the next negotiation will be. The heavier the chips."

"Oh, right, just deal with the Special Defense Department, just counterattack, don't expand the situation, let alone affect the ordinary people, otherwise good things will become bad things."

Magneto: "I understand."

hang up the phone.

Li Bufan twisted his neck, moved his muscles and bones, followed his hands out, put his **** together in the middle of the food, stood his left hand in front of his chest, and started to build a space portal with his right hand, and arrived in the capital of Sokovia in an instant.

Next, just find the hotel where the Avengers are now.

This one is even simpler.

Now, people around the world have reached the highest level of hatred towards the avengers, pretending that they are also fellows, swearing a few words about the avengers, and arguing with the enemy, and they are out of the hotel where the avengers are held.

Yes, it was imprisonment, because the super-powers of the Special Defense Department had already taken action, and they all guarded the five-star hotel named Sailing Boat.

Although it is not stated clearly, the actual situation of the Avengers is very bad.

In the presidential suite, Wanda withstood a lot of psychological pressure.

At this moment, she was like a frightened and helpless little beast, sitting on the bed with her bare feet, her hands on her knees, and her eyes staring at the scenery outside the window without any thoughts.

Startled in a daze.

Captain Steve leaned on the edge of the door, looked at Wanda, sighed, and comforted: "Wanda, you don't need to be like this at all.

I am an old antique who has been frozen for decades. You already know this. I have experienced the Second World War. My past experience tells me that only

If a war breaks out, there must be sacrifices!"

"It is not only soldiers who sacrificed, but also peace. As far as I can tell you, most of them are not soldiers who fight, but civilians. This is reality."

"What is reality? Reality is that some sacrifices are destined to be inevitable!"

"When we do these things, we must be aware of this: we cannot save everyone, we can only save most people!"

"I also know and understand that this requires a lot of psychological pressure. If you cannot bear it, you can choose not to do it, but with my own experience, I can tell you responsibly that by then, you will only be more regret!"

"Do you understand Wanda."

Wanda turned his head slowly, his eyes still lacking, and the captain nodded and said, "I should understand."

This is something that should or shouldn't be! Steve sighed and doubted his ability for the first time. He clearly said it and made sense, but hell, Wanda just couldn't listen. , What kind of horrible reason is this illogical.

Forget it, do everything you can to see the destiny, there is only so much you can do.

at this time.

Om!! I looked around suddenly through the wall and appeared in front of the two of them. This frightened Wanda back to his senses and said annoyed: "Look around, how many times have I told you that I will enter the room through the door in the future. Knock on the door!!"